SSL configuration

In the main Comarch Auto Update window, there is a view that you can open with the [SSL Configuration] button under Configuration.

Main configuration window of Comarch ERP Auto Update with SSL Configuration option

The SSL Configuration view is divided into two sections. In the left section, you can test switching to SSL. In the right section, you can configure SSL communication for child agents.

SSL Configuration view

To switch to SSL communication, first generate certificates for the parent agent using the [Generate Certificates] button. SSL certificates are generated for child agents and local parent agents. The button is active when all child agents in the agent network are using the version that allows switching to SSL.

Correctly filled in configuration fields is the most important. Once the certificates are generated, you will no longer be able to change the values in these fields, as they will be included in the certificates.
SSL Connection Configuration For Child Agents section

The following configuration settings are mandatory:

  • SSL port – the port over which child agents will connect to the parent agent. Its default value is 12365.
  • SSL port for local parent agents – the port over which the child agents with defined locations and local parent agents will connect to the local parent agents. Its default value is 12365. If you have no network location, it is recommended to leave the default value.
  • All names of the machine with the parent agent installed – type into the text box the semicolon-separated names of the machine with the parent agent installed (domain names).
  • All IP addresses of the machine with the parent agent installed – type into the text box the semicolon-separated IP addresses of the machine with the parent agent installed.
Generated certificates are stored under C:\ProgramData\Agent0Data\Certificates, by default.

Once you have completed all configuration settings, you can generate a certificate using the [Generate certificates] button.

Selecting the [Send Information] button will notify the child agents that the certificates have been generated and are available for download. You can use this button when child agents in the previous step were offline or when you encountered problems downloading the certificates. The Child agents with certificates parameter informs about the number of child agents with generated certificates.

Once the child agents have downloaded their certificates, select the [Use SSL Connection] button to begin the process of switching the network to SSL communication.  The Child agents switched to SSL communication informs how many child agents were switched to SSL communication.

The [Export Certificates] button exports SSL certificates for child agents to the selected folder. It is useful for mPOS child agents to manually add the certificate in the Android system.

.cer certificate must be installed on a mobile device (Android → Settings → Security → Install certificates). The path may vary depending on your Android version.

.pfx certificate must be added to the mPOS folder.

In mPOS, continue to Start menu → SettingsAuto Update and enter the following:

  • certificate name (without .pfx extension)
  • certificate password
  • enable SSL
For Comarch mPOS application, SSL communication requires the parent agent address in the form of domain name (IP address is not supported).

After the certificates are generated, the [Verify SSL Switchover] button becomes active so as to configure the time to test switching child agents to SSL.

Activated [Verify SSL Switchover] button
When the timeout expires, the test is stopped, even if it does not finish, so the timeout must be adjusted to the size of the environment. The default value is 60 minutes – not recommended to change it unless there is a specific need.

The test is a 2-step verification. It verifies:

  • certificate generation on child agents – in this step, child agents test-generates the certificates needed to connect to the parent agent. Any errors are returned to the parent agent. If this step completes successfully, the message “Certificates generated successfully!” is displayed in the Message
  • connection over SSL port – in this step, a child agent checks if there is an open connection to the parent agent over the port defined for SSL (the default port is 12365). If this step completes unsuccessfully, a corresponding message is displayed “Failed to establish connection over the SSL port 12365.”. If it completes successfully, the message displayed is the following: “SSL communication switchover test completed successfully!

Using the [Reverify] button, you can re-test the switchover only for the child agents on which the test completed unsuccessfully.

All child agents are listed on the left under the Status section.

Status section with the list of all child agents

The test result is communicated to the child agents that meet the switchover to SSL conditions.

According to the value of the parameter Number of child agents that can simultaneously perform remote actions, a defined number of messages is sent simultaneously.

Remote action configuration section in the parent agent’s main configuration window

As child agents perform the test, when some complete the test, others will receive messages within a defined number of simultaneous actions.

After the test is completed, a message summarizing the number of child agents: properly switched, with errors, that did not participate, in a version that does not support SSL and of mPOS type is displayed.

Once the child agents have downloaded their certificates, click the [Use SSL Connection] button to begin the process of switching the network to SSL communication.

[Use SSL Connection] button
To ensure proper SSL communication for child agents, it is recommended to enable Rabbit SSL communication.

The [Use SSL connection for RabbitMQ] button is available when the environment is switched to SSL communication. It switches RabbitMQ to SSL communication over the port 5671.

The 5671 port must be added to the inbound rules for the parent agent and the outbound rules for the child agents.

In the new section Advanced Actions under the SSL Configuration view, you can force the agent network to switch to SSL communication using the [Force SSL Switchover] button. It is inactive by default, and selecting it forces the agent network to communicate over SSL.

The child agents that, for whatever reason, have not been switched to SSL communication will lose their connection to the parent agent and manual intervention in the environment will be required. This option is only recommended when single child agents are not yet switched to SSL and you want to use the new form of communication.
Remote Actions section in the parent agent’s main configuration window

There is also the [Show child agents without SSL] button that lists child agents as:

  • child agents not switched to SSL
  • child agents not connected to Rabbit SSL
Remote Actions section in SSL Configuration view

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