Application Comarch Retail POS Agent

In application Comarch Retail POS Agent, it is possible to configure Comarch POS Agent service. The Comarch POS Agent service provides up-to-date information regarding stock levels on each POS workstation during the document issuance. Such information includes particular warehouses.

Application Comarch Retail POS Agent

Application header

In the application header, it is possible to filter lists by selected POS Agent service. To do so, it is necessary to open searching options for Code value and select [Value assistant] button. After selecting the button, a window in which it is possible to find the adequate code, is opened.

Function of searching a given code in the application Comarch Retail POS Agent

After selecting button [Start] the system displays the list of result with the possibility of selecting and filtering that code. After selecting button [Accept], the selected code will be displayed in the application header.

Example of a search result for a given code in the Comarch Retail POS Agent application

In the application header, the user can define new configuration, as well as modify the settings for a given code and delete already existing settings. To define new code, it is necessary to select [New] or [Duplicate], if it is necessary to duplicate an already existing code.

Defining new code in the application Comarch Retail POS Agent

After selecting the button [New], in the header appears new form, in which it is possible to determine specific values for fields:

  • Code  – (mandatory field) POS Agent code definer in POS Agent service configuration tool in Comarch ERP Auto Update.
  • Description – field provided for information purposes, example of a description: POS Agent for PS1 sales channel
  • Host – POS Agent service IP address (Defined in POS Agent service configuration tool in Comarch ERP Auto Update. The value cannot be edited and it is set automatically during the service registration.)
  • Port  – POS Agent service port (Defined in POS Agent service configuration tool in Comarch ERP Auto Update. The value cannot be edited and it is set automatically during the service registration.)
  • Reconciliation timeout – time (expressed in seconds) necessary for exchanging data regarding stocks between the ERP system and POS Agent.
  • Registered  – indicates the registration of the POS Agent service at the parent agent. The parameter is checked automatically once the service gets registered.
  • Reconciliation lock time  – total of the reconciliation beginning and of the reconciliation timeout. It marks time until the query from Import sales orders gets processed (during the reconciliation).
  • Timeout (ms) for reconciliation  – time necessary to execute complete synchronization between the ERP system and POS Agent (expressed in miliseconds)
If the reconciliation timeout is set to 10s and the exchange of warehouse stocks between the system and POS Agent lasted longer, the system ends the synchronization indicating the timeout in logs.

After entering required data it is necessary to save it with the help of the [Save] button.

The code (POS Agent) must be assigned to the sales channel in the Sales channels application, in the Comarch Retai POS tab (Comarch Retail POS adapter selected).

To make data available on the POS workstation, it is necessary to start the Comarch POS application POS export metadata.


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