Application Comarch Retail POS number ranges

In application Comarch Retail POS number ranges, the user can assign a number range to each document type in sales channel. On the basis of those number ranges, numerators for documents are generated.

Application Comarch Retail POS number ranges

Application header

In the application header, it is possible to filter lists by selected sales channel. To do so, it is necessary to open searching options for Sales channel value and select [Value assistant] button. After selecting the button, a window in which it is possible to find the adequate sales channel.

Function of searching validation for a given sales channel in the application Comarch Retail POS number ranges

 Example of searching result for a given country in the application Comarch Retail POS number ranges.


In the workspace, the user can define new numerator for a document type. To do so, it is necessary to select [New] or [Duplicate], if it is necessary to duplicate an already existing table row.

Defining new number ranger in the Comarch Retail POS number ranges application

After selecting the button [New], in the table appears new row in which it is possible to determine specific values for columns:

  • Sales channel – sales channel for which the number range is supposed to be valid
In case of using the configuration of the main channel – subordinated channels type, it is necessary to select the main channel (the configuration is applied for all its child channels). In the case of the configuration for a child channel (which does not have any child channels), it is necessary to select a child cannel.
  • Number range – list containing number ranges defined in Number ranges application and their type is: Comarch POS. Detailed description regarding creation of numerators is available <<here>>
  • Document type – document type for which the assignment of the number range is supposed to be valid. The document type can be specified in Document types application.
On POS_001 POS workstation which was created within KNL_DL sales channel, a numerator for sales invoices (SI) is being defined. A numerator for a workstation should contain information regarding workstation code and assigned number.

Owing to that, first, in the application Number ranges, it is necessary to create new numerator. Mandatory fields must be filled-in in the application: Number range, Description and Category (Comarch POS).

Once the numerator is created, it is necessary click on [Save] button and open the Comarch Retail POS number ranges application. After clicking on the [Add] button, new row appears in the table, in which it is necessary to specify:

  • Sales channel – KNL_DL
  • Number range – VAT Invoice
  • Document type – Invoice

For a numerator to be available on the POS workstation, it is necessary to start the Comarch POS application: Export metadata. 

The second option of entering data in the application consists of duplication which copies a row currently selected in the table in order to allow its modification.

After entering required data, it is necessary to save it with the help of the [Save] button.
To share data on the POS workstation, open application Export metadata.


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