Collection point assignments

The Collection point assignments application makes it possible to assign personal points of sales order collection, created in the Collection points application, to sales channels. Collection points are exported into online stores connected with a sales channel with the use of the Export collection points application (for the Comarch Retail POS and Cloud adapters) or the Comarch Webshop transfer metadata application (for the Comarch ERP Webshop adapter). Such points may be used by customers as personal order pickup points.

Creating (Collection points), assigning (Collection point assignments) and exporting collection points (Export collection points or Comarch Webshop transfer metadata) is possible with the Comarch Retail POS, Cloud, and Comarch ERP Webshop adapters.

Once a collection point assignment to a sales channel is saved, it can no longer be edited.

The application is composed of a header and work pane.

Collection point assignments application

The application header contains fields that allow the user to filter data and display them in the work pane:

  • Sales channel – in this field, it is possible to select a sales channel whose assignments are to be displayed in the work pane. Available sales channels can be selected after clicking the [Value assistant] button.
  • Collection point – it allows filtering data based on a selected collection point. Values of this field are retrieved from the Collection points application and can be displayed by selecting the [Value assistant] button.

Work pane

The application’s work pane allows creating, deleting, and previewing collection point assignments. Also, it makes it possible to export data to a file.

By default, the work pane displays all existing assignments.

Available columns include:

  • Sales channel (required) – in this column, it is necessary to enter a sales channel for which a collection point assignment is to be made and used. The list of sales channels is available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Collection point (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select a collection point that is to be assigned to a sales channel. Collection points are retrieved from the Collection points application.
  • Default – this parameter makes it possible to set a collection point as default for a given sales channel. The parameter can be selected for more than one collection point assigned to a sales channel.

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