Number ranges import


This document contains description of procedures of Import data application in reference to number ranges. The procedures describe, among others, the order of performing steps that should be observed when importing number ranges, as well as information regarding possible requirements, results and limitations. The data import regards external number ranges.

Detailed information regarding data import can be found in Data import technical documentation.

Number ranges are used for an automatic assignment of number ranges by the system for object identification purposes. For more information, refer to Number ranges article.

Data import

1. Open Import data application

2. In the Filter field, with the use of [Value assistant] option, select the following business entity:

3. The filter used for importing data is displayed

Application Import data with the filter for Number ranges application

4. Selected filter attributes are checked, by default. If needed, at this stage, it is possible to edit the attributes.

5. Click on the [Import data] button on the standard toolbar.

6. Import data dialog window is opened.

7. In this dialog window, it is possible to enter settings for the import file. Detailed information regarding fields and buttons, can be found in Data import article.

8. Start data import by clicking on [In batch] button.

For the data import, it is recommended to use the batch job option only if imported data is mutually independent.
If in the filters searched by the user, the system does not find required business object, then, with the use of [Search] button, in the docked window, it is necessary to search the given area and then save the filter as a new one.

However, it must be remembered that the set of available filters does not contain all business units, but only part of them as predefined values. Other business units must be searched and saved as a new filter.

Defining number ranges

When creating new number range in Number ranges application, it is necessary to specify identification attribute and complete all mandatory fields. Without an identification attribute, it is not possible to import a number range. If the data is not correct, Number ranges application is opened in a dialog window in Import data, so that it is possible to correct the data.

If Number ranges is opened in correction mode, some fields, which usually are not editable, e.g., Internal number parameter, are editable. Changes can be made only if no control blocks them. The correction mode is started in Import data dialog window, if for field Correct option With correction application is selected.

Mandatory field and identification attributes are listed in the table below.

Attribute path Description Alert
code Number range
description Description
guid Number range
type Type
subType Subtype
length Number length
startValue Initial number
endValue Final number (long)
Increment Increment (long)
detailStartValue Initial number Field mandatory, if number range type indicates a document requiring numbering of items.
detailIncrement Increment
detailEndValue Final number
Fields Number length available in Number ranges application and fields available in sections Counter and Item counter have default values assigned, if they were not specified before. The settings of default values are described in Number ranges article.

The following data must be available for each number range component.

Attribute path Description Alert
format.function Function (only for older data) Fields mandatory for an import based on export files in which those attributes still exist.
format.startPosition From number item (only for older data)
format.endPosition To item number (only for older data)
format.constant Constant
format.length Number element length
format.display View
format.newCounter New counter
format.formatLdtPath Format – LDT path
format.parameterLdtPath Origin – LDT path

If number range numbers have been already created, it is necessary to specify the following attributes, so that the system can correctly define subsequent numbers which are to be generated.

Attribute path Description Alert
lastNumber Last created number Field mandatory for a number range whose components do not generate new counter.

This attribute is ignored, if attribute SubNumberRanges.lastNumber is defined. Numbers subrange ID Last created number pattern

The smallest import XML file for number range of Sales order type with number up to 999 and two components has the following content:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<semiramis xmlns=””


NumberRange.xsd” created=”2010-07-13T18:11:07.462Z”



<NumberRange xmlns=””>


<description>Nummernkreis Vertriebsauftrag</description>





<format index=”0″>









<format index=”1″>











The system uses default values for the initial number and increment in section Counter and item counter.

Obsolete attributes

The system handles the following obsolete attributes. They can be imported, if the import file was created on the basis of an export file, with the use of obsolete attributes.

Attribute path Description Alert
format.function Function (only for old data) Mandatory fields for import files based on export filed, in which those attributes were still present.
format.startPosition From number item (only for old dates)
format.endPosition To item number (only for older data)
If in the import file there is a function and a constant, then the function is ignored and the constant is imported. If the user wants to recreate the import file, it is necessary to use attributes described in chapter Defining number ranges.

Particular processing characteristics of existing components of number ranges

Attribute Last created number (lastNumber) is not subject to replacement during the import. The attribute (lastNumber) can be imported only if number range is created from the beginning or if selection fled Last created number does not have any value assigned. Otherwise, the attribute is ignored during the import.

To be able to delete the definition of the component in the import file, the component must be empty. In such component, column Length must have value 0 assigned. Columns Origin and Format must be empty. In columns View and New counter, value false must be assigned. During the import of old files, attributes startPosition and endPosition must remain empty.

If the component gets deleted from the import file, it is necessary to change other number change attributes as well. It is recommended to list all other components in the import file and then specify the empty component for each deleted component.

If a component is changed, its index must be equal to the number of the row of the component which is to be changed. Component numbering starts with zero.


Newly created number range should be changed in such way that it contains only one component.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<NumberRange xmlns=””>




<format index=”0″>









<format index=”1″>











Since the counter exceeds five digits, End number is changed from 999 to 9999 and the length of the component is changed from 3 to 5.


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