Batch applications

General information

The system allows for using batch applications which can still work even after closing windows related to them.  A multi-channel sales structure offers several applications for sending basic data and documents.

Batch applications for the Comarch Retail POS area are available from the level of multi-channel sales / Batch applications.

Structure of batch applications

In batch applications, tabs Application and Settings are available.

In the tab Application, there is the basic information regarding the batch application, development object, information regarding performed action and individual settings for that action. For example, for application Comarch Retail POS: Export meta data, in the Action area, it is necessary to indicate the sales channel for which POS metadata is to be exported.

Exemplary structure for the batch application Comarch Retail POS: Export meta data, tab: Application

In the tab Settings, the user can select individual settings for a batch job User, OLTP database and Content language are filled-in by default on the basis of the configuration. It is necessary to indicate Processing queue and, for some batch applications, also Application server (if no default values were set in the configuration for those fields). In the tab, it is possible to define preferred settings for batch job processing.

Exemplary structure for the batch application Comarch Retail POS: Export meta data, tab: Settings

After completing the necessary information, click on [In batch] button which starts the batch job.

Icon providing information about the progress of order processing

In the bottom left corner of the application, there is an icon providing information about the progress of execution of the order for a batch application.

Batch jobs application

All batch jobs for a batch application can be previewed from the level of the application Batch jobs or after selecting the icon providing information about the progress of batch jobs execution.

Updating POS warehouse documents

Batch application POS update warehouse documents is used for sending warehouse documents. Information regarding stock levels is retrieved with the use of stock reconciliation on the POS workstation (from the version 2020.0). Data is updated on the basis of warehouse documents generated to commercial documents from the POS workstation.

Batch application POS update warehouse documents

To update warehouse documents on the POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Batch application POS update warehouse documents
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which POS warehouse documents are supposed to be updated
  • Click on [In batch] button

Warehouse documents are updated  at the moment when the batch job has Completed status.

POS export data based on GoPD

The batch application is available in German version of database.

The application allows for exporting all or selected data in accordance with GoBD.
GoPD is the regulation of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Germany) regarding the rules for properly maintaining registrations and documents in electronic form, as well as access to data.

Batch application Export data based on GoPD

In order to export POS data based on GoDP, it is necessary to:

  • Open batch application Export data based on GoPD
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Export Folder –default folder for saving exported data, selected according to the settings in Customizing.
    • Organization – organization for which the data export is performed
    • Start Date – allows for exporting data from a selected date
    • End Date – allows for exporting data until a selected date
    • Export Object – allows for specifying objects for which data export is performed:

      • Trade document
      • Trade document item discount
      • Payment
      • Trade document tax amounts
      • Correction data
      • Trade document item correction data
      • Advance invoice
      • Cash deposits and withdrawals
      • Session
      • Session element
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of data based on GoPD is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Item export

Batch application Export items generate POS data for all items available on the assortment list of a sales channel.

Batch application Export items

To export items to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application Export items.
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which items are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation. In case of using the configuration of sales channels for a child channel, it is necessary to select main channel.

It is also possible to indicate a specific item:

    • Item – item for which data is supposed to be exported
Such item must be added to the assortment list used in the sales channel.
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent again to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Warehouse documents are updated  at the moment when the batch job has Completed status.

Exporting sales price lists

Batch application Export sales price lists sends current item prices and discounts to the POS workstation.

  • A standard price is calculated on the basis of the currently applicable item price in the sales unit and currency of the sales channel.
  • Progressive prices and prices dedicated to customer
  • For defining VAT tax, VAT classification available in Tax register application is used

The following discounts are transferred to the POS workstation:

  • Price and percentual discounts based on item classifications and prices
  • Price and percentual discounts for customers in relation to the classifications of prices for customers

On the POS workstations, the users can also grant manual discounts. The maximum allowed manual discount is set in Comarch Retail POS operator rights and it can be configured, as well as sent with the use of POS export privileges.

To be able to export Mix & Match Discounts, it is necessary to activate that functionality in Customizing for Comarch POS.
Batch application Export sales price lists

In order to export price lists, it is necessary to:

  • Open Batch application Export sales price lists
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which price lists are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation.

It is also possible to indicate a specific item:

    • Item – item for which sales prices are supposed to be exported
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of price lists is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Exporting POS sales price lists

The application POS Export sales price lists is used for transferring current and future sales prices to the POS workstation. To perform that price export, the user, from the level of the sales channel for Comarch POS should select option Allow extended export of prices. If the option is checked, the export is performed through the Export sales price lists application. To be able to export Mix & Match Discounts, it is necessary to activate adapting to Comarch POS in Customizing. It is necessary to use POS option.

Batch application POS Export sales price lists

To export items to the POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS export sales price lists
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which price lists are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation. In case of using the configuration of sales channels for a child channel, it is necessary to select main channel.

It is also possible to indicate a specific item:

    • Item – item for which sales prices are supposed to be exported
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of price lists is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Item availability export

Batch application Export item availability generates stock levels from Cockpit: Sales channel item availability for all subsidiaries.

Batch application Export item availability

To export item availabilities to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • In the Sales channels application, it is necessary to check parameter Item inventory management in sales channel, in Warehouse inventory management tab
  • Open the Batch application Export item availability
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which the item availability is supposed to be updated

It is also possible to indicate a specific item:

    • Item – item for which the item availability is supposed to be exported
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent again to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of items availability is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Customers export

The application Export customers allows for exporting customers and their address data to Comarch POS. The decisive factor is its assignment to a sales channel in application Sales channel entity assignment.

Batch application Export customers

To export customers to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application Export customers
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which customers are supposed to be updated

It is also possible to indicate a specific customer:

    • Partner – partner for which data is supposed to be updated
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent again to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Customers are exported  at the moment then the batch job has Completed status.

Discount coupons export

Batch application Export discount coupons is used for exporting customers and discount coupons to POS. Such export includes all customers to whom a sales channel is assigned. The export is performed for a single channel or for the main channel.

Batch application Export discount coupons

To export discount coupons to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application Export discount coupons
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which discount coupons are supposed to be updated

It is also possible to indicate a specific discount coupon:

    • Discount coupon – discount coupon for which data is supposed to be updated
    • Changed since – determines whether the synchronization should be performed.
      • Anytime – all information regarding a given item will be sent again to the POS workstation
      • Last Transfer – changes introduced after the recent export will be sent to the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Discount coupons are exported  at the moment when the batch job has Completed status.

Comarch POS: Meta data export

With the use of application POS Export meta data, the basic configuration is created
and data is synchronized to the POS workstation:

  • Countries and regions
  • Warehouses and pickup points
  • Currencies – exchange rates and nominal values, as well as cash limits
  • Payment forms and their availability in cash registers
  • Units
  • VAT Rates
  • Document types and their number ranges
  • Price types and lists (values of prices or discounts)
  • Item characteristics, classifications
  • Configuration of a customer’s item and attributes
  • Groups of customers and items (classifications)
  • Data regarding company and subsidiary
  • Trad periods
  • Printouts and layouts
  • POS workstation configuration
  • Customer card types
  • Coupon types
  • Barcode rules
  • Field validations
  • Generic directories
Batch application Comarch Retail POS: Export meta data
After entering changes in a sales channel and in a POS workstation configuration, the above-mentioned data is sent to the POS workstation only if the Batch application POS export  Meta data gets started  Such export is performed for one channel or for the main channel.

To export meta data to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application POS Export meta data
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which meta data is supposed to be updated on the POS workstation.
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

POS: Export meta data is performed at the moment when the batch job has Completed  status.

Sales orders import

The Batch application Import sales orders retrieves all POS data and imports it to the system. The import is performed for a single channel or for a child channel.

The following elements will be imported:

  • Partners, including contact persons
  • Trade documents (cash receipts and invoices along with their corrections, sales orders, quotes and advance payments)
  • Printout histories of trade documents
  • Transactions (cash deposits and withdrawals)
  • Used coupons and coupon promotions
  • Document storing
  • Complaints
  • Cash sessions
  • Changes to history

The data is processed in the following way:

  • Data update in CEE
  • Contacts update in CEE
  • Creation or update of customer’s form
  • Generation of sales order for each order
  • Generation of sales quote (B2B only) for each quote
  • Generation of customer’s return for a complaint
  • Generation of distribution orders or posting of material bills for warehouse documents from a sales point
  • Creation or update of used coupons
Batch application Import sales orders

In order to import sales orders from a POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application Import sales orders
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which sales orders are supposed to be imported from the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Import of sales orders is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Sales order changes export

Batch application Export sales order changes is used for exporting sales orders issued in the ERP system, their status updates, as well as changes introduced to orders.


If a customer on the order was not previously synchronized from the POS workstation, he/she will be exported during the application’s activity.

Batch application Export sales order changes

To export changes for sales orders on the POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the Batch application Export sales order changes
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which sales order changes are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export sales order changes is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

Changing password and PIN in POS

With the use of batch application POS change my password and PIN, users can change password or PIN used for logging-in to the POS workstation.

  After performing that operation, it is necessary to start batch application POS export privileges.
Batch application POS change my password an PIN

To change password and PIN on a POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Start the batch application POS change my password and PIN
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    It is necessary to check an appropriate parameter, depending on the change which is to be applied:

    • Change password
    • Change PIN
    • Change card number
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

The data is updated when the order processing has status Completed.

Reorganizing message queues

Application POS reorganize message queue allows for deleting generated messages sent to POS. In the service, new messages regarding new data to be synchronized or applications are provided.

The application should be started regularly in order to avoid bottlenecks of the mass memory in the OLTP database.
POS reorganize message queue batch application

Do delete message queues on a POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS reorganize message queue
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Message generation time (days) – specifies the time after which entries regarding messages on the POS workstation should be deleted
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Reorganization (deletion) of POS messages queues is performed when the order processing has status Completed.

POS Sync Update Agent data

Application POS Sync Update Agent data synchronizes installation data from Comarch ERP Auto Update, installed versions: Comarch POS, QF and AddOn. It is possible to specify update schedules in order to execute remote installation through Comarch ERP Auto Update

Batch application POS Sync Update Agent data

In order to synchronize installation data from Comarch ERP Auto Update on the POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open batch application POS Sync Update Agent Data
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Organization – determines the organization for which the synchronization has to be done
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

The synchronization of data is executed when the order processing has status Completed.

POS privileges export

Batch application POS export privileges generates data regarding permissions for POS workstations. It affects:

  • Users and groups of users
  • Permissions to cash documents
  • Password and PIN for logging-in to a POS workstation

After changing permissions for users or groups of users, it is necessary to start the batch application POS export privileges. Such export is performed for one channel or for the main channel.

Batch application POS export privileges

To export privileges to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS export privileges
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which privilege changes are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of privileges is performed at the moment when the batch job has Completed status.

POS activities export

Batch application Export activities is used for exporting historical data and activities related to Update stickers process. Such export can be performed for all data or for a given sales channel.

Batch application Export activities.

To export activities to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application Export activities.
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Sales channel – sales channel for which activity changes are supposed to be updated on the POS workstation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of activities is performed at the moment when the batch job has Completed  status.

POS install GoBD export filter

The batch application is available in German version of database.

The application allows for installing data export filter in accordance with the GoBD regulation.

Batch application POS install GoBD export filter

In order to install the data export filter in accordance with GoBD on a POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS install GoBD export filter
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Export of activities is performed at the moment when the batch job has Completed  status.

POS install printouts

Thanks to POS install printouts application, it is possible to send selected printouts to a POS workstation. They can be made available in POS thanks to the POS printouts installation in Store.

The basic printouts are available for particular document types:

  • Receipt
  • Receipt correction
  • Invoice
  • Invoice correction
  • Daily report
  • Cash deposit
  • Cash payment
  • Complaint
  • Sales order
  • Sales quote
  • Day overwiev
  • Day end
  • Items release
  • Warehouse movement protocol
Batch application POS Install printouts

To export printouts to the  POS workstation, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS printouts installation
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Folder – localization in the knowledge store where printouts will be saved
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Installation of printouts is performed at the moment when the batch job has Completed status.

Changing password and PIN of POS users

With the use of batch application POS change password and PIN for any user, it is possible to change access data for a specific user: password or PIN for logging-in, as well as card number.

Batch application POS change password and PIN for any user

To do so, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS change password and PIN for any user
  • Select the user whose password/PIN has to be changed
  • Check option Change password / Change PIN
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button
Form the level of the application, it is also possible to change the card number, after selecting option Change card number.

A user has also a possibility to:

  • Use password policy – allows for ensuring an appropriate level of confidentiality and accessibility to data processing (enables verification of password length and frequency of changing password specified by the administrator)
  • Strong password required – allows for using strong password requirements, e.g., special characters combinations or different letter cases
  • Password change required

After completing the operation, messages regarding progress of the batch job elaboration are displayed.

After performing that operation, it is necessary to start batch application POS export privileges.

POS CFE posting

Batch application POS CFE posting allows for posting documents added in Comarch POS and synchronized to CEE.

Batch application POS CFE posting

In order to post documents from POS, it is necessary to:

  • Open the batch application POS CFE posting
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Application – subtab Action:
    • Organization – organization whose documents are supposed to be posted
    • Booking mode
      Single postings – each document will be posted individually
      Collective posting – documents from selected period will be posted collectively
    • Start date – beginning of period in which documents subject to posting were created
    • End date – end of period in which documents subject to posting were created
  • Fill-in fields available in the tab Batch settings
  • Click on [In batch] button

Posting statuses of individual documents are available from the level of application Cockpit: POS trade documents


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