Cockpit: Sales items

Application Cockpit: Sales items allows for previewing purchasing items with created and defined Sales view in the Items application. The action executed from the level of the cockpit allows for creating several calculations at the same time.

The data displayed in search results is retrieved from the Items application.

The buttons available in the applications of Cockpit type and the functionalities of these applications (e.g., handling fields available in the identification pane and additional sections) are described in article Batch applications.

The application  is composed of the identification pane and the workspace.

Application Cockpit: Sales items

Identification pane

In the identification pane, there are fields allowing for filtering search results according to selected criteria.

  • [Select action] → [Generate calculations] – allows for generating calculations for selected items. Opens Generate calculations dialog window. More information regarding cost calculations can be found in the Generate calculations dialog window chapter.
For the action to be available, in the table, it is necessary to select the item for which the calculation is supposed to be created.

In the application, it is possible to filter data according to the following information:

  • Item – allows for selecting an item or more items for which the data in the table should be displayed
  • Item description – allows for selecting description of the item for which the data in the table is to be displayed, defined in the Description of the Items application
  • 1st item unit – displays items according to the unit
  • Replacement status – allows for filtering data according to the status defined for it in the application Items → Status field. The following options are available:
    • (All) – displays all items regardless of their status
    • Not replaced – displays items with Not replaced status
    • Replaced – displays items with Replaced status
    • Replaced if availability = 0 – displays items replaced because of their unavailability
    • Expired – displays items with Expired status
    • Expired if availability = 0 – displays items expired because of their unavailability
  • Item price classification – allows for selecting item price classification assigned in the application Items → Sales view, for which the data in the table will be displayed.
  • Deletion marker – allows for filtering items according the definition of the deletion marker parameter. The following options are available for selection:
    • (All) – displays items with and without deletion marker
    • Marked  as deleted – displays items marked for deletion
    • Not marked  as deleted – displays items not marked for deletion
  • Classification 1 – allows for filtering items with the classification 1 assigned in the application Items, Sales view
  • Classification 2 – allows for filtering items with the classification 2 assigned in the application Items, Sales view
  • Classification 3 – allows for filtering items with the classification 3 assigned in the application Items, Sales view
  • Classification 4 – allows for filtering items with the classification 4 assigned in the application Items, Sales view
  • Classification 5 – allows for filtering items with the classification 5 assigned in the application Items, Sales view
  • Calculation classification – allows for filtering items with the calculation classification assigned in the application Items, Sales view
With the use of the button [Define query and result properties] → [Specify search fields], available in the table, it is possible to activate additional filtering fields.
Multiple selection can be defined with the use of the [Value assistant] button.

Generate calculations dialog window

The Generate calculations dialog window is displayed after selecting the button [Select action] → [Generate calculations]. It allows for customizing the calculations which will be created for selected items.

Generate calculations dialog window.

The Generate calculations dialog window is composed of the tab General and Batch settings. The tab General contains the following fields and parameters:

  • Selection – allows for selecting objects for which the calculation will be created. Available values:
    • Repeat database query (ignore selection) – the list of items will be refreshed on the basis of the parameters defined in the application header
    • Only the selected objects – the action will be executed for the object selected from the list
    • Skip all selected objects – the action will be executed only for the objects not selected on the list
  • Section Parameters – allows for defining the settings regarding the calculation. The following fields and parameters are available:
    • Execute calculation action – if the parameter is checked, calculations are executed for selected calculation.
It must be remembered that after executing the Calculate action for a calculation, it is not possible to edit some of input data anymore. Detailed information can be found in the articles Trade cost calculations and Product cost calculations.
  • Calculation type – allows for selecting the type of created calculation. The calculation type must have been previously created in the Calculation types application.
  • Calculation schema – allows for selecting the calculation schema which will be used for calculations. The calculation schema must have been previously created in the Calculation schemas application. In multi-company environments, calculation schemas are assigned to the organization, therefore calculation schemas available for selection are narrowed down to the data defined for selected orcganization.
  • Calculation quantity – allows for defining the item quantity for which the calculation will be executed.
  • Customer – allows for defining the customer. The base price for sales calculation is retrieved from the base customer’s data.
  • Sales price listing – allows for selecting the price listing defined for a given organization, on whose basis the initial item price for the calculation will be determined.
  • Supplier – base price for sales prices calculation will be retrieved from the supplier main data.
  • Purchase price listing – allows for selecting purchasing price listing used for specifying purchasing price for the calculated item. If the calculation schema is properly configured, the purchase price listing is not required. If the purchase price listing is selected in this field, it will be used in the calculation. If the price listing is not selected, it is retrieved from the application Partners, Supplier view. If the price listing is not defined, the price listing is retrieved from the Items application, Planning view.
  • Site – allows for selecting the organization from which the item planning data will be retrieved (application Items, Planning view). The field is visible for multi-company environments only. If the user is not assigned to a logistics organization, the [Value assistant] button is not available and the user defines the value by entering its name.
  • Validity setting – allows for selecting comparison date settings. Available options:
    • Use execution date – date of calculation execution. In the Validity field, the current date is displayed by default.
    • Use specified date – allows for selecting date in the Validity field.
  • Validity allows for defining calculation creation date
  • Employee responsible – allows for selecting the contact person and responsible for the calculation. Selected employee must be an employee of the company.

The Batch settings tab allows for defining the settings for the task batch processing.

Work pane

More information regarding the configuration of views can be found in article Customizable user interface.

The columns in the table correspond to the descriptions of the fields available in the application header.


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