Cockpits in the Comarch POS area

This article contains descriptions of particular cockpits with detialed information related to data retrieved from Comarch POS. Cockpits related to Comarch POS area are available in the Comarch ERP Enterprise system, in Multi-channels sales module.  

Structure of an application of Cockpit type

Applications of Cockpit type are composed of header and workspace.

Cockpit application: POS trade documents

In the application header, the user can specify detailed search values for a given object, in accordance with the purpose of that application. After selecting it and clicking [Refresh] button, the list of search results is displayed in the workspace. In the workspace, the user can browse detailed information regarding data retrieved from the Comarch POS application.

Switching between particular applications of Cockpit type in the Comarch POS are is also possible from the level of the drop-down list available in the appliaction header.

Selecting application of Cockpit type in the application header

In the system, the following cockpits are available:

Cockpit: POS Allocations and withdrawals – presents detailed information regarding payments for a given POS workstation (e.g. transaction numbers, payment methods, transaction types).

Cockpit: POS gate reader – presents all entrances and exits for gate ID, imported from the POS workstation to the ERP system.

Cockpit: POS trade documents/items – presents items of trade documents issued on the POS workstation:

  • Receipts
  • Receipt quanitity corrections
  • Sales invoices
  • Sales invoice quantity corrections
  • Sales advance invoices
  • Sales advance invoice corrections
  • Debit memos
  • TAX FREE documents

Cockpit: POS trade documents/payments – presents all payments for trade documents issued on the POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS trade documents/printouts – presents all printouts executed on the POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS trade documents – presents all items of trade documents issued on the POS workstation:

Cockpit: POS warehouse documents/items – presents all items of warehouse documents – both of documents issued in Comarch ERP Enterprise, as well as of documents created and synchronized on the POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS warehouse documents – presents all warehouse documents issued on the POS workstation. It presents also documents issued in the ERP system, which are subsequently synchronized to the POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS import history – presents all entries imported by Comarch POS for a given document type.

Cockpit: POS object history – presents all entries regarding the history of changes made on the POS workstation for customers, users, items, cash-bank transactions, company stamp, warehouse, voucher.

Cockpit: POS delivery notes – presents all information regarding delivery notes, e.g., load number, distribution order numbers, deliveries and receipts of goods.

Cockpit: POS inventory counts – presents all inventory counts for a given POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS sessions/elements – presents all or selected elements for a given session number on the POS workstation, e.g., initial cash balance, ending cash balance, initial cash balance difference, as well as opening and closing date of a given session.

Cockpit: POS sessions – presents all sessions of operators synchronized with
Comarch POS. Optionally, it is possible to display opened or closed sessions only.

Cockpit: POS sales orders and quotes/items – presents items of sales orders and quotes.

Cockpit: POS sales orders and quotes – presents trade documents (sales quotes and offers) issued on the POS workstation. It presents also sales orders issued in the ERP system, which are subsequently synchronized to the POS workstation.

Cockpit: POS special events – presents all entries regarding special events, e.g., information regarding processes of logging-in and synchronizations imported from Pos.

Cockpit: POS customer returns – presents all complaints executed on the POS wokrstation.


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