Extension: Payment transactions France

Topic overview

In French payment transactions, the bill of exchange is a common means of payment for settling accounts receivable and payable. In principle, payments are processed by changing payment transactions by Comarch Financials Enterprise in the standard. A detailed description can be found in article Introduction: Payment Instruments.

For France, additional functions are also available in payment transactions, which take into account the country-specific special features. Incoming bills of exchange, for example, can be output in a file with the CFONB format using the Cockpit: Payment instruments application.

This document describes the country-specific extension in payment transactions for France. This enhancement is available to organizations for which the Financial accounting France function is activated with the Financial accounting function in the Customizing application.


In addition to activating the Financial accounting France function, settings in the following master data are relevant for the enhancements in payment transactions.

Transaction banks

In the Transaction banks application you can select the CFONB file format for the output of the bills of exchange for the payment method of the type Bills of exchange on the tab Payment export. This setting is used when generating the payment medium in payment transactions.

Foreign payment profiles

In a foreign payment profile, parameters are defined that are used for pre-setting in foreign payment transactions. Depending on the country for which the payment profile is set up, the payment profile only contains the parameters that are important for this country in international payment transactions.

In the Foreign payment profiles application, only the Service code field is available for payment profiles with the country identifier FR. In this application, you assign a service code of type Service to the international payment profile. This is preset in the payment proposal and can be overwritten during processing with the Foreign payment tab.

Service codes are fixed in France and must be set up in the Service codes application.


For organizations with activated financial accounting France, the payment transaction process essentially corresponds to the procedure described in the payment transaction documentation (e.g. in article Cockpit: Payments). This initially also applies to payments that are processed using payment methods of the Bill of exchange type. A method of payment is always created for these payments. You will find a detailed description of this, in particular the procedure, in the documentation Introduction: Payment Instruments.

If incoming bills of exchange are used for payments in direct debit, a procedure that deviates from the standard is given for these means of payment. The following describes for organizations with activated financial accounting France which processing method can be used for incoming bills of exchange in payment transactions.

Payment instruments application

In this application you enter the relevant data for the change, which in any case includes the selection in the Type of bill in France field. In general, the data can only be entered from the proposal processing and with payment instruments with the status In creation.

If the payment instrument is an incoming bill of exchange, you can also enter the details of the due date, date of issue, place of issue and at a later point in time. The payment instruments are then called up for processing from the Cockpit: Payment instruments application using the Display payment instrument action.

For a detailed description of the Payment instruments application and its fields, refer to the Payment Instruments article.

Cockpit: Payment instruments

As described in article Cockpit: Payment Instruments, this application is used to display all payment instruments created in payment transactions. In addition, incoming bills of exchange can be output and posted using the application-related action [Create CFONB file].

The changes must be fully recorded for output to the file. This means that at this point in time at the latest, the details of the due date, date of issue, place of issue and bank details must be entered in the payment instruments. To do this, call up the previously marked payment instruments for processing using the [Display means of payment] action. Alternatively, you can open the payment instruments directly for editing by clicking on the obligation number.

To output the payment instruments, you can mark them. However, there is also the option of restricting the display of the payment instruments using search criteria so that this corresponds to the output. In addition, only payment instruments whose status is Posted are taken into account for the output.

When the [Create CFONB file] action is called, a dialog window opens in which the following fields must be entered for the parameters displayed for information purposes:

  • Selection – here you decide which payment method will ultimately be taken into account for the issue. The following selection can be made:
    • Repeat database query (ignore selection) – with this selection, the payment methodfor the file output that are contained in the cockpit display due to the search selection are taken into account.
    • Only the selected objects – with this selection, all payment methods are taken into account that are marked for file output in the cockpit display.
    • Skip all selected objects – this selection excludes all means of payment marked in the cockpit display. All payment methods are taken into account for the issue that are not marked but are included in the display due to the search selection.
  • Transaction bank – the bank details of the transaction bank are saved.
  • Folder – enter the directory (kstore) in which the file with the change data should be stored.
The directory specified here must end with the “/” character.
  • File name – in this field, enter the name you want the file to be given. The name can be freely selected and does not require a special ending such as .TXT.
  • Transaction code – postings for the means of payment are created with the output in the file. Here you enter the transaction code to be used for this.
  • Clearing account – Enter the money in circulation account for transfer posting the bills of exchange. It must be an object account of type Money in circulation account with general OI leading.
  • Voucher date – this is the query field for voucher date. You can enter different times or durations.
  • File creation date selection – you can use the input help for this field to select a file that has already been created in order to output it again. The output of the postings is not repeated and all previously entered information is ignored.

Start the output with the button [In batch] or [Immediately]. A file is created according to the CFONB standard and postings for the means of payment are issued. The means of payment receive the status Balanced. A cancellation of the postings is now only possible via the application Cockpit: Posting runs financial accounting.

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