JPK_V7M declaration data

JPK_V7M declaration data application presents data from the VAT registry valid at the moment of generating a given declaration. The values in particular fields of the declaration are calculated on the basis of the settings of the <<tax code>> assigned to each line item of the VAT registry for which the declaration is being generated. The application is available in Financials module, if the following functions are activated in Customizing application:

  • <<Country specifics>> (with the value set to Poland)
  • Financials − Poland
  • JPK_V7M.

The JPK_V7M declaration data application allows for using the option of sending JPK_V7M delcaration. To be able to send it, it is required to perform the necessary configuration which consists of:

  • activating function Document Management in the Customizing application
  • checking whether field Web Service address, in the Customizing, in JPK_V7M funcion, is filled-in correctly
  • installing an external application Comarch Enterprise Add−ons which is used for signing JPK fields.

The JPK_V7M declaration data is affected by <<VAT register entries>> which, at the same time:

  • Are assigned to a specific VAT registry
  • Are confirmed (are not in edit mode)
  • Are not canceled
  • Are not marked for deletion
  • Have an appropriate tax cod with active assignment for JPK_V7M, as well as for the scheme in which the declaration is being generated

Available buttons

In the application JPK_V7M declaration data,  standard buttons are available, and, additionally:

  • [Select action] → [Edit declaration] − data edition available for declaration with Confirmed, Generated or Generated with error status. Changes declaration status to [Created].
  • [Select action] → [Recalculate] − calculation and update of declaration data in accordance with the data included in the entires of VAT registries. This action is available for declarations with Created status.
  • [Select action] → [Approve declaration] changes declaration status from Created to Confirmed. To be able to confirm declaration, it is required to fill−in correctly the form with declaration data and accepting Caution in the Declaration tab, as well as close the VAT registry.
  • [Select action] − > [Generate JPK_V7M file] − generating JPK_V7M file with declaration and record part. This action is available for declarations with Confirmed status. This action opens a dialog window with the following tabs: Parameters and Batch settings. Fields available in the tab Parameters:
    • In Schema version, from the 01.01.2022, version 2 is automatically indicated (this information is retrieved from the declaration). For declarations and corrections regarding periods prior to 01.01.2022, version 1 of the scheme is available.
    • In Original file location, the storage folder of the generated file is indicated. By default, the folder selected from the level of Customizing → JPK_V7M function, in field Orignal file, is selected. However, the default original file location can be changed.
    • Parameter Validate agains XSD schema is available − if it is checked, generated files will be verified against XSD schema publishes by the Polish Minisry of Finance. The link to the XSD file is indicated in the application Customizing → JPK_V7M function Default location field. Detailed information can be found in article <<Handling JPK_V7M file in Comarch Financials Enterprise>>

After specifyin g the parameters, the file can be enerated as a batch process of the system ([In batch] button). Clicking on [Cancel] button cancels the process of generating JPK_V7M file.
In the tab, Batch settings, it is necessary to define details related to generating the file in batch.

  • [Select action] → [Send JPK_V7M file] − sending JPK_V7M file from the level of the system. Detailed information regarding the process can be found <<here>>. The action is available for declarations with Generated status only if the field Web Service address is filled-in in the application Customizing, in the JPK_V7M function. To be able to send the file, the user must install the external application Comarch Enterprise Add−ons, which is used for signing the file.
  • [Select action] → [Confirm sending JPK_V7M file] − option used for changing status of the declaration from Generated to Sent, in case the JPK_V7M file was sent not in the system.
  • [Select action] → [Undo JPK_V7M file sending] − changing declaration status from Sent or Sent with error to Generated. This action is available when the JPK_V7M file was sent (its status is Sent) with the use of an external application and the action [Confirm sending JPK_V7M file] was selected before. It is also available in case the status is Sent with error or Rejected.

Actions available after selecting [Select action] button.

  • [Select action] → [UPO request] − allows for sending Official confirmation (UPO) document. This action is available for declaration with Sent status and completed reference number. Additionally, an appropriate configuration is required in the application Customizing, function JPK_V7M, which consists of completing field Web Service address and section Official confirmation (UPO). These fields can be completed automatically with the use of UPDAPV005992 Aktualizacja danych dla funkcji JPK_V7M application. If the UPO is retrieved correctly, declaration status changes from Sent to Confirmed. If errors occur, the status changes to Rejected. Corrext execution of the action and changing status to Congirmed makes it impossible to apply further changes to the declaration. The button [Select action] becomes inactive.

Identification Pane and workspace

The parameters of the identification pane represent the basic data regarding created declaration.

  • Declaration number − subsequent declaration number assigned in accordance with the number range indicated in the Customizing application → function JPK_V7M → Number range field.
  • Tax period − tax period to which the declaration refers. It is filled-in automatically and it is also the same as the registry from which the declaration was generated.
  • Status − JPK_V7M declaration status
    • Created − the declaration can be edited. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Calculate, Approve declaration.
    • Confirmed − status assigned upon selecting Approve declaration action. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Generate JPK_V7M file, Edit declaration.
    • Generated − status assigned upon selecting Generate JPK_V7M  file. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Generate JPK_V7M file,  Confirm sending JPK_V7M file.
    • Generated with error  status assigned upon selecting Generate JPK_V7M  file. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Edit declaration.
    • Sent − status assigned upon selecting Send JPK_V7M file or Confirm sending JPK_V7M file. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Undo JPK_V7M file sending − if Reference number field is empty, UPO request − if the Reference number field is filled-in.
    • Sent with error  status assigned upon selecting Send JPK_V7M  file. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, Undo JPK_V7M file sending, Send JPK_V7M file.
    • Confirmed − status assigned upon selecting UPO request action. It is possible to execute Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion action.
    • Rejected − status assigned upon selecting UPO request action. It is possible to execute actions Save, Mark for deletion / Unmark for deletion, UPO request, Send JPK_V7M file.
  • Purpose of submission – purpose of JPK_V7M declaration submission
    • Declaration
    • Correction (for this value field ORD_ZU is active)
  • Share in taxable sales of goods and service − percentage share in taxable sales of goods and service calculated for <<VAT registry entries>> for which in field Deduction methiod, Proportional deduction value is assigned. The field is filled-in automatically. The value of this field is retrieved from the settings of the dialog window in which declaration’s parameters are defined during its addition.
  • Tax office − data regarding tax office, retireved automatically from the level of the Customizing application → function Polish Uniform Control File (JPK) Tax office code field.
  • Previous declaration − number of the previous declaration, the field is filled in automatically if there is such declaration in the system. The value of this field is retrieved from the settings of the dialog window in which declaration’s parameters are defined during its addition.
  • Corrected declaration − number of the corrected declaration, the field is filled in automatically if in the system there is a declaration for which the correction is being created. The value of this field is retrieved from the settings of the dialog window in which declaration’s parameters are defined during its addition.
  • Schema version − schema version number, field filled-in automatically. The value of this field is retrieved from the settings of the dialog window in which declaration’s parameters are defined during its addition.

Tab General

Tab General presents data referring to the tax payer. The majority of fields in the tab, such as: Tax number of taxpayer, Taxpayer’s name, E-mail, is retireved automatically from the level of the Customizing application → function Polish Uniform Control File (JPK) → tab Settings.


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