Output French posting file (FEC)

Topic overview

Organizations that keep French accounts must issue accounting data for each financial year in a statutory accounting file (FEC) for tax auditing. In Comarch Financials Enterprise, the batch application Output French posting file (FEC) is available for all organizations that have activated the Financial accounting function in the Customizing application and within it the Financial accounting France function.

This document describes the batch application Output French posting file (FEC).

Definition of terms

Batch application

A batch application is an application that runs without interaction with a user. A batch application can be opened either by a processing job, by a call or by another application.

Application description

This application is used to provide the postings to general ledger accounts for the tax audit in the French posting file FEC. You use parameters to control which postings are to be taken into account for the output and whether the posting file should be created in its final version.

In addition, there is the option of dividing the output file into months, quarters or half-years. With the button [In batch] you start the processing job, which outputs the data in one or more posting files with the format CSV depending on the division.

The name of these accounting files is defined by law and is made up of the SIREN (the 9-digit identification number of the organization without spaces), the constant FEC and the end date of the selected accounting period in the format YYYYMMDD ({SIREN}FEC{YYYYMMDD}).

For example, if the final version of the accounting file for an organization with the SIREN 123456789 is issued at the end of the 2015 financial year without splitting, it will receive the file name 123456789FEC20151231. In addition, when the final version is issued, the Created setting and the date of issue are saved in the relevant fiscal year. 

If the posting file is only provisional, the constant EXTRAIT is placed in front of the file name. A posting file will then be output as provisional if you do not activate the Create/output final file version parameter. The posting file without split is then given the name EXTRAIT23456789FEC20151231, for example.

If a split is provided for the output file, a value corresponding to the split is appended to the file name. Below are various examples of split output files.

  • Output with split by months:

Here, a two-digit value is appended to the file name, which represents the month of issue within the fiscal year. For example, in the case of a provisional output at the end of June of the 2015 financial year, the data for the 1st month is output with the file name EXTRAIT23456789FEC20150630_01.

  • Output with split by quarters:

Here, a two-digit value is appended to the file name, which represents the number of the issue quarter within the fiscal year and the letter T for trimester (quarter). For example, in the case of a provisional output at the end of June of the 2015 financial year, the data for the 2nd quarter is output with the file name EXTRAIT23456789FEC20150630_2T.

  • Output with split by half-years:

Here, a two-digit value is appended to the file name, which represents the number of the half-year of issue within the fiscal year and the letter S for semester (half-year). For example, in the case of a provisional output at the end of the 2015 financial year, the data for the second half of the year is output under the file name EXTRAIT23456789FEC20151231_2S.


The batch application has the following parameters:

  • Output folder – the output folder or the output directory (kstore) in which the created posting file is stored is displayed in this field. If an output folder is specified in the Customizing application, it is displayed here and used for the file output.
  • Organization – enter the organization whose posting data should be output here. For the organization, the SIRET (unique identification of the company branch) must be entered as a tax number in the partner master data. The 9-digit SIREN for assigning the output file name is determined from this tax number.
  • Posting period per – in this field you enter the posting period up to which the posting data should be output. If the output should be the final version, the last period of a closed fiscal year must be entered here. Carryforward periods are not permitted as posting periods here.
  • Accounting standard – in this field, enter the accounting area for the posting data output.
  • Create/output final file version – you use this indicator to control whether the FEC posting file should be created and output in its final version. This is only possible for completely closed fiscal years. With the final version, the FEC file name and the chronologically ascending FEC posting number are adopted and fixed in the CFE postings. In addition, in the relevant fiscal year, the final FEC version is identified as Created and the date of its issue is entered.
  • Split output file – in this field you can choose whether and how the output file to be created should be split. The following settings can be selected:
    • No data split
    • Split by months
    • Split by quarters
    • Split by half-years

Depending on the selection of the distribution, the data is output in one or more posting files with the CSV format.

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