
Topic overview

There are two types of partners in the system:

  • Person
  • Organization
Partners application for a new person

Each partner has its unique number/identifier that is used in trade documents. Partner identification is invariable through the system. It means that a partner has the same identification regardless of whether he or she is involved in business transactions as: Client, Supplier or Employee.

The partner numbers/identifiers can be assigned manually (composed of any 10 characters) or automatically from a number range.

Number ranges application

Partners are part of a company’s master data. A partner refers to persons and organizations that are relevant for internal or external business activities. The partner can possess multiple partner roles, which means that he or she holds a certain position in the carried processes and has a certain task to do.

A partner with the role of Employee who purchases products from a given company can concurrently have a Client role in the application.
Partner roles determine a transaction type, inter alia, a purchase order can be generated only for a partner with the role of Supplier.
The views described below are also available in Contacts, Employees, Customers and Suppliers applications.

The Partners application is composed of the following elements:

  • Identification pane – includes mandatory fields necessary to add a new partner
  • Work pane – includes various input fields, depending on the selected view, which group and display context-related data:
    • Base
    • Financials
    • Relationships
    • Supplier
    • Customer
    • Marketing
    • Employee
The Employee view is available only for the partner of Person type.
Partners application for a new organization with framed application sections and the view list
A symbol of the selected view appears next to the logo after selecting the following views: FinancialsSupplierCustomer, and Marketing.

The first symbol indicates a partner type – Organization in this case

Partner roles overview

A partner can have the following roles assigned in the system:

  • Contact
  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • Competitor
  • Carrier
  • Sales representative
  • Marketing
  • Contact person
  • Employee

The table below presents which partner roles can be assigned to individual partner types:

Assigning a partner role to a partner type
In order to assign the role of Contact, Competitor, Sales representative or Carrier to a partner, a relevant parameter must first be activated in the Base view of the Partner application.

Assigning partner role

In order to assign the role of Customer to a partner, all necessary partner data must be provided under the Customer view.

Assigning customer role to a partner

In order to assign the role of Supplier to a partner, all necessary partner data must be provided under the Supplier view.

Assigning supplier role to a partner

In order to add a partner who is a Supplier or a Customer, complete also the necessary data and select the parameter Accounts receivable/Accounts payable under the Financials view of the Partner application.

Assigning accounts receivable role under the Financials view

Identification pane

The identification pane is the same in all the views. It contains mandatory fields necessary to add a new partner as well as additional fields used for searching for a partner.

In the case of partner of Person type, the available fields are the following:

  • Partner – enter a partner number/identifier. It can be composed of digits, letters or their combination. This data will be used to identify the partner throughout the system.
  • Valid from – determines the time from which a new partner version will be applicable.
The Valid from field is active only when a partner is added via the action New version.
A new partner version can be generated when the partner’s address changes in the oncoming month. In such a case, you can add a new version by completing the date from which the partner will be using the new address.
  • Name – enter a partner name by selecting the button  and completing the available fields:
    • Salutation
    • Title
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Middle names
    • Gender
The Surname field is mandatory.
  • Address – enter the partner’s address by selecting the button and completing the available fields:
    • Street
    • Postal code
    • City
    • Country
    • Region
    • P.O. box
    • P.O. box postal code
    • P.O. box city
  • Partner search string – if not completed, the system adds automatically a search string and thus creates an entry in this field. The search string is composed of entries from fields: Surname, First name, Country ISO code, Postal code and City.
Surname: Smith
First name: John
Postal code: 30-200
City: Cracow
Country: PL

Example of automatically completed partner search string for a person

  • Organization responsible – determines an organization who is the partner’s data administrator. The organization is completed automatically by the system and presented as default when adding a new record. It is changeable.
Identification pane of a partner of Person type in the Partners application

In the case of partner of Organization type, the available fields are the following:

  • Partner
  • Valid from
  • Name – enter a partner name by selecting the button and completing the available fields:
    • Name 1
    • Name 2
    • Name 3
One field Name 1 is mandatory, but values provided in all the fields help search by the contents of all the fields.
  • Address – enter the partner’s address by selecting the button  and completing the available fields:
    • Street
    • Postal code
    • City
    • Country
    • Region
    • P.O. box
    • P.O. box postal code
    • P.O. box city
Fields: Country, City and Postal code are mandatory.  If you complete the Postal code field, you must also provide the P.O. box data, i.e.: P.O. box postal code and P.O. box city.
If a partner is used as company in the Organizations application, then the value provided in the Country field is no longer changeable.
  • Partner search string if not completed, the system adds automatically a search string and thus creates an entry in this field. The search string is composed of entries from fields: Name 1, Country ISO code, Postal code, and City.

Name 1: Company DK
Postal code: 30-358
City: Cracow
Country: PL

Example of automatically completed partner search string for an organization

  • Organization responsible –  determines an organization who is the partner’s data administrator. The organization is completed automatically by the system and presented as default when adding a new record. It is changeable.
Identification pane of a partner of Organization type in the Partners application

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