Production batch applications

Topic overview

Batch applications are composed of Application and Batch Settings tabs.

The Application tab provides the information about batch application name and its relevant development object as well as the information about a currently performed action and its individual settings. Following individual settings can be found under Action subtab, depending on the selected application:

Maximum run time – sets the maximum run time for a batch application. The default value is 10 minutes.

Export mode – defines the data archiving-related settings. The export mode is available only if the data archiving applications.

  • Do not export – does not export data.
  • Export all attributes – exports all data related to the application whose data is being processed.
  • Export with filter – exports data according to the filter defined in the Export filter

Destination folder – destination folder for the export data.

Export filter – this field activates upon selecting the Export with filter option under the Export mode In this field, you can specify the data to be exported. An export filter can be created in the Export data application.

Automatically confirm warnings – activates automatic acceptance of system warnings.

Category – in this field, you can select production structures that will be processed by the batch application.

In the Batch settings tab, you can select individual settings for a production order. The User, OLTP database and Content language fields are completed by default on the basis of the customizing data. It is also necessary to select a processing queue and for certain batch applications also an application server (if the default values are not provided for these fields under Customizing).

Activate production methods application

When run for the first time, the application activates the Production method function. More information about the alternative production methods can be found in article Production methods.

If items are already added in the system, it is not possible to activate the Production method function under CustomizingProductionMethod. The Activate production methods application needs to be used in such a case.

Reorganize production master data application

This application is used to process production data. As a result, following production data with deletion marker is removed from the system.

  • Bills of materials
  • Routings
  • Bills of resources
  • Operations
  • Operation template
  • Resource lists

The application processes data if the following conditions are met:

  • Production data is tagged with a deletion marker
  • Production data is not used by other applications
The data is removed in the specified order. If the scope of reorganization selected in the Category field does not include all the data, not all the data may be removed due to existing relationships between the deleted objects.

Reorganize set of connected formulas and conditions application

This application is used to delete the entries of defined formulas and conditions directly from the database. This data must first be deleted from the bill of resources in CEE. The application thus keeps the database clean and reduces its size by the data that is no longer in use.

Reorganize service bills of materials application

This application is used to process the service bills of materials created in Service bills of material application. As a result, the service bills of materials with deletion marker are removed from the system. The application processes data if the following conditions are met:

  • Service bills of materials are tagged with a deletion marker
  • Service bills of material cannot be used by other applications

Reorganize production orders application

This application processes production orders. As a result, a production order with a deletion marker and all its related reservations are removed from the system. The application processes data if the following conditions are met:

  • Production order is tagged with a deletion marker.
  • Production order status is: Processed
  • There is no resource reservation for the production order
  • There are no voucher references to the production order:
    • Receipt of goods
    • Picking order

Reorganize resources application

This application is used to process resources. It processes the data if the following conditions are met:

  • A resource is tagged with a deletion marker.
  • The resource is not used by other applications.

As a result, the resources with deletion marker are removed from the system.

Reorganize resource groups application

This application processes the resource groups. The application processes data if the following conditions are met:

  • A resource group is tagged with a deletion marker.
  • The resource group is not used by other applications.

As a result, the resource groups with deletion marker are removed from the system.

Reorganize production recommendations application

This application is used to process production recommendations. A production recommendation must be tagged with a deletion marker to be able to process it. The production recommendation cannot be used by other applications, either. As a result, the production recommendations with deletion marker are removed from the system.

Check production planning structures application

This application is used to check data in terms of circular references in the applications below:

  • Routings
  • Operations
  • Bills of materials
  • Resource lists
  • Bills of resources
  • Operation template

You can select a specific category of production data to be checked in the Category field under Parameters pane. If no selection if made, all categories will be checked. In the Change date field, you can specify a date on which changes were made. The structure data that was changed after the specified date will be checked. If no date is specified in this field, all the data will be checked.

In case of an error, a relevant message will be displayed. All found errors need to be corrected in the application in which it is possible to edit the structure where the error was found.

An error was found in the routing structure. In order to fix it, open the invalid routing in the Routings application, correct the error and check the data by selecting the [Validate] button.

Create production orders change history application

This application is used to export production order data that is used for cost accounting in CFE. The processed production orders need to be reported. This data is used to calculate production orders in cost accounting in CFE (Comarch Financial Enterprise).

Update change history of production orders application

This application is used to update back the production orders in reference to the orders that have not been processed in Create production orders change history application. This data is used to calculate production orders in cost accounting in CFE (Comarch Financial Enterprise).

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