Naming conventions


Comarch ERP Enterprise supports database management systems that impose varying restrictions on the format of names of databases, users, data ranges, and many other objects. Moreover, a partner or client can routinely run in parallel multiple Comarch ERP Enterprise systems, databases, and sometimes even different Comarch ERP Enterprise versions These factors make it necessary to set conventions for system and database names. The conventions are dependent on:

  • system usage
  • system release
  • database management system (DBMS) of the database
  • database content

Naming conventions for systems

The name of a new system is defined by the system license and cannot be changed. The configuration database is responsible for controlling the naming conventions of system objects. System names in the system configuration are typically six to eight characters long:

Characters 1-3: Client code

Characters 4-6 (optional): Version, release

Characters 7-8 (optional code for system functions):

  • DV – development system – a system that allows making modifications and their verification
  • PV – development system for Partners – a partner’s system that allows making modifications and their verification
  • DT – development test system – a test system used to test the introduced modifications
  • PT – test system for partners – a partner’s test system used for testing introduced modifications
  • T – production test system – a test system used for pre-production tests carried out by the client
  • P (or no code) – production system – a production system used for work by the client

Characters 9-10: Optional code indicating a database engine:

  • OR – Oracle
  • D4 – DB2/400
  • MS – Microsoft SQL Server

In addition, the following conventions exist for temporary test systems and temporary databases. Such systems and databases are created for the needs of short tests and, as a rule, are not connected in any way to the Client’s production system.

  • Txx – temporary system. xx is the sequential system number (00-99)
  • DB xx – xx temporary system database is the sequential database number (00-99)


System name System description
PAR610DV A development system for version 6.1 for a client with PAR code
WUG600PTOR A test system for partners in version 6.0 for a client with code WUG. Oracle database engine.
T01 01 temporary system
CUS610P A production system in version 6.1 for a client with code CUS.
CUS610T A production test system in version 6.1 for a client with code CUS.
CUS610DV A development system in version 6.1 for a client with code CUS.

Naming conventions for databases

Database names are typically ten characters long, with a maximum of 12 characters. They consist of:

  • a system name
  • a two-character suffix that identifies the content type of the database
Collection names in IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries cannot be longer than ten characters.

Symbols added to a system name:

  • xx – xx as consecutive numbers (00-99) – OLTP database (a database storing company data, e.g. items, documents)
  • Dx – x as consecutive numbers (0-9) (if one database is DV) – OLAP database (a database storing report data)
  • RP – repository database (a database storing standard system objects, e.g. translations)
  • CF – configuration database (a database storing system configuration settings, e.g. data allowing connection with other databases)
The configuration database is common to systems with different purposes, so its name should not include a code that specifies a system function.
Database name Database description
CUS610CF A configuration database for systems named CUS610
CUS61001 An OLTP 01 database for a production system
CUS610T03 An OLTP 03 database for a test system
CUS610DV02 An OLTP 02 database for a development system
CUS610D1 An OLAP1 database for a production system
CUS610RP A repository database for a production system
CUS610TRP A repository database for a test system

Conventions for building the directory structure for Comarch ERP Enterprise system


When installing Comarch ERP Enterprise system on Windows, the following system directory structure should be used:




  • Replace <system_name> with a relevant system name, e.g. CUS610T
  • Each application server (SAS) has its own directory in the servers Replace <SAS_name> with the actual name of each SAS, e.g. MESSAGESERVER

The \comarch\<system_name> directory is called the SYSTEM_HOME directory.

The \comarch\<system_name>\semiramis directory is called the SEMIRAMIS_HOME directory.

The \comarch\<system_name>\semiramis\servers\<SAS_name> directory is called the SAS_HOME directory for individual application servers. It is an application server working directory. It contains required start scripts and may contain the file in the class sub-directory.

The log directory stores SAS log files, performance monitoring log files, etc.


When installing Comarch ERP Enterprise system on Linux, the following system directory structure should be used:




  • Replace <system_name> with a relevant system name, e.g. CUS610T
  • Each application server (SAS) has its own directory in the servers Replace <SAS_name> with the actual name of each SAS, e.g. MESSAGESERVER

The /opt/comarch/<system_name> directory is called the SYSTEM_HOME directory.

The /opt/comarch/<system_name>/semiramis directory is called the SEMIRAMIS_HOME directory.

The /opt/comarch/<system_name>/semiramis/servers/<SAS_name> directory is called the SAS_HOME directory for individual application servers. It is an application server working directory. It contains required start scripts and may contain the file in the class sub-directory.

The log directory stores SAS log files, performance monitoring log files, etc.


When installing Comarch ERP Enterprise system on i5, the following system directory structure should be used:




  • Replace <system_name> with a relevant system name, e.g. CUS610T
  • Each application server (SAS) has its own directory in the servers Replace <SAS_name> with the actual name of each SAS, e.g. MESSAGESERVER

The /qopensys/usr/comarch/<system_name> directory is called the SYSTEM_HOME directory.

The /qopensys/usr/comarch/<system_name>/semiramis directory is called the SEMIRAMIS_HOME directory.

The /qopensys/usr/comarch/<system_name>/semiramis/servers/<SAS_name> directory is called the SAS_HOME directory for individual application servers. It is an application server working directory. It contains required start scripts and may contain the file in the class sub-directory.

The log directory stores SAS log files, performance monitoring log files, etc.

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