Installation on Linux

This article presents step by step the installation of Comarch ERP Enterprise on a server with CentOS Linux 7 operating system and PostgreSQL database engine.


An overview of the necessary components as well as the supported Linux and PostgreSQL versions may be found in article System requirements.

Prior to the installation, it is necessary to verify what follows:

  • whether the postgres user (the default PostgreSQL engine user) can log in to the system with the command: su postgres
  • the port on which the SQL server is running; this port will be used later in this instruction
  • free hard drive space. Installation files and the installed system generally require 30 GB of free disk memory
  • access to root user or to the root group user
  • requirements specified by Redhat Enterprise Linux or Ubuntu server and PostgreSQL, and the installation of necessary software updates
For file operations, it is possible to use the system’s built-in tools, tools installed later, or a file explorer, such as WinSCP (for ssh connections made from Windows).
Due to the nature of the operating system, it may be necessary to increase the permissions to some files and directories, including the permission to execute .sh files.


A uniform directory structure should be ensured, especially when multiple systems are maintained on a single server.

In this article, the name CUS610 is an example of a system name. It must be replaced with a proper name that matches the system being installed.

Installation of JDK

Comarch ERP Enterprise is based on the Java programming language and requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) as a runtime environment.

The JDK installation procedure described below is only required in the case of the first installation or modification of the JDK version.

Procedure: Installation of Java JDK

The current JDK version 11 package is available for download at After downloading it, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Place the downloaded package on the server
    mkdir /opt/comarch/java/
  2. Create the directory
    /opt/comarch/javaand copy the downloaded tar.gz file to the directory/opt/comarch/java
  3. Executetar –xzf OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.10_9.tar.gz
  4. Rename the JDK directory tomv jdk-11.0.10+9/ jdk-11.0.10+9-64/

To later verify the installation, you can enter the following commands in the shell:

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/comarch/java/jdk-11.0.10+9-64

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java –version

In case of an error, manually retype the file name in the command line.

Following information is displayed:openjdk version "11.0.10" 2021-01-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.10+9) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.10+9, mixed mode)

The environment variable JAVA_HOME is later set to the path of the installed Java JDK package each time the strat script is runstrsas-MESSAGESERVER.shThis prevents problems with other JDK versions already installed.

Installation of Comarch ERP Enterprise

The archive is necessary in order to install the system.

Running the script extracts the achive, configures the necessary database files and users, imports data from the export files, and creates statistics for the data. To install the provided system, run the bash shell as the root user.

Creating directories

Create the following setup directories:

mkdir –p /opt/comarch/CEE630PA

Then, extract the downloaded ZIP archive into the directory:

unzip file

License file

Add the license file into the extracted directory:

/opt/comarch/CEE630PA/install/licence install scripts

The operating system must have de_DE.UTF-8 language support installed.

For Ubuntu-based distributions:

  • sudo apt install language-pack-de

For RHEL/CentOS-based distributions:

  • yum install langpacks-de
  1. After the language is installed, go to the directory with scripts

cd /opt/comarch/CEE630PA/install/scripts/linux

  1. Change the script permissions

chmod 774 /opt/comarch/CEE630PA/install/scripts/linux/

  1. Run the install script with –help parameter to display

help ./ –help

  1. The script is awaiting the following parameters:

– systemname: according to the license (e.g., CEE630PA)

– java: home directory java /opt/comarch/jdk-11.0.10+9-64

– licencefile: license file name (e.g., 300-CEE630PA-01-CEE630PA.lic)

– licencepassword: license password

– database_type:PGSQL

– filedestination_dir: destination directory where semiramis folder is to be configured. If this folder does not exist, the script creates this folder as well as all parent folders (e.g., /opt/comarch/CEE630PA )

– configuration_database: configuration database name as specified in the license (e.g., CEE630PACF )

The configuration database must end with the letters CF according to CEE convention.

The script may take a longer time to execute.

An examplary invocation looks as follows:

./ -systemname CEE630PA -java /opt/comarch/java/jdk11.0.10+9-64 -licencefile 300-CEE630PA-01-CEE630PA.lic -licencepassword <kennwort> -database_type PGSQL -filedestination_dir /opt/comarch/CEE630PA -configuration_database CEE630PACF

The file is extracted into the specified directory /opt/comarch/CEE630PA/semiramis. Then the PostgreSQL  databsae files and the database users are created. Next, the provided Comarch ERP Enterprise databases are imported. Finally, the optimizer statistics are created.

The log files can be viewed under /tmp/CEE630PA-log lub  ${TMPDIR}/CEE630PA-log. They provide information about the successful import process.

Database users and passwords created for Comarch ERP Enterprise:



CEE630PACFfor configuration database
CEE630PARPfor repository database
CEE630PA00for Base OLTP database
CEE630PA02for Multi-Site database

If the CEE system database is to be stored on another server, you need to manually move the above databases to another server and update the address of the configuration database in the file:


Running Comarch ERP Enterprise application server

To start the application server of the ERP system (SAS), follow the steps below:

  1. Run the bach shell and navigate to the SAS working directory:
cd /opt/comarch/CEE630PA/semiramis/servers/MESSAGESERVER
  1. Execute the script to start SAS:

SAS stores the log files in the directory: /opt/comarch/CEE630PA/semiramis/servers/MESSAGESERVER/log. When strating SAS, the server already connects to the local database and reads the configuration settings from the configuration database.
After the server is started, a prompt is displayed:


You can now execute commands in CEE toolshell.

Generating database information

Before logging in to the system for the first time, it is necessary to generate database information. To do so, execute the following commands on SAS:

crtdbinf -configuration -repository

crtdbinf -oltp -nlsAutomatic


Logging in to Comarch ERP Enterprise

The first login to the system is via the URL http://localhost using ADMINISTRATOR as user name and 12345 as passwrod.

Generating certificates

To use a secure connection for logging in, certificates must be generated.

Further steps

After installation, a few additional steps are required to further configure the system. The installed system is licensed only for a limited range of functions. To use the full functionality of Comarch ERP Enterprise, you must first install a license for the new system and configure this system.

Uninstallation of Comarch ERP Enterprise

To uninstall Comarch ERP Enterprise, follow these steps:

  1. Exit all SAS accessing to the database through the database users to be deleted. User data cannot be deleted while the user is still connected to the database.
  2. Delete all databases created duing installation, such as CEE630PACF, CEE630PARP, CEE630PA00, CEE630PA02
  3. Delete the folowing directory and its content


Comarch ERP Enterprise system is now uninstalled

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