Import of plant data collection postings

Plant data collection postings can be imported to the system. This article describes how to import such postings with the help of Business Integration Service (BIS), that is Export data and Import data applications. Following data export and import formats are available:

  • XML format
  • CSV format
  • XLS format

[inidicator]If you do not know which import format is the right one, use the import filter to export the file together with the required attributes.[/indicator]

Import of data

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. In the Filter field, select OPERATIONDATACOLLECTION. The filter values can be searched for by filter, description and business entity.
  3. After the filter value is selected, the system assigns automatically the following business entity:
  • A filter for data import is displayed in the application window.
You can use predefined filters, such as OPERATIONDATACOLLECTION by selecting the [Value assistant] button. The import filter can be defined anew using the [New] button.
  1. The filter attributes are selected, by default. They can be freely modified under Filter
  2. Select the [Import data] button available on the standard toolbar.
  • A dialog window Import data will open.
  1. In the open window you can enter the import file settings. More information can be found in the article Import of data.
  2. Select [In batch] button to run the data import.
Statuses of operation postings are updated automatically after the data is imported. The posting status can be viewed in the Cockpit: Plant data collection postings application.
If no relevant business entity is found among the searched filters, you can search for it in a docking window that opens upon selecting the [Search] button and then save such filter as a new one. Note that the available filter set does not contain all business entities – it contains only some of them as predefined values. The other business entities need to be searched for and saved as a new filter.

Work pane – Filter tab

Below is a description of mandatory fields and main attributes for individual business objects added in Plant data collection postings application.

Field name/Main attribute



Technical identification of production operation posting

type (mandatory field)

Operation status

time (mandatory field)

Time when a production operation was started, completed or stopped

employee (mandatory field)

Employee responsible for posting a production operation

orderReference (mandatory field)

Production order line item number.
In the case reporting at production operation level, the number elements are the following:
Production order type - production order number - operation number (e.g., 100-PA1234-050)
In the case reporting at production resource level, the number elements are the following:
Production order type - production order number - operation line item number - resource line item number (e.g., 100-PA1234-050-20)


Production operation name


Name of the main resource assigned to an operation


Amount posted for production operation


Unit of measure


Production operation completion parameter. It is TRUE if Completion indicator parameter is selected in Plant data collection postings application during reporting.


Data provided in the Posting text field


Data provided in the Tax information field


A defined transaction key assigned to the entered posting


Time category defined for posting. Selectable values are: Undefined, Variable and Setup, which correspond to Undefined, Variable and Fixed values selected in the Plant data collection postings application in the Time category field.


Error symbol. It indicates the posting data defined by the system as erroneous.


Information about changes made to data. This field should not be completed for import.


Guid – a global, unique identifier. This field should not be completed for import.


Time zone automatically assigned from the imported production order.


Actual processing time from a production report.
It is defined with a value (amount) and a unit (uom).


Actual setup time retrieved from a production report.
It is defined with a value (amount) and a unit (uom).

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