Trade cost calculations

The Trade cost calculations allows for creating quotations of sales and purchasing items with the use of defined calculation schema.

In order to use the application, it is necessary to:

  1. Activate the Trade cost calculations parameter, available in the application Customizing → function Calculation → tab Settings.
  2. In the Calculation schemas application, define the calculation schema in which calculation formulas will be entered.
  3. In the Calculation types application, define the calculation type in which initial data will be entered.

In the application, it is possible to calculate:

  • sales price on the basis of the purchase price list
  • valuation price (item value in the system) on the basis of the purchase price list
  • purchase price on the basis of the sales price list


Prices on which the trade cost calculation is based, are defined in the calculation with the use of the of the PURCHASEVALUE and SALESVALUE functions. [/indicator]

The Trade cost calculations application is composed of:

  • Identification pane – allows for defining the basic parameter for performed calculations
  • Work pane – displays performed calculations and their results

Identification pane

The identification pane allows for defining the settings for the calculation method. Besides the standard buttons, on the identification pane bar, the following buttons are available:

  • [New] – allows for creating new calculation
  • [Add] → [Duplicate header] – allows for creating new calculation through copying the settings of the header of an existing trade cost calculation
  • [Select action] → [Calculate] – performs calculations in order to create or update calculations in accordance with formulas defined in the calculation schema. The action can be repeated in order to update the price if there were changes to the component costs of the item (e.g., material purchasing price changed). The action cannot be performed in order to calculate a component. Once it is selected, the Update trade calculation dialog window is displayed.

The Update trade calculation dialog window is composed of the following fields:

  • Validity date – allows for entering the date for which the calculation will be valid.
  • Employee responsible – allows for selecting the contact person and responsible for the calculation. Selected employee must be an employee of the company.
  • The Batch settings tab allows for defining the settings for the task batch processing
  • [Select action] → [Simulate] – allows for calculating the simulation. The action calculates the values in the Simulated value column. In case the values were changed manually, the system will not carry out calculations for them, but will use these values for determining calculation results. The simulation makes it possible to change manually the values of calculation components. Once it is selected, the Simulate trade calculation dialog window is displayed.

Simulate trade calculation dialog window is displayed.

The Simulate trade calculation dialog window is composed of the following fields:

    • Validity date – allows for entering the date for which the calculation simulation will be valid.
    • Employee responsible – allows for selecting the contact person and responsible for the calculation simulation. Selected employee must be an employee of the company.
    • The Batch settings tab allows for defining the settings for the task batch processing.
  • [Select action] → [Update purchase price] – calculates purchase prices on the basis of calculated sales price. The action is available for calculation with Calculated or Updated sales price status. In the Backward calculation tab, the user specifies the method in which the calculation elements are to be included in the calculation and, if necessary, changes their initial value. The result of this calculation is provided for information purposes only. Once it is selected, the Update purchase prices dialog window is displayed.

The Update purchase prices dialog window is composed of the following fields:

    • Validity date – allows for entering the date for which the purchase price calculation will be valid
    • Employee responsible – allows for selecting the contact person and responsible for the calculation. Selected employee must be an employee of the company.
    • The Batch settings tab allows for defining the settings for the task batch processing.
  • [Select action] → [Update sales price] – sales price in a specific sales price list is updated on the basis of the purchase price in a specific sales price list. The action can be repeated in order to update the price if there were changes to the component costs of the item (e.g., material purchasing price changed). With the use of this action, it is possible to create new line item in the sales price list. The new line item for the sales price list is entered with the date on which the action was called. In the price list, the intervals of validity of prices cannot overlap. The value of an existing entry is changed and adapted to the new entry. The action is available only for items with the following statuses: Released The Update sales prices dialog window is displayed.

The Update sales prices dialog window allows for defining settings regarding the transferring of prices from the calculation to a selected sales price list. The following tabs, fields and parameters are available:

  • Tab Parameters – allows for defining the settings regarding the transferring of a price to a sales price list. The following fields and parameters are available:
  • Confirm warnings – if the parameter is checked, warnings related to the transferring of prices to a price list are automatically confirmed.
  • Price level – allows for defining the level of price changes. The following options are available for selection:  Item (the price will be changed for the item sales price list) and Item + Customer (the price will be changed for the item sales price list and for the customer)
  • Valid from – date from which the price will be valid in the price list
  • Valid until – date until which the price will be valid in the price list
  • The Batch settings tab allows for defining the settings for the task batch processing.

[Indicator] The rule for adding new prices to a price list according to defined dates is described in the Calculation schemas article, in the Update sales price list section chapter. [/indicator]

  • [Select action] → [Update valuation prices] – valuation prices defined in the Items application, Financials view, fields Price 1, Price 2, Price 3, Price 4, Price 5, Inventory count price, are updated. The calculation row from which the price value will be retrieved, must be defined for the used calculation scheme. This action can be repeated many times.
  • [Select action] → [Release] – makes the calculation available for calculation purposes
  • [Select action] → [Block] – blocks calculation
  • View selection drop-down menu – allows for selecting trade cost calculation type. Available values:
    • Trade calculation Purchase item
    • Trade calculation Sales item
The availably of specific fields in the application depends on selected view. The view is assigned automatically according to selected calculation type.

In the identification pane, the following fields are available:

  • Number – field divided into two sections. The first part of the filed allows for selecting calculation type on the basis of which the calculation will be defined in accordance with the settings in the Calculation types application. The second part of the field contains the calculation number assigned in accordance with the number range defined for the selected calculation type.
The calculation number will be automatically assigned after selecting the calculation type and clicking on the [New] button.
  • Calculation status – dot symbol with a specific color which indicates the status. The following statuses are available:
    • Entered – the basic data necessary for calculations has been entered and saved. The calculation has not been executed yet and it cannot be released.
    • Calculated – the Calculate action has been executed correctly and no errors were detected
    • Price updated – the price has been updated on the basis of the calculations. In case calculations are repeated, the status will change to Calculated.
    • Incomplete – executed calculations showed errors. Possible causes:
      • calculation base data was changed, e.g., sales price listings
      • in the calculation scheme, there are logical errors, e.g., in defined formulas there are mathematical operations impossible to execute
      • product cost calculation is used for trade cost calculation
    • Description – allows for entering the description of created calculation.
    • Calculation schema – allows for selecting the calculation schema which will be used for calculations. The field is filled-in automatically in accordance with selected calculation type. Once the Calculate action is executed, it is not possible to change the product costs for created trade cost calculation.

Only calculation schemas with Released status can be used in trade cost calculations.

  • Calculation date – allows for selecting the time point for which the calculation will be executed
  • Sales item – allows for selecting the sales item for which the calculation will be executed The field is available in the Trade calculation Sales item view. The item must possess the sales data (application Items, Sales view). Once the Calculate action is executed, the sales item cannot be changed.
  • Purchasing item – allows for selecting the purchasing item for which the calculation will be executed The field is available in the Trade calculation Purchase item view. The item must possess purchasing data (application Items, Purchasing view). Once the Calculate action is executed, the purchasing item cannot be changed.
  • Last calculation date – displays the date and the hour of the last execution of the Calculate action (this field cannot be edited). If the Calculate action was not executed, the field is empty.
  • Quantity – allows for defining item quantity and unit for which the calculation will be executed. The user can enter any item quantity for which the calculation will be executed.
  • Validity – allows for specifying the validity date for price lists and prices whose data will be included in the value calculation process. If the price is defined in the past, the prices for calculating material prices will be retrieved from the price list which was valid in a given time point. The default value of the field is the date on which the calculation was created.
  • Sales price listing – allows for selecting the price listing defined for a given organization, on whose basis the initial item price for the calculation will be determined. The field is available for editing in the Trade calculation Sales item view.
  • Customer – allows for defining the customer. If the customer is defined, the price list saved in their base data is used as the base for determining the purchasing price.
  • Purchase price listing – allows for selecting the purchase price listing defined for a given organization. The item sales price is calculated on the basis of that purchase listing.
  • Supplier – base price for sales prices calculation will be retrieved from the supplier main data
  • Site – allows for selecting the logistic organization for the calculation. On the basis of the item data contained in the Planning view of this site, the purchasing organization is defined. The purchasing organization has a decisive influence on the purchasing list.

Business entities

For the application Trade cost calculation, the following business entity is relevant:, which belongs to the group of business entities It is used, for example, to:

  • assign permissions
  • set activity definitions
  • import or export data


Authorizations can be assigned both through authorization roles and by assigning organizations. Technical documentation Authorizations contains rules regarding authorization handling.

Special features

There are no special features for the Trade cost calculation application.

Organizational assignments

The Trade cost calculations application will be visible for the user only if the partner, in their base data, has an organization attached to at least one of the following organization structures assigned:

  • Sales

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Trade cost calculation application.

Authorizations for Business Partners

The Trade cost calculation application is not released for the business partners.



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