IBUS fix of 05.2022 (35.5:6.2.0 and 26.9:6.1.0)

The fix is available for the following system versions:

  • 6.2.0 with fix CIS620PB-Fix0 and the application Multi-channel sales in version 35.8:6.2.0 and the application Comarch ERP Integration BUS in version 35.5:6.2.0 installed
  • 6.1.0 with fix CIS610PB-Fix13 and the application Multi-channel sales in version 26.32:6.1.0-Fix01 and the application Comarch ERP Integration BUS in version 26.9:6.1.0 installed

The current version of the IBUS adapter is compatible with the following versions of Comarch Mobile Sales: 2022.3 and Comarch Mobile Management: 2022.3.

For the sales channels using the IBUS adapter, the functionality of automatic partner data insertion during the import from the Comarch Mobile application to Comarch ERP Enterprise, on the basis of partner templates assigned in the application Sales channel partner templates is now available.

The application Sales channel partner templates allows for assigning templates to partners depending on their country, which makes it possible to create partner forms of a given country with the use of the data necessary for that country (e.g., Intrastat data or accounting data), specified in the template.

If in the Sales channel partner templates application, no template is assigned, the template defined in the application Sales channels will be used during the import of partners.


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