Import exchange rates

Topic overview

With the use of the batch application Import exchange rates, it is possible to import exchange rates for different currencies in reference to Euro, Swiss franc or Polish zloty.

The data necessary for importing an exchange rate can be retrieved from European Central Bank (ECB) or relevant national central banks, such as Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) or the National Bank of Poland (NBP).

To make it possible to import currency exchange rates, the European Central Bank shares the following files on its websites:

  • XML with daily exchange rates. This file is published from Monday to Friday at 3:00 PM CET and contains current euro exchange rates for 33 currencies.
  • XML with exchange rates from the last 90 days. This file contains current and historical euro exchange rates for 33 currencies from the last 90 days.
  • XML with exchange rates since 1999. This file contains current and historical euro exchange rates since 4 January 1999.

To make it possible to import exchange rates for CHF, FOCBS provides on its official website a daily updated XML file with exchange rates.

A certificate is required in order to import exchange rates. It can be downloaded from the following websites:

  • for ECB exchange rates:
  • URL address for FOCBS exchange rates:
  • NBP exchange rates:

After the certificate is successfully exported, it must be imported under a new certification authority. This step must be performed in the System cockpit applications for Certificate authority type.

This article contains procedures regarding the import of exchange rates with the use of the batch application.

The batch application works without any interaction with the user and can be opened either by a batch job, by COBRA call or by another application.

Exchange rate is the ration of value of two currencies. It is usually expressed as a price in domestic currency units for a certain quantity of currency units. A distinction is made between a price quotation and a quantity quotation.

  • The quantity quotation expresses the price of a domestic currency unit in a foreign currency. The reciprocal of a quantity-quoted exchange rate gives the price-quoted exchange rate.
  • The price quotation expresses the price of foreign currency unit in the domestic currency. The reciprocal of a price-quoted exchange rate gives the quantity-quoted exchange rate.

The parameters available in Import exchange rates application are used to control which exchange rates are to be imported. In the batch settings, it is possible to set the method of retrieving the file and of importing the exchange rates.

Import exchange rates application

Import exchange rates application

1. Open the batch application Import exchange rates.

A dialog window is opened.

2. Set the following parameters displayed for information purposes, they are available in Action tab:

  • Currency – in this field you can select the currency for which you want to import exchange rates. You can select one of the defined currencies.
  • Data provider/Format – depending on the currency, select the data provider and the exchange rate file, whose exchange rates are to be imported. Following options are available:
    • European Central Bank, daily exchange rates – if selected, only the exchange rates recently published by the ECB are imported. Depending on the time of transfer, this may be the current day’s price or the previous day’s price, since the current day’s prices are not made available until around 3 p.m. CET.
    • European Central Bank, 90 days – if selected, the exchange rates from the last ninety days for each currency are imported, including the latest daily exchange rate.
    • European Central Bank, since 1999 – if selected, all exchange rates published by the ECB since 1999 are imported.
    Exchange rates are only fixed and publsihed from Monday to Friday.
    • Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) – if selected, all current exchange rates provided daily by the FOCBS are imported.
    • National Bank of Poland, today’s Table A – if selected, the average exchange rate of 35 curencies listed in Table A published on the day of transfer is imported. Table A is published (updated) every business day between 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
    No exchange rates are imported if you start the import before the Table A has been published for the specific day.
    • National Bank of Poland, user-define data query – if selected, experienced users may define a query for exchange rate data as needed. You can define, for example, queries for importing exchange rates of individual currencies, importing exchange rates from an exchange rate table other than Table A, and importing historical exchange rates.

    Since only the XML format is supported for import, the query should contain an explicit reference to this format.
    instead of
  • Usage – in this field you can enter an existing exchange rate setting to which exchange rates are to be imported. If the exchange rate is retrieved for one of the three currencies assigned to an organization or partner, it is necessary to select the usage of exchange rate assigned in Customizing application General function Exchange rate usage field. Applied daily rates are usually created with expiration date until 12:00 AM for a relevant expiration date.
  • Download address – this field allows for entering a full address for importing data provider exchange rates

3. In the tab Batch settings, if it is necessary, change the settings of the batch job.

4. To start the import of the exchange rates, click on [In batch].


The Import exchange rates application is only available upon activating the Import exchange rate function for the main company under Customizing.

The function is visible if you have previously obtained a license to use it. The license key is required to obtain a license.

Business entities

The following business entities are relevant for Import exchange rates, which are used for:

  •        assigning authorizations,
  •        providing activity definitions,
  •        importing or
  •        exporting data

Exchange rates:

The entity belongs to the following group of entities:


Permissions can be added with the use of authorization roles, as well as by assigning organizations. The authorization concept is described in document Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for Import exchange rates application.

Organizational assignments

If function Content-based authorizations is active in Customizing, it is possible to use Import exchange rate application, only if in the partner base data, an organization related with at least one of the following organization structures, is assigned:

  • Financials

Special features

There are no special features for Import exchange rates application.

Authorizations for Business Partners

Import exchange rates application is not released for business partners.

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