Import sales fast entry vouchers

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for working with the Import data application with regard to sales fast entry vouchers. The procedures describe basic steps and important special features of the application. You will also find information on possible prerequirements and action results.

More information on the Import data application, including the description of its fields and buttons, may be found in the Import data article.


The export and import of sales fast entry vouchers is primarily based on the current data model saved in the repository database. More attributes are available for data export than for import. This is why it is recommended to set separate filters for export and import.

1:1 relationships in the data model are usually based on a technical GUID attribute. For data import, depending on the application, you may either use the technical GUID attribute or special keys from the target object (most often, code or number). For some business entities, an organization is required for the conversion of a special key to a technical key. A relevant organization is usually not included directly in the import source but is specified by the voucher context. For more information, refer to chapter Overview: Attributes.

The header of the sales fast entry voucher contains references to hash code business entities. These are technically related attribute groups recurring for many vouchers, which allows you to save some storage space in the database and the main memory. Using a special conversion, the hash code business entities for export or import are represented as parts.

Some data cannot be imported from sales fast entry vouchers, e.g. status fields or internal auxiliary attributes.

If you are unsure of the appropriate format of the import file, complete the following steps: In Import data, add a sample voucher and export it in any format, using the import filter and any attributes. The sample file created in this way can be used as a template for the import files to be generated.

In the case of data import, the same rules apply as when editing data in the application. For instance, an already saved line item cannot be changed anymore.  Attribute values are skipped if they cannot be applied in the current context. The same logic is also used for determining default values. Thanks to that, data import and the application work in the same way. It applies to data validation as well.

You can fill in existing sales fast entry vouchers by importing additional data. Existing data can be replaced with imported data.

Procedures: Import sales fast entry vouchers

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Find the filter for the business entity:
    Open the filter for the import of sales fast entry vouchers
  3. Duplicate or create a new filter for this business entity
  4. If you need it, change filter attributes
  5. Click the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar
    The Import data dialog window will be displayed
  6. In the window, you can adjust settings for the import file. See the Import data article for descriptions of separate fields.
  7. Click the [In background] or [Immediately] button to initiate import
    Data will be imported

Overview: Attributes

Below, you will find the overview of attributes of individual business entities that are available for import. In the case of foreign key attributes, the corresponding relationship names are also listed. The header and required fieds can change and be appropriately extended.

Identification attributes (key attributes) are marked with (K).

Header discount

Sales fast entry vouchers (SalesRapidDocument)

The header of the sales fast entry voucher consists of a type and number that is specified for the type in the number range.




afterTransferAfter transfer
autoConfirmWarningsAutomatically confirm warnings
customerDataSee chapter: Customer data (customerData, deliveryCustomerData, invoiceCustomerData)
customerOrderData.purchaseOrderExternal voucher number voucher date
CustomerProposal.Type.codeSales quotation type
When importing sales fast entry vouchers for sales quotations, save a sales quotation type to be used for this attribute.
dateCreation date
deliveryCustomerDataSee chapter: Customer data (customerData, deliveryCustomerData, invoiceCustomerData)
deliveryDataSee chapter: Supplier data (deliveryData)
discountOriginTypeDiscount origin
You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter acti-vated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouch-ers containing line items, this attribute can be changed via im-port only when price determination is de-layed as per the vouch-er type.

  • discounts.discountType

  • value

  • code

DiscountTypeDiscounts 1 to 4

  • Price component type

  • Quantity, Price, Percentage

  • Type

You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter activated. To import discounts, their origin must be set as Manual.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouchers containing line items, this attribute can be changed via import only when price determination is delayed as per the voucher type.
guid (K)"Technical ID for changing/
deleting saved data – if it is known."
invoiceCustomerDataSee chapter: Customer data (customerData, deliveryCustomerData, invoiceCustomerData)
invoicingDataSee chapter: Invoice data (invoicingData)
invoicingPartyDataSee chapter: Sales organization data (invoicingPartyData)
number (K)Number (technical identification)
You can select this op-tion when creating new objects – if you do not select it, a number will be assigned automati-cally.
Required if no guid has been given upon change/deletion.
payeePayeePartnerPayment partner
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouchers, this attribute can be changed via import only when there are no voucher line items yet.
priceDateCalculation date
You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter acti-vated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouchers containing line items, this attribute can be changed via import only when price determination is delayed as per the voucher type.
priceListingPrice listing
You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter activated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouch-ers, this attribute can be changed via import only when there are no voucher line items yet.
priceValidityDateReference date for price determination
You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter acti-vated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouch-ers containing line items, this attribute can be changed via import only when price determination is delayed as per the voucher type.
Partner usage
You can import price data only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter acti-vated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouchers containing line items, this attribute can be changed via import only when price determination is delayed as per the voucher type.
requestDate.valuePreferred date
Sales RFQ type
When importing sales fast entry vouchers for sales RFQs, save a sales RFQ type to be used for this attribute.
responsibleEmployee responsible
Sales order type
When importing sales fast entry vouchers for sales orders, save a sales order type to be used for this attribute.
salesRepresentatives[0:2]Up to 3 representatives
shippingDateShipping date
You can import ware-house data only for vouchers whose type has the Use warehouse parameter activated.
targetOrderTypeDestination voucher type
TextAssignmentsFile attachments/Texts
See chapter: Texts (TextAssignments)
type (K)TypeType (technical identi-fication)
Required if no guid has been given upon change/deletion.

Customer data (customerData, deliveryCustomerData, invoiceCustomerData)

Customer data in these three roles is saved in the database as a hash code object and is available for import/export as parts. It applies to address data as well.

As in the case of attribute names, the following part names are assigned:

  • customerData Customer
  • deliveryCustomerData Delivery recipient
  • invoiceCustomerData Invoice recipient

Therefore, the following attributes occur once for each role.




addressData.cityAddress – City
addressData.countryaddressData.CountryAddress - Country
addressData.districtAddress – District
addressData.poBoxAddress – P.O. box
Address – P.O. box city
Address – P.O. box postal code
Address – Postal code
addressData.regionaddressData.RegionAdres – Region
addressData.streetAddress – Street
nameCustomer name
careOfCareOfPartnerCare of
careOfNameCare of Name
Unlike in many other vouchers, when importing sales fast entry vouchers, you can change existing customer data, even if line items have already been added to the voucher.

Supplier data (deliveryData)

Supplier data is saved in the database as a hash code object and is available for import/export as parts.

You can import supplier data only for vouchers whose type has the Use delivery conditions parameter activated.




deliveryTermsDeliveryTermsDelivery term
deliveryTermsLocationDelivery term
shippingTermsShippingTermsShipping term

Invoice data (invoicingData)

Some invoice data is saved in the database as a hash code object and is available for import/export as parts.




You can import curren-cy data only for vouch-ers whose type has the Use prices parameter activated.
In the case of existing sales fast entry vouch-ers, this attribute can be changed via import only when there are no voucher line items yet.
paymentMethod (Company)PaymentMethodPayment method
You can import pay-ment methods only for vouchers whose type has the Use payment terms parameter acti-vated.
paymentTerms (Company)paymentTerms (Company)Payment term
You can import pay-ment methods only for vouchers whose type has the Use payment terms parameter acti-vated.

Sales organization data (invoicingPartyData)

Some sales organization data is saved in the database as a hash code object and is available for import/export as parts.




In the case of existing sales fast entry vouch-ers, this attribute can-not be changed via im-port. Data in the import file will be skipped dur-ing the import.
careOfCareOfPartnerCare of
careOfNameCare of Name

Texts (TextAssignments)




codeText module
textTexts for each language
(Used only when a text module has not been specified. See chapter: Text)
typeText type




contentTypeContent type

You can use different text formats. If you need formatting samples, create a voucher template with the appropriate formatting and export it.

Texts are usually imported from the import file, while available default values from partner master data are skipped. If the server property is set as true, default values are always determined and linked with texts that can be included in the import file. Note that the line numbers of the text must be selected accordingly, but the result is only one line containing the text about an item.

Line items of the sales fast entry voucher (SalesRapidDocument)




customerItemNumberCustomer item's number
For more information, see the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN

  • discounts.discountType

  • discounts.type

  • discounts.value

  • discounts.measure

  • DiscountType

  • Measure.UOM

  • Measure.Currency
Discounts 1 to 4

  • Price component type

  • Type

  • Quantity, Price, Percentage
  • Unit
  • Currency

You can import discounts only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
eanEuropean Article Number (EAN)
For more information, see the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN

  • grossPrice.amount

  • grossPrice.currency

CurrencyGross price
You can import gross prices only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
Used only for vouchers that do not refer to retail customers (see retailGrossPrice).
guid (K)Technical identification (line item) for changing/deleting saved date – if it is known.
netCodeNo base discounts
You can import the No base discounts attribute only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
number (K)Number (technical iden-tification)
You can select this op-tion when creating new objects – if you do not select it, a number will be assigned automati-cally.
Required if no guid has been given upon change/deletion.
No cash discount
You can import the No cash discount attribute only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
Do not apply multi-item discounts
You can import the Do not apply multi-item discounts attribute only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
Do not apply any order value discounts
You can import the Do not apply any order value discounts attribute only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
priceDimensionPrice dimension
You can import price dimensions only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
priceOriginTypePrice origin
You can import a price origin only for vouchers whose type has the Use prices parameter activated.
priceUomPriceUomPrice unit
You can import a price unit only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).

pseudoItemDescriptionPseudo item description
It applies to pseudo items only. For other items, this value will be skipped.


  • retailGrossPrice.amount

  • retailGrossPrice.currency

CurrencyGross price incl. taxes
You can import gross prices including taxes only for vouchers that use prices entered manually (Price origin: Manual).
Used only for vouchers that refer to retail cus-tomers (see gross-Price).
TextAssignmentsFile attachments/Texts
See chapter: Texts (TextAssignments)
totalQuantity.amountTotal quantity amount
totalQuantity.uomUomTotal quantity unit
uomObligationBinding unit
You can import a binding unit only when the Manage inventory in lo-gistic units function is activated in Customizing for the active OLTP client.
uomObligationOriginOrigin of Binding setting of units
You can import the origin of Binding setting of units only when the Manage inventory in logistic units function is activated in Customizing for the active OLTP client.

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