Installation: Comarch ERP Enterprise on Microsoft SQL Server

This article discusses the installation of the ERP system for Windows and Microsoft SQL Server.

Target group

  • System administrators
  • Technical consultants
  • Developers


The list of required components and the system structure can be found in the System requirements article.

The specified sequence must be followed during the installation.

A valid installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 or later is required as the operating system. The network must be configured so that DNS settings can be managed. The currently available service packs must be installed.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later is recommended as the database management system (DBMS). The currently available service packs for the SQL server must be installed.

20 GB of free disk space will be temporarily needed to install the ERP system.


Retain the preset directory structures to ensure unified structure of different systems installed in parallel. Conventions are discussed in the Naming conventions article.

The system name used in this article, i.e. SYSTEMNAME, is a sample name that should be replaced with the actual system name in accordance with the received license.

Set up environment variables

During the first installation, adjust the system’s environment variables to ensure smooth system operation.

Temporary directory

  1. Create C:\temp
  2. For the created folder, change the TMP and TEMP environment variables at least for the user account running the ERP System Application Server (SAS) or System Output Manager (SOM)
This allows avoiding extensive directory names, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Comarch-ERP-Enterprise\Local Settings\Temp\.

Path to SQL Server 2012 Tools

  1. Add the following path leading to SQL Server 2012 Tools to the path of the environment variable:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn

  1. The path needs to be adjusted to the installation of SQL 2012 server.
The sqlcmd command can be called in the command line.

Install AdoptOpenJDK

The ERP system is developed in JavaTM programming language and therefore requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) as a runtime environment, as well as for further work. At the time of writing this documentation, the supplied version of AdoptOpenJDK is 11.0.10+9.

The procedure for installing the Java JDK described below is necessary during the first installation or when changing the version of the supplied JDK.


Download the current version of the JDK x64 for Windows from .

Install the downloaded file in C:\comarch\java\jdk-11.0.10+9-64.

The directory suggested to perform the installation differs from the path used in the ERP system. During the installation, change the suggested directory to C:\comarch\java\jdk-11.0.10+9-64.

When installing the JDK, do not install the Java Runtime Environment. To do this, deactivate Public JRE when selecting components to install by selecting Don’t install this feature now.

Update Public Java Runtime Environment

In addition to the Java Executables in the installation directory, which are necessary for SAS to work, the public Java Runtime Environment is also copied to the C:\Programme\Java\ directory during installation. This version is used, for example, by browsers as a plug-in. In the case of the public Java Runtime Environment, a program is installed that regularly checks for new versions or security patches of the public Java Runtime Environment on the Oracle homepage.

Updating the Public Java Runtime Environment does not affect the ERP system, as the contents of the directory used by the SAS are not changed in the process.

To avoid updating the public Java Runtime Environment:

  • Do not install the Java Runtime Environment when installing the JDK. For this purpose, deactivate Public JRE when selecting components to install by selecting Don’t install this feature now.
  • If the public Java Runtime Environment is already installed, disable the regular check for new updates through the Java Update Program settings

Install the ERP system

Create directories

About 20 GB of free disk space is needed for the unzipped CEE setup files.

The user will receive the installation package via Comarch iBard platform. It contains the .zip file with the program code, as well as other directories with installation scripts, database exports, and documentation. The file contains a large number of files that may be improperly extracted, e.g. using WinZip or the file archiver provided with the newer versions of Windows. The file is automatically extracted at a later installation stage using Jar.


  1. Create C:\comarch\CEE630PA
  2. Extract the downloaded ZIP file in the created folder.

The transferred database contents and users are restored by calling a script. 20 GB of free disk space is needed to perform the installation.

Prepare the license file

Prepare the license file in the extracted directory C:\comarch\CEE630PA\install\licence

Create the installation script

Call the following command in the command line: C:\comarch\CEE630PA\install\scripts\windows\crtsem.cmd

The script expects the following parameters:

  • Java Home directory (C:\comarch\java\11.0.10+9-64)
  • System name according to the license (SYSTEMNAME)
  • Name of the license file. The license file must be purchased in the standard way by contacting a consultant and must be copied to the license
  • Password to the license file
  • Database type (MSSQL)
  • Destination folder where the CEE directory is to be created. If the directory does not exist, the script will automatically create it together with all parent directories.
  • Destination directory where the physical database files are to be created at a later stage


Paths containing spaces should be entered in quotation marks, e.g. “d:\data files go here”.

The directory must not be stored on any network drive.

For source and destination, use directory names without spaces. The specified destination directory for storing database files must already exist before the script is executed.

  1. Run the command line and navigate to the appropriate directory with the following command:

cd /D C:\comarch\CEE630PA\install\scripts\windows.

  1. In the directory, execute the crtsem command, using the required parameters:

crtsem C:\comarch\java\jdk-11.0.10+9-64 SYSTEMNAME LICENSE_NAME LICENSE_PASSWORD MSSQL C:\comarch\SYSTEMNAME c:\sql_server_data

crtsem C:\comarch\java\jdk-11.0.10+9-64 CEE630PA 300-CEE630PA-01-CEE630PA.lic [LICENSE_PASSWORD] MSSQL C:\comarch\CEE630PA c:\sql_server_data
  • The CEE directory is extracted from the zip file.
  • The installation script is generated that contains the necessary information to create databases and users.
  • The script will be executed. Databases and database users will be set up automatically.
  • Log files and SQL scripts generated for the import can be viewed in the directories %TEMP%\SYSTEMNAME-log” and “%TEMP%\SYSTEMNAME-tmp.

The script will create the following users and passwords:



SYSTEMNAMECFConfiguration database
SYSTEMNAMERPRepository database
SYSTEMNAME00Base OLTP database
SYSTEMNAME02Multi-Site OLTP database

Each user is created as database_owner (dbo). Additional users who want to work with the SQL Server can be created through SQL Server Management Studio.

If an error occurs (for example, due to insufficient memory), the script can be executed again. Any databases and users that may have been created will be deleted and re-created. However, none of the databases should be edited using SQL Server Management Studio; otherwise, it would not be possible to change this object.

If the source directory is on a network drive, the sqlcmd command will not be able to access that drive for data recovery.

Run the ERP system application server

  1. Run the command line.
  2. Execute the following command to navigate to the SAS working directory: cd /D C:\comarch\SYSTEMNAME\semiramis\servers\MESSAGESERVER
  3. Execute the following script to run SAS: strsas-messageserver.cmd
  • The SAS stores log files in the following directory: C:\comarch\SYSTEMNAME\semiramis\servers\MESSAGESERVER\log

Create database information

Before logging into the system for the first time, generate database information.

To do this, run the following commands on the running SAS:

crtdbinf –configuration –repository

crtdbinf –oltp –nlsAutomatic

Log in to the ERP system

The first login to the system is via the URL http://localhost using the ADMINISTRATOR username and password, which is generated by the crtsem.cmd script and output to the console.

Set up the new system

The supplied installation scripts have already installed the specified license in the configuration database and created the relevant system.

After successful login, further system configuration can be done through the System cockpit application.

Further information on launching the system can be found in article Installation guide.

ERP system application server as a Windows service

Run the ERP System Application Server (SAS) as a Windows service.

Generate certificates

Certificates must be created to use a secure connection when logging in.

Uninstall the ERP system

  1. Stop all the SASs that access the database through the database users to be deleted. User data cannot be deleted while the user is still connected to the database.
  2. Run SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Delete all the system databases that should be deleted. Next, data files and log files from the file system can be deleted.
  4. Delete logins belonging to the ERP system databases (SYSTEMNAME).
  5. If services have been created (see Chapter 10), uninstall them using the appropriate script bat“, im Pfad „C:\comarch\SYSTEMNAME\semiramis\servers\MESSAGESERVER\service.
  6. Delete files that have been saved in the S:\SYSTEMNAME
  • The ERP system is now successfully uninstalled.

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