
Topic overview

Intrastat is a statistical system for collecting information and determining the status of intra-Community transactions. Thanks to the Intrastat application in Comarch ERP Enterprise, you can generate Intrastat declarations based on appropriate settings in the system. You can specify declaration data required by relevant EU countries and map differences between designations in different countries. With Comarch ERP Enterprise, you can determine the data required for the Intrastat declarations in such countries as Germany, Austria, Poland, France and enter them into a file.

Intrastat is a sort of common statistical system for the circulation of goods, including trade between Member States of the European Union. It is based on the data from relevant declarations:

  • Intrastat – import
  • Intrastat – export

The party obliged to prepare an Intrastat declaration submits it to the competent authority in the country in which his or her business is registered.

Within Intrastat, there are so-called statistical thresholds. There are two thresholds on the turnover of goods with EU countries; exceeding one of the two thresholds in a given calendar year triggers the obligation to submit an appropriate declaration, while exceeding the second threshold to submit a more detailed declaration.

For the Intrastat declaration, the items have to be classified according to the Combined Nomenclature (ICN), which contains commodity codes under which similar items are combined. The party obliged to submit the information can obtain this nomenclature from the competent Intrastat authority.

Intrastat configuration

The Intrastat application is installed as an add-on to the standard version of the system.

The Intrastat function is activated in the Customizing application. The following data need to be completed there:

  • Encoding type – determines the identification of the regions to be declared while outputting the Intrastat declaration files for the third software. Encoding types are defined in the Encoding types
  • Weight unit – included during generation of the Intrastat declaration proposition, it is defined in the Units
  • Include service – if activated, services will be included when calculating the Intrastat declaration proposition.
  • Incoterms required – upon activation it determines whether the Incoterms data will be required, for instance, in a sales order.
The fields under section Criteria for the generation of correction declaration propositions are only used when it is necessary to correct a declaration proposition. The user defines correct values as compared with the original version to be corrected.
  • Invoice value – the amount by which the original amount in the Intrastat declaration proposition may differ
  • Statistical value – it is based on the invoice amount by which the statistical value, agreed originally in the Intrastat declaration, may differ from the statistical value resulting, for instance, from the corrected invoice
  • Net weight – the percentage by which the weight specified in the declaration proposition may differ
  • Supplementary unit – the percentage by which the quantity in the unit specified earlier in the Weight unit field may differ from the quantity in the declaration
Intrastat function in the Customizing application

Source data for Intrastat declaration

The Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions is a batch application that verifies which logistics documents are subject to Intrastat:

  • Purchase orders
  • Sales orders
  • Delivery orders
  • Distribution orders
  • Receipts of goods
  • Supplier invoices
  • Customer invoices

Generate Intrastat declaration proposition

The Generate Intrastat declaration proposition application retrieves data from the Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions application and then generates the business objects that store the Intrastat-related information.

Generate Intrastat declaration proposition batch application

Intrastat declaration propositions

The Intrastat declaration propositions application displays and edits the business objects created in the Generate Intrastat declaration proposition application, which further will be used when generating a .csv file for the third software. Data in this application are collected and retrieved automatically from the batch applications.

Intrastat declaration propositions application

Intrastat data

Detailed information regarding the Intrastat declaration data is available in the articles describing the applications:

  • Intrastat statistical methods
  • Intrastat ports
  • Intrastat statistical procedure
  • Intrastat collection terms
  • Intrastat natures of transaction
  • Intrastat transport modes
  • Intrastat Classification Nomenclature
  • Intrastat delivery terms
  • Intrastat declaration propositions

Intrastat settings for specific applications

The general settings of the Intrastat functionality for individual applications or other frameworks such as Items, Sales orders can be specified in Comarch ERP Enterprise in addition to the Intrastat framework with multiple apps. The system Intrastat mode is available in a given application under the button . Selecting this mode activates additional fields in the opened application.

Items application in the Intrastat mode

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