Intrastat fix of 09.2022

The fix is available for the following system versions:

  • 6.0.0 with fix CIS600PB-Fix05 and the application Intrastat in version 20.14:6.0.0 installed
  • 6.1.0 with fix CIS610PB-Fix04 and the application Intrastat in version 25.8:6.1.0 installed
  • 6.2.0 with fix CIS620PB-Fix03 and the application Intrastat in version 35.7:6.2.0 installed

Changes to the application Intrastat declaration propositions

Validation divided into basic validation and detailed validation

In order to improve the functioning of the application Intrastat Declaration propositions, when verifying a declaration, under the [Available actions] button in Intrastat Declaration propositions, Run detailed validation action is now available. In allows for launching validation in background.

Run detailed validation function

The functionality is not available for declarations with Archived status.

The option starts the background application Detail validation of declaration, which comprehensively verifies data introduced in the declaration: it allows for verifying and displaying information regarding each error and its localization in the declaration proposition.

In the application Intrastat Declaration propositions, parameter Omit status update of correct entries, which allows for executing validation without verifying entries marked as correct in the line item editor with the use of the Exclude option. If the parameter is unchecked, the statuses are updated for all entries. In case there are entries with warnings generated and marked as checked, such warnings will be displayed again.

Verification results are presented as a table in the Batch Jobs application, after selecting the batch job with the left mouse button and selecting the [Message log] button, located in the working pane.

Errors and warnings are displayed in separate rows, with reference to a specific declaration entry.

Detail validation of declaration application

Once the declaration is verified, it is possible to filter its positions in the application Intrastat Declaration propositions, in the filter window, with the use of the new field Verification status.

Detailed validation is performed automatically also during the action [Output third-party software file…] and [Set status to “Declared”].

The application Detailed validation of declaration is started for a given declaration. In the Batch jobs application, after selecting the validation job with the left mouse button, and clicking on the Message log button, the list of errors/warnings and information is displayed. There is a row with error saying that it is necessary to execute verification for a specific line item of the declaration. Below, there is an information saying that selected CN code does not match with the CN code specified in the item customizing data, which means that the declaration contains an error regarding CN code inconsistency for an item.

Application Intrastat Declaration propositions allows for searching line items with errors thanks to the line item filter where the line items are ordered, for example, by number indicated in the message log (Line item field) or with the use of the verification status (Verification status field). With the use of the line item filter, it is possible to find all line items with errors and warnings, which allows for a fast correction of the line items.

The basic declaration verification, validating, for example, the length of entered characters, their format and mandatory fields, is executed after selecting buttons: [Validate] (on the button bar in the identification pane and line item editor), [Save], [Process free of charge declarations], [Recalculate declaration proposition based on item attributes] (button bar in the identification pane) and [Find and add declaration line items] (declaration line item filter in the working pane) in the application Intrastat Declaration propositions.

Verification results are presented on the declaration line item list as:

  • red exclamation mark, informing that mandatory declaration proposition data is missing and displayed when mandatory fields are not completed or their format is not matching expected format (e.g., there is text instead of a date)
  • orange icon, which warns of, for example, data inconsistency (CN code entered on the item form in the Items application does not match the CN code entered in Item tab).

For the [Validate] and [Accept] buttons in the line item editor, the standard validation is executed, whose results are presented in a dockable view of the application.

New method of changing declaration status to Declared

In order to limit the duration of the declaration status change into Declared, the action can be performed with the use of the background application available under the Set status to “Declared” button.

Set status to “Declared” application

At the same time, during the work of the application, detailed verification, described in paragraph Validation divided into basic validation and detailed validation, is performed.

New field in line item filter

The Verification status field has been added to the declaration line item filter. It is used for filtering declaration line items by errors and warnings generated for that declaration during its validation. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to display line items with errors only, which reduces the duration of their correction.

Verification status field in line item filter

New fields in the application Generate Intrastat declaration propositions

In order to reduce the duration of declaration generation, in the application Generate Intrastat declaration propositions, parameter Limiting the scope of the generated declaration has been added.

New fields in the application Generate Intrastat declaration propositions

Once the parameter is selected, two mandatory fields appear: Year and Month – allows for limiting the scope of declaration generation in required time period.

In the Year field, the value must be entered manually, while in the Month field, predefined list of values is available.

Limiting the number of displayed line items on the Intrastat declaration

In the application Customizing → Functions → Intrastat, new field has been added: Number of displayed line items

New field in the application Customizing

The field allows for limiting the number of line items displayed on the declaration proposition to entered value, which increases system performance during the process of declaration processing. Values from 1 to 1000 can be entered. Default value: 500.

If declaration contains more line items than the maximal number of line items, the line items can be still filtered in the application Intrastat Declaration propositions and, for example, all line items with errors or warnings can be displayed, which makes it possible to correct them faster.


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