Introduction: Cloud

The Cloud adapter allows establishing connection between Comarch ERP Enterprise and any external system (application, online store, sales platform) and exchanging data between them through features and applications available in the Multi-channel sales framework.

Data export capabilities of the Cloud adapter depend on the configuration of the external system.

As compared with adapters supporting connection with an online store with the use of settings available in the Sales channels application, the Cloud adapter requires no such configuration. Connection is established by entering authorization credentials (ID, password, and a database used) in the external system.

In order to activate the Cloud adapter together with all its functions, it is necessary to select the Active parameter in Customizing Cloud adapter.

Cloud adapter applications

The adapter provides an additional application, used for creating assignments between systems:

  • Cloud entity assignments – the application allows the user to assign data from the external system (payment terms, payment methods, shipping terms, tax classifications, and delivery terms) to data defined in Comarch ERP Enterprise system, which makes it possible to synchronize data between the systems correctly

Features supported by the Cloud adapter

Handling of sales channels

Sales channel hierarchyThe Cloud adapter makes it possible to create hierarchical sales channel structures: Master storeSub store. More information on the hierarchy of sales channels may be found in the Introduction: Multi-channel sales article.
Single storeThe adapter makes it possible to create a single store in the Sales channels application.
B2BThe adapter supports business-to-business processes (transactions between two business entities).
B2CThe adapter supports business-to-customer processes (transactions between a business entity and an individual customer).
B2B & B2C (mixed mode)The adapter makes it possible to simultaneously use the B2B and B2C modes.
Default currencyThe adapter makes it possible to set a default currency for the external store.
Item data in multiple languagesThe adapter makes it possible to enter and export multilingual attributes (e.g. item descriptions). After the language of the external system is changed, item names are changed accordingly, provided that the relevant language has been added on the Cloud tab of the Sales channels application.
Payment term assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning payment terms used upon the import of orders with the use of the Cloud entity assignments application.
Payment method assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning payment methods used upon the import of orders with the use of the Cloud entity assignments application.
Shipping term assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning shipping terms used upon the import of orders with the use of the Cloud entity assignments application.
Tax classification assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning item tax classifications with the use of the Cloud entity assignments application.
Delivery term assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning delivery terms used upon the import of orders with the use of the Cloud entity assignments application.

Handling of B2C

Import of customers (batch application)The adapter supports the Import customers application.
Export of customers (batch application)The adapter makes it possible to export B2C partners assigned to the sales channel (Sales channel partners application) into the external system.

Handling of B2B

Import of customers (batch application)The adapter supports the Import customers application.
Export of customers (batch application)The adapter makes it possible to export B2B partners assigned to the sales channel (Sales channel partners application) into the external system.

Handling of items

Item assignments to categoriesThe adapter allows assigning items to sales channel item categories in the Sales channel item categories application.
Export of item categories (batch application)The adapter supports the Export item categories application.
Import of item categories (batch application)The adapter supports the Import item categories application: it is possible to import either categories alone or together with items assigned to them. The user can also export categories, edit them in the external system, and import them back into Comarch ERP Enterprise.
Category metadataThe adapter makes it possible to export category metadata together with categories.
Item characteristics (export)The adapter allows adding characteristics to sales channel items and exporting them into the external system with the use of the Export item characteristic classifications application.
Item relations: variantsThe adapter allows creating item variants (Sales channel item variants application) and exporting them into the external system (Export items application).
Item relations: alternative itemsThe adapter allows creating item relations of the Alternative type (Sales channel item relations application) and exporting them into the external system (Export items application).
Item relations: accessoriesThe adapter allows creating item relations of the Accessory type (Sales channel item relations application) and exporting them into the external system (Export items application).
Item metadata (PIM)The adapter allows adding images, links, and documents to items (Items application → PIM media tab) and exporting them together with the items.
Kit itemsThe adapter allows creating kit items (Kits application) and exporting them into the external system (Export items application).
Item media assignmentsThe adapter allows adding images, links, and documents in the Sales view of the item form (Multi-channel sales extension) → PIM media tab. Media files are exported together with an item into the external system.
Export of itemsThe adapter supports the Export items batch application, allowing the export of items created in Comarch ERP Enterprise into the external system.

Handling of prices

Export of price lists (batch application)The adapter allows exporting sales price lists (Export sales price lists application) created in the Sales price lists application.

Handling of warehouses

Export of item availability (batch application)The adapter makes it possible to export item availability information into the external system (Export item availability application).

Handling of sales orders

Import of sales ordersThe adapter supports the import of sales orders with the use of the Import sales orders application.
Export of changes to sales ordersThe adapter allows updating sales order statuses with the use of the Export sales order changes application.

Additional features

Handling of collection pointsThe adapter makes it possible to create personal collection points in the Collection points application and export them into the external system with the use of the Export collection points application.
Gift cardsThe adapter makes it possible to use gift cards and pay with them.

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