
General information

This document contains information regarding application Languages. In the application Languages, it is possible to define language used, e.g., in correspondene and the lanugage of a given country. Defined language can be selected in:

  • application Partners, view Base, field Correspondence language
  • in application Countries, in field Languages
The application Languages does not affect display, developement and configuration language.

Application description

In the application Languages, it is possible to add new lanugages or edit existing ones. The application  is composed of the header and the workspace.

Application Languages

In the application header, it is possible to search an existing language.

Available fields:

  • Language  – it is necessary to enter the name/ID of a given language
  • Description  – additional description being a searching criterion
  • Deletion marker – allows for displaying items marked for deletion (option: Marked as deleted), currently used ones (option: Not marked for deletion) or all entries (option: All)
The user cannot delete a language which is used by other applications.


New language can be added in the workspace with the use of [New] button. It is also possible to duplicane an already existing language by clicking on [Duplicate] button.

Available fields:

  • Select all  – this parameter can be used, for example, in order to mark several languages for deletion.
  • Language (mandatory field)  – name/ID of selected language composed of up to 5 characters. It is recommended to use nomenclature in accordance with the ISO 639 standard.
  • Description (mandatory field) – additional field related to an existing/created language. It is necessary to enter description in different languages.

To save language, it is necessary to click [Save] button.


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