Output: Sales representative data

In the application Output: Sales representative allows for printing or sending as a file information regarding partners with Sales representative role who are available in the system.

The output is used as a template. It can be used according to user’s preferences with the use of the Outputs application.

The application Output: Sales representative data is composed of the standard button bar and sections Parameters and Settings.

Section Parameters

With the use of the parameters, the user can limit the criteria of searching partners.

The parameters are explained below:

  • Report title – the name of the report can be entered manually or selected from the list available under the [Value assistant] button. The default name of this field is Sales representative data.
  • Partner – in this field, with the use of the [Value assistant] button, it is possible to select from the list one or more representatives whose data is to be printed.
The data for fields Name, Search name, Street, Postal code, City, Region, Organization responsible, Correspondence language, Employee responsible, Affiliation and Assigned organization are retrieved from the form of the partner added in the application Partners Base view and must be compliant with that data.
  • Name – in this field, it is possible to enter the sales representative’s name manually. According to that name the data will be retrieved onto the printout
  • Partner search string – this field allows for searching and retrieving data regarding the partner with the use of the search string
  • Street – this field allows for retrieving sales representatives’ data by manually entered street name
  • Postal code – this field is used for retrieving sales representatives to the report with the use of the postal code of the address. The value in this field is entered manually.
  • City – this field is used for retrieving sales representatives to the report with the use of the city of the address. The value in this field is entered manually.
  • Region – this field allows for entering the region of the sales representative whose data is supposed to be retrieved to the report.
  • Country – this field allows for entering the country of the sales representative whose data is supposed to be retrieved to the report. The value can be entered manually or it is possible to use the list opened with the use of the [Value assistant] button.
  • Organization responsible – this field allows for searching sales representatives whose data is supposed to retrieved, with the use of the organization. The organization can be selected by clicking on the [Value assistant] button.
  • Correspondence language – this field allows for searching sales representatives with the use of the correspondence language assigned to the partner
  • Employee responsible – this field allows for retrieving sales representative’s data by assigned employee responsible
  • Affiliation – this parameter is used for limiting output results to specified representatives on the basis of the affiliation. From the drop-down list, it is necessary to select one of the available values:
    • (All)
    • Internal
    • External
  • Organization responsible – from the list available under the [Value assistant] button, it is necessary to select the organization to which is assigned the partner (or partners) whose data is to be retrieved onto the output
  • Deletion marker – this parameter allows for selecting and retrieve onto the output sales representatives:
    • (All)
    • With deletion marker
    • Without deletion marker
  • Output communication connections – if the parameter is active, for sales representatives included in the output, also data from the application Partners Base view → Communication connections section, will be printed
  • Output contact person – if the parameter is active, for sales representatives included in the output, also data from the application Partners Base view → Contact person section, will be printed
  • Output text – if the parameter is active, for sales representatives included in the output, also data from the application Partners Base view → tab Texts, will be printed
  • Texts in all languages – this parameter allows for printing data in all available languages
  • Output sales rep’s customer dimension type – if the parameter is active, the list of customers for which in the Customer view, in Sales representative field, a given sales representative is selected.

Section Settings

  • Language – the default value is the original report language
The reports are created in all languages licensed in the system. It is necessary to remember that not all texts, labels etc. are translated to all languages. If the text is not found in a given language, an alternative language, defined in the user’s settings, is used.
  • Color background (refers to tables) – this field indicates whether in the report, rows are supposed to be alternately colored. Used background color is specified on the basis of the current color scheme selected in the user settings.
  • Output medium (mandatory field) –from a drop-down list, it is necessary to select option determining whether the report is supposed to be added, sent by fax or by e-mail.
  • After selecting the option Printer, the following fields appear:
    • Printerwith the use of the [Value assistant] button it is necessary to select one of available devices. Once the physical printer is selected, other fields of this section are activated.
    • Paper tray 1st page – in this field, it is possible to define paper tray for the first page

The option Paper tray 1st page is active, if in the printer settings there is a possibility of selecting paper tray for the first page.

  • Paper tray with the use of this parameter it is possible to select paper tray from which the printer takes the paper
  • Media size from a drop-down list it is possible select the format in which the report will be primed. By default, the A4 value is set.
  • Double-sided this parameter indicates whether the printout is to be one- (value selected by default) or two-sided. In case of two-sided printout, it is possible to flip it by the longer or shorter edge.
The option is available, if the printout has the option of double-sided printout.
  • Orientation allows for selecting printout orientation from a drop-down list.
Sheet of paper icon, placed on the right side of the row, presents selected printout orientation.
  • Number of copiesnumber of copies of the printout, field filled-in manually
  • Sort – this field indicates whether the printout is to be performed per copy (option selected by default) or by page.
Report contains 5 pages and is supposed to be printed in 3 copies. After checking the option Per page, the printout will look as follows: 111,222,333,444,555. After checking the option Per copy, the report will be printed sorted in three copies.
  • Resolutionthis field displays printout resolution settings for selected printer. Available options:
    • Normal
    • High
    • Draft
    • 200×1.200 dpi
    • 600×600 dpi
  • Color – allows for selecting color printout (if the printer is provided with such option) or leaving it in black and white
  • Output priority this parameter specifies the printout sequence according to assigned priority. From a drop-down list it is possible to select parameters from 1 (the highest) to 9 (the lowest).
  • Redirect to file – field allowing for redirecting report. Available options:
    • No – the report will not be redirected
    • In file – the report will be saved to a file
    • In file and print – the report will be saved to a file and sent to the client’s printer, if such option is available
The values No and In file and print are available depending on the type of selected printout.
  • Folder – field available after selecting the option Redirect to file In file. It allows for selecting the folder in which the report will be saved.
  • File name – field available after selecting the option Redirect to file In file. The file name is entered manually.
  • File type – parameter available after selecting the value In file in the Redirect to file Thanks to the parameter, from a drop-down list it is possible to select the format in which the report will be saved. By default, the value PDF is set.
  • Client printer dialog window – displays dialog window for the report printout
  • Client printer – here, it is possible to define manually client’s printer, if such printer is available
The Client partner dialog window and Client printer fields are visible when in the field Redirect to file, the value In file and print is selected.
  • After selecting the option Fax, the following settings are displayed:
    • Fax selection of one of available devices
    • Sender ID – fax sender data
    • Control sequence – character string that will be used when controlling fax. This number will be transferred directly to the ERP system.
    • Fax number – in this field, it is necessary to enter the number of the receiving device
    • Subject – fax subject, entered manually
    • Media size – selection of paper size from a drop-down list. By default, the value A4 is set.
    • Output priority – this parameter specifies the dispatch sequence according to assigned priority. From a drop-down list it is possible to select parameters from 1 (the highest) to 9 (the lowest).
    • Resolution – this field displays printout resolution settings for selected fax. Available options:
      • Normal
      • High
      • Draft
      • 200×1.200 dpi
      • 600×600 dpi (default value)
    • Double-sided this parameter indicates whether the printout is to be one- (value selected by default) or two-sided. The option is available, if the fax has the option of double-sided printout.
    • Orientationallows for selecting printout orientation from a drop-down list.
Sheet of paper icon, placed on the right side of the row, presents selected printout orientation.
  • Send – in this field, it is necessary select whether the document should be sent immediately or after a specific timeout is reached (the timeout can be additionally defined in the field below)
  • Time point sent – time within which the document is supposed to be sent
  • After selecting the option E-mail, the following fields are displayed:
    • E-mail gateway – with the use of the [Value assistant] button, it is possible to select the e-mail gateway through which the document will be sent
    • From – e-mail address of the sender. This field is filled-in by default with the user’s e-mail address.
    • Reply to – e-mail address to which the response should be sent. The field should be filled-in, only if the response is to be sent to a person different than the sender.
    • To – field filled in with the e-mail address/addresses of the recipient/recipients
    • CC – in this field, it is necessary to enter e-mail addresses to which the message is to be sent as copy. The recipients entered in this field will be visible to each other.
    • BCC – in this field, it is necessary to enter e-mail addresses to which the message is to be sent as copy. These addresses will be not visible for other recipients.
    • Subject – field for entering the subject of the message, filled-in manually
    • Text – message content (it is possible to choose normal text or HTML). To fill-in the field, it is necessary to click on [Additional data] button with the rhombus icon.
    • Attachment – this button allows for adding an attachment to the message, e.g., image or document, if the selected gateway is provided with such option
    • File type – attachment type selected from a drop-down list. By default, the value PDF is set.
    • Output priority – this parameter specifies the dispatch sequence according to assigned priority. 1 (the highest), 9 (the lowest)


In the Customizing application, there are no settings for the application Output: Sales representative data


The application Output: Sales representative data refers to the application:

  • Output: Sales representative data



Authorizations can be assigned both through authorization roles and by assigning organizations.

Special features

There are no special capabilities for the application Output Sales representative data.

Organizational assignments

If in the customizing, the function Content-based authorizations is activated, the application Output: Sales representative data will be visible for the user only if the partner, in their base data, has an organization attached to at least one of the following organization structures assigned:

  • Sales

Special features

There are no special features for the application Output Sales representative data.

Authorizations for business partners

The application Output: Sales representative data is not released for business partners.

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