Partner overview

This document describes application Partner dashboard.  It enables fast and easy presentation of information regarding relations between the company and its partners placed in different areas.

The view of Partner dashboard application can be adapted to individual
user’s needs, however it is not possible to edit data. With the use of the function of organizing user interface, it is possible to configure the look and the interval of presented data. Presentation of partner information is important for executed tasks.

Detailed information regarding the functionality of configured interface can be found in article <<Interface customization>>.

Identification Pane

Identification pane of Partner dashboard application

The application header in Partner dashboard contains one field:

  • Partner – here, the user can enter the number of the partner for whom
    they want to retrieve data or select such partner with the use of [Value assistant] button.

Work pane

In the work pane, information regarding a given partners presented.
The user can select information to display.

To display an additional interface element, in the work pane, it is  necessary to activate the design mode and drag relevant attribute from the Attribute tab in the navigation pane to the application area with the use of drag and drop method and save the view. Button [Design mode] can be found by expanding the list available under [Design and organize views], which is placed in the toolbar on the right site of the application interface. The attributes, however, ale available in another tab, in a docked window.

Standard view


Standard view contains the following fields:

  • Address – this field contains the address of the displayed partner
  • Telephone – this field contains telephone number of the displayed partner. If in the system, there is more than one telephone number for a given partner, the visibility of the telephone number in this field depends on the priority selected in the partner base data and on the default medium defined in Communication methods
  • E-mail – this field contains partner’s e-mail address. If in the system, there is more than one e-mail address for a given partner, the visibility of the e-mail address in this field depends on the priority selected in the partner base data and on the default medium defined in Communication methods
  • Website – this field contains the website of the displayed partner. If in the system, there is more than one website for a given partner, the visibility of the addresses in this field depends on the priority selected in the partner base data and on the default medium defined in Communication methods
  • Fax – this field contains fax number of the displayed partner. If in the system, there is more than one fax number for a given partner, the visibility of the fax number in this field depends on the priority selected in the partner base data and on the default medium defined in Communication methods
  • Partner search string – this field is used for searching appropriate partner according to search string defined for them in Partners In this field, it is possible to enter a fragment of the phrase used in Address field.

Design mode

To activate context menu in Standard view, it is necessary to activate Design mode. Then, in the work pane, with the use of the right mouse button, it is necessary to click on [New] button. 

A bar, to which it is possible add tabs with the use of the context menu in the design mode, is available.  For this purpose, the following development objects of Action type are used:

  • PartnerDashboardSalesOrders
  • PartnerDocumentsAdvancedSearch


The user can change tab’s name/ To do so, it is necessary to:
open technical properties of a given tab, by clicking on the right mouse button on [Properties], click on Adapt texts,
enter appropriate name and click on [OK]. Then, restart the application. The name of the tab will be changed.

Additional fields

Below, there is a description of some fields which can be added to the partner dashboard. These fields are grouped according to the partner’s role. For the partner role, there is information under which Attributes tab tree node there is appropriate field: More information regarding tabs from Partners application, can be found in this application. Detailed description:

  • PartnerInfo node (Partner);
    • Valid from – date from which the current partner base data is valid
    • Valid until – date until which the current partner base data is valid
    • Organization responsible – organization to which the partner is assigned
  • Partner role Customer (Node: CustomerInfo (Customer))
    • 1-9 classification – classification from 1 to 9 defined for the customer, this field is used for assigning appropriate priority
    • Price listing – statement of price listings defined for a given client
  • Partner role Employee (Node: EmployeeInfo (Partner))
    • Personnel number – employee’s personnel number
    • Occupation – employee’s occupation
  • Accounting data (Node: FinancialsInfo (Partner financial accounting data)
    • Debtor – this field indicates whether in the system there are unsettled payments for the partner
    • Payment terms – this field contains payment terms assigned to a given partner
  • Partner role Marketing partner (Node: MarketingInfo (Marketing partners)
    • ABC classification – this field contains A, B or C partner classification and is used in order to assign appropriate priority
    • Preferred contact person – this field contains partner’s employee who is a contact person for marketing purposes
  • Partner role Supplier (Node: SupplierInfo (Supplier)
    • 1-5 classification – classification from 1 to 5 defined for the customer supplier
    • Price listing – statement of price listings defined for a given supplier

Fields in Other fields tab

If tab Other fields in Partners application has fields defined, they can be also displayed in Partner dashboard.

These fields can be found in the tree structure of Attributes tab, under Extensions (Additional fields) node, which can be found under nodes corresponding to individual views of Partners application. For example, other fields from Customer view can be found under Extensions (Other fields) node, which is a subordinate node for CustomerInfo (Customer) node. Other fields from Base view can be found under Extensions (Other fields) node on the first level of the tree structure.


In Partner dashboard application, it is possible to display lists described in the table below:

In the tree structure in Attributes tab, there are particular attributes of lists under the following nodes:

List Node
Communication methods

Contact person


Sales campaigns


Delivery orders

Receipts of goods

Sales representative statistics

PartnerInfo (Partners) on the first tree level
Sales RFQs

Sales quotations

Sales orders

Sales contracts

Customer invoices

Sales statistics

CustomerInfo (Customer)
Purchasing RFQs

Sales quotations

Sales orders

Sales contracts

Customer invoices

Sales statistics

SupplierInfo (Supplier)

On the lists, it is possible to add or delete query fields and columns, as well as save own views. For more information, refer to: Configured interface.

Communication methods

Application Communication methods is an overview of partner’s communication channels, e.g., telephone numbers or e-mail addresses.

The user must be assigned to at least one organization to be able to preview partner’s communication methods,  This data is also presented for partners of Sales representative type, if a given partner is a customer’s or contact person’s customer, contact person or employee and the sales representative is assigned to that partner.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Type – allows for selecting communication method
  • Description – this field allows for selecting communication description type
  • Medium – this field allows for selecting the medium which will be a search criterion for the communication The following options are available:
    • E-mail
    • Fax
    • Telephone
    • Telex
    • URL
    • VoIP
  • Preferred medium – it is possible to present both preferred communication methods, as well as methods not marked as preferred. The following options are available:
    • Yes
    • No
    • (Ignore)
  • Deletion marker:
    • (All)
    • With deletion marker
    • Without deletion marker
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Type – allows for selecting communication method
  • Description – this field allows for entering communication method description
  • Medium – communication method medium Available media:
    • E-mail
    • Fax
    • Telephone
    • Telex
    • URL
    • VoIP
  • Preferred medium – this column contains information indicating whether a given communication method is a preferred method. The setting is defined in the partner base data. If a communication method is set as preferred, it will be marked in the column.
  • Priority – this column contains information regarding communication method priority marked with a number



Contacts is an overview of partner’s contact persons. The data is visible in Cockpit: Partners -> action Contact person and expand.

The user must be assigned to at least one organization to be able to preview partner’s contact persons. This data is also presented for partners of Sales representative type, if a given partner is a customer’s or contact person’s customer, contact person or employee and the sales representative is assigned to that partner.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Relationship category classification – this field allows for selecting as search criterion a classification of relationship categories of a given partner’s contact person. The following options are available:
    • All
    • General
    • Purchasing
    • Sales
  • Preferred medium – it is possible to present both preferred contact persons, as well as contact persons not marked as preferred. The following options are available:
    • Yes
    • No
    • Ignore
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Partner – this column contains the number of contact person’s partner
  • Partner search string – partner search string corresponding to the value in the base data of the contact person
  • Relationship category description – this column contains the name of partner’s relationship category
  • Relationship category classification – this column contains the classification of relationship category assigned to the contact person. Available values:
    • General
    • Purchasing
    • Sales
  • Preferred – this column contains information indicating whether the contact person is partner’s preferred contact person within the relationship category classification. The setting is defined in the partner base data. If a person is a preferred contact person, it will be marked in the column.
  • Occupation – this column contains contact person’s occupation
  • Occupation description – this column contains description of contact person’s occupation
  • Valid from – this column contains information regarding the date from which partner relationship is valid
  • Valid until – this column contains information regarding the date until which partner relationship is valid

Partner relationship categories

Partner relationship categories is an overview of partner’s relationships.

The user must be assigned to at least one organization to be able to preview partner’s relationships. This data is also presented for business partners of Sales representative type, if a given partner is a customer’s or contact person’s customer, contact person or employee and the sales representative is assigned to that partner.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Relationship category – this field allows for selecting partner’s relationship category
  • Description – this field allows for selecting description of relationship category as a search criterion
  • Classification – this field allows for selecting classification of relationship category as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • All
    • Company structural organization
    • Sales
    • Purchasing
    • General
    • Financials
    • Human resources
  • Time dependent – this field allows for selecting time dependence of relationship category as a search criterion
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Relationship category – symbol indicating whether an object is a person or an organization. Moreover, in the tooltip, shows the affiliation (internal/external) and gender for persons.
  • Partner – number of the partner with which the current partner is associated
  • Partner search string – in this column, partner’s search string is presented
  • Relationship category – in this column, relationship category is presented
  • Description – in this column, relationship category description is presented
  • Classification – in this column, relationship category classification is presented. Available values:
  • Company structural organization
  • Sales
  • Purchasing
  • General
  • Financials
  • Human resources
  • Preferred – this column contains information indicating whether the partner is a preferred partner within this relationship category. The setting is defined in the partner base data and is relevant in case there are more relationship of the same category. If the partner is a preferred partner, they will be marked in the column.
  • Valid from – this column contains information regarding the date from which partner relationship is valid
  • Valid to – this column contains information regarding the date until which partner relationship is valid
  • Preferred medium – it is possible to present both preferred relationships, as well as relationships not marked as preferred. The following options are available:
    • Yes
    • No
    • (Ignore)
  • Valid to – as a search criterion, it is possible to indicate the date until which partner’s relationship is valid


Application Cockpit: Campaigns is a preview of campaign persons to which the current partner is assigned as an addressee or addressee’s contact person.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s campaigns. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned to the addressee or addressee’s contact person as a sales representative.

Applications of Cockpit type are used for specifying search criteria and their work pane displays results.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Campaign type – this field allows for selecting campaign type as a search criterion
  • Number – this field allows for selecting campaign number as a search criterion
  • Description – this field allows for selecting campaign description type
  • Sales stage – this field allows for selecting sales stage
  • Begin date – this field allows for selecting campaign begin date as a search criterion
  • End date – this field allows for selecting campaign end date as a search criterion
  • Employee responsible – employee responsible for the campaign
  • Status – this field allows for selecting campaign status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • All
    • Released
    • Blocked
    • Completed
    • Created
    • Addressee verification required
    • Reorganization started
  • Partner – this field allows for selecting partner
  • Contact person – this field contains partner’s employee who is a contact person for campaign purposes
  • Organization responsible – organization to which the partner is assigned
  • Category – this field allows for selecting appropriate campaign
    • Information campaign
    • Sales campaign
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Category – in this column, campaign category is presented Number and category represent unique campaign identification.
  • Number – in this column, campaign number is presented Number and category represent unique campaign identification.
  • Description – in this column, campaign description is presented
  • Organization responsible – this column contains the organization to which the partner is assigned
  • Name of responsible organization – in this column, the name of the organization responsible for the campaign, is presented
  • Employee responsible – in this column, the employee responsible for the campaign is presented
  • Name of responsible employee – in this column, the name of the employee responsible for the campaign, is presented
  • Begin date – this column contains campaign begin date
  • End date – this column contains campaign end date
  • Status – in this column, campaign status is presented. Available options:
    • Released
    • Blocked
    • Completed
    • Created
    • Addressee verification required
    • Reorganization started
  • Campaign category – in this column, selected campaign category is presented

Cockpit: Opportunities

Application Cockpit: Opportunities is a preview of sales opportunities created for a given partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s sales opportunities. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned to a given partner as sales representative.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Opportunity type – this field allows for selecting opportunity type as a sales criterion
  • Number – this field allows for selecting opportunity number as a search criterion
  • Description – this field allows for selecting opportunity description type
  • Status – this field allows for selecting opportunity status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • Active
    • Unactive
    • Won
    • Lost
    • Blocked
    • Reorganization started
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Opportunity type – in this column, opportunity type is presented Number and category represent unique opportunity identification.
  • Number – in this column, opportunity number is presented Number and category represent unique opportunity identification.
  • Description – in this column, opportunity description is presented
  • Revenue – in this column, target revenue is presented.
  • Net margin – in this column, net margin of a sales opportunity is presented
  • Closing date – planned closing date of the opportunity
  • Status – in this column, opportunity status is presented. Sales RFQs

Sales RFQs

Application Sales RFQs is a preview of sales RFQs submitted by a given partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s sales RFQs. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned as a sales representative to the partner submitting the RFQ.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Sales RFQ type – this field allows for selecting sales RFQ type as a search criterion
  • Sales RFQ number – this field allows for selecting sales RFQ number as a search criterion
  • Creation date – this field allows for selecting sales RFQ creation date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting sales RFQ status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Invalid
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Quotation status
      • Not quoted
      • Partially quoted
      • Quoted in full
    • Quotation to – this field allows for selecting the employee submitting the sales RFQ
    • Employee responsible – number of the employee within the company, who is responsible for the sales RFQ
    • Sales organization – this field allows for selecting defined sales organization
    • Delivery partner – this field allows for selecting delivery partner
    • Sales representatives – this field allows for selecting sales RFQ sales representative
    • Delivery recipient – this field allows for selecting delivery recipient
    • Creation date – this field allows for selecting the date of RFQ
    • Invoice recipient – this field allows for selecting invoice recipient
    • Deletion marker:
      • (All)
      • With deletion marker
      • Without deletion marker
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Sales RFQ type – in this column, sales RFQ type is presented Number and category represent unique sales RFQ identification.
  • Sales RFQ number – in this column, sales RFQ number is presented Number and category represent unique sales RFQ identification.
  • Deletion marker – this column indicates whether deletion marker is present or not
  • Creation date– in this column, sales RFQ creation date is presented
  • Employee responsible – in this column, the employee responsible for the sales RFQ is presented
  • Status – in this column, sales RFQ status is presented. Available options:
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Invalid
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Quotation status
      • Not quoted
      • Partially quoted
      • Quoted in full

If the quote due date is exceeded, status symbol will be bordered in pink.

Cockpit: Sales quotations

Application Cockpit: Sales quotations is an overview of quotations submitted for a given partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s sales quotations. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned to the sales quotation recipient as sales representative.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Sales quotation type – this field allows for selecting sales quotation type as a search criterion
  • Sales quotation number – this field allows for selecting sales quotation number as a search criterion
  • Creation date – this field allows for selecting sales quotation creation date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting sales quotation status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Invalid
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Order status
      • Not ordered
      • Ordered in part
      • Ordered in full
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Sales quotation type – in this column, sales quotation type is presented Number and category represent unique sales quotation identification.
  • Sales quotation number – in this column, sales quotation number is presented Number and category represent unique sales quotation identification.
  • Quotation recipient – in this column, sales quotation recipient is presented
  • Name of quotation recipient – in this column, name of sales quotation recipient is presented
  • Creation date– in this column, sales quotation creation date is presented
  • Sales representatives – sales representative assigned to a sales quotation
  • Employee responsible – number of the employee within the company, who is responsible for the sales quotation
  • Total net amount – total of net amounts of all sales quote items
  • Total net amount (voucher currency) – total of net amounts of all sales quote items in document currency
  • Status – in this column, sales quotation status is presented. Available options:
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Invalid
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Order status
      • Not ordered
      • Ordered in part
      • Ordered in full

If the order due date is exceeded, status symbol will be bordered in punk.

Cockpit: Customer contracts

Application Cockpit: Customer contracts is an overview of customer contracts in which a given partner is a contract partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s contracts.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Customer contract type – this field allows for selecting customer contract type as a search criterion
  • Customer contract number – this field allows for selecting customer contract number as a search criterion
  • Creation date – this field allows for selecting customer contract creation date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting customer contract status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Contract status
      • Not called-off
      • Called-off in part
      • Called-off in full
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Customer contract type – in this column, customer contract type is presented Number and category represent unique customer contract identification.
  • Customer contract number– in this column, customer contract number is presented Number and category represent unique customer contract identification.
  • Creation date– in this column, customer contract creation date is presented
  • Total value (primary currency) – for value-based contracts, the total contract value in primary currency is presented in this field
  • Employee responsible – number of the employee within the company, who is responsible for the customer contract
  • Name of responsible employee – in this column, the name of the employee responsible for the customer contract, is presented
  • Status – in this column, customer contract status is presented.

Cockpit: Delivery orders

Application Cockpit: Delivery orders is an overview of supplier orders whose recipient is a given partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s delivery orders. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned to the delivery recipient as sales representative.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Delivery order type – this field allows for selecting delivery order type as a search criterion
  • Delivery order number – this field allows for selecting delivery order number as a search criterion
  • Voucher – this field allows for selecting voucher date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting delivery order status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • Delivery status
      • Canceled
      • Not delivered
      • Delivered
      • Invoiced in part
      • Invoiced
      • Reorganization started
    • Block status
      • Released for invoicing
      • Blocked for invoicing in part
      • Blocked for invoicing
    • Packaging status
      • Not packed
      • Packed in part
      • Packaged in full
    • Picking status
      • No picking order in process
      • Picking in process
      • Picking completed
    • Shipping status
      • Loaded
      • Shipped
      • Neither loaded nor shipped
    • Inventory order status
      • No inventory order
      • Inventory orders generated
      • Inventory orders completed
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Delivery order type – in this column, delivery order type is presented Number and category represent unique delivery order identification.
  • Delivery order number – in this column, delivery order number is presented Number and category represent unique delivery order identification.
  • Delivery slip number – if a delivery slip was created to the delivery order, its number is presented in this column. Delivery slip number is different than delivery order number.
  • Voucher date – date of delivery order creation
  • Open net invoice amount (voucher currency) – open net invoice amount presented in voucher currency
  • Net amount (voucher currency) – net invoice amount presented in voucher currency
  • Status – in this column, delivery order status is presented.

Cockpit: Customer invoices

Cockpit Customer invoices is an overview of all outgoing invoices of a given partner.

The user must possess a sales organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s customer invoices. The data is presented also for a business partner of Sales representative, if such partner is assigned to the invoice recipient as sales representative.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Customer invoice type – this field allows for selecting customer invoice type as a search criterion
  • Customer invoice number – this field allows for selecting customer invoice number as a search criterion
  • Voucher date – this field allows for selecting customer invoice date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting customer invoice status as a search criterion The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • General status
      • Canceled
      • Not canceled
      • Invalid
      • Reorganization started
    • Transfer status
      • Not transferred
      • Transferred
    • Pending items status
      • Invoice not paid
      • Paid in part
      • Paid in full
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Customer invoice type – in this column, customer invoice type is presented. Number and type represent unique customer invoice identification.
  • Customer invoice number – in this column, customer invoice number is presented. Number and type represent unique customer invoice identification.
  • Net amount (voucher currency) – net customer invoice amount presented in voucher currency
  • Voucher date– in this column, customer invoice creation date is presented
  • Payment terms – in this column, customer invoice payment terms are presented
  • Payment method – in this column, payment method valid for customer invoices is presented
  • Status – customer invoice statuses are presented as icons.

If an invoice is canceled, its status symbol will be bordered in blue.

Sales RFQs

Application Sales RFQs is an overview of sales RFQs whose recipient is a given partner.

The user must possess a purchase organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s sales RFQs. The data is not visible for business partners.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Purchasing RFQ type – this field allows for selecting purchasing RFQ type as a search criterion
  • Purchasing RFQ type – this field allows for selecting purchasing RFQ number as a search criterion
  • Creation date – this field allows for selecting purchasing RFQ type creation date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting purchasing RFQ status as a search criterion. The following options are available:
    • (All)
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Invalid
      • Completed
      • Reorganization started
    • Quotation status
      • No quotations received
      • Quotations received in part
      • Quotations received in full
    • Order status
      • Not ordered
      • Ordered in part
      • Ordered in full
      • More ordered
      • Order status not used
Work pane

Standard view contains the following columns:

  • Purchasing RFQ type – in this column, purchasing RFQ type is presented Number and category represent unique purchasing RFQ identification.
  • Purchasing RFQ number – in this column, purchasing RFQ number is presented Number and category represent unique purchasing RFQ identification.
  • Creation date– in this column, purchasing RFQ creation date is presented
  • Quotation to – date until which purchasing RFQ is expected to be received
  • Employee responsible – number of the employee within the company, who is responsible for the purchasing RFQ
  • Name of responsible employee – in this column, the name of the employee responsible for the purchasing RFQ, is presented
  • Status – in this column, purchasing RFQ status is presented.

Cockpit: Purchase orders/line items

Application Cockpit: Purchase orders/line items is an overview of purchasing orders whose recipient is a given partner.

The user must possess a purchase organization assigned in partner’s base data, to be able to preview partner’s purchase orders. The data is not visible for business partners.

Identification pane

Detailed description:

  • Purchase order type – this field allows for selecting purchase order type as a search criterion
  • Purchase order number – this field allows for selecting purchase order number as a search criterion
  • Creation date – this field allows for selecting purchase order creation date as a search criterion
  • Status – this field allows for selecting purchase order status as a search criterion. The following options are available:
    • General status
      • In process
      • Released
      • Blocked
      • Completed
      • Invalid
      • Reorganization started
    • Cancellation status
      • Not canceled
      • Canceled
    • Purchase order status
      • Not ordered
      • Ordered
      • Purchase order document canceled
      • Purchase order change document required
    • Confirmation status
      • Not confirmed
      • Confirmation in progress
      • Confirmed
      • Cancelation confirmed
      • Receive change recommendation
      • Rejected
      • Cancelation rejected
      • Confirmed conditions changed
    • Status of pending confirmation
      • Outstanding confirmation
      • No outstanding confirmation
    • Delivery status
      • Not delivered
      • Delivered in part
      • Delivered in full
    • Invoice status
      • Not-invoiced
      • Invoiced in part
      • Invoiced in full

In multi-site environments, an additional status is available:

  • Status inter-company billing
    • Not cleared internally
    • Cleared internally in part
    • Cleared internally in full
  • Status external delivery
    • No delivery order in process
    • Delivery order in process


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