Procedures: Partners

1 Topic overview

This document describes the procedures for handling the Partners application. The procedures contain instructional steps for creating or editing a partner, for instance.

For more on the application, refer to the document Partners that describes fields and buttons besides other facilities.

2 Create a new organization

  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Click on New organization in the standard toolbar under [New].
  3. Enter an identification for the new organization in the Partner field in the identification pane.
The system automatically determines a number from the number range Other. It is used for determining the partner number for the Base view. A number range for every view in Partners application can be saved in Customizing. If you assign your own partner number, the defaults are overridden from Customizing.
  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the organization.

Selecting the diamond-shaped button opens the dialog window with the input field for entering name elements. You can enter up to three different elements. The entire company description can be entered as name elements.

Name 1: Karl Mustermann

Name 2: Purchase and sale of bicycles

Name 3: GmbH & Co KG

  1. If necessary, enter a partner search string for the new organization in the identification pane field of the application.
If you do not enter a partner search string, the system automatically specifies a string from the entry of the first name element (Name 1) from the name field and the entry of the city from the company address field.
  1. In the Address field of the identification pane, enter the company address of the new organization by opening a dialog window with a diamond button.
The entries in the Country and City fields are important. The Postal code field is also important if the specified country uses postal codes.
  1. Click the Save button in the standard toolbar.

3 Create a new person

  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Click on New person in the standard toolbar under [New].
  3. Enter an identification in the Partner field in the identificat­ion pane.
The system automatically determines a number from the number range Other. It is used for determining the partner number for the Base view. A number range for every view in Partners application can be saved in Customizing. If you assign your own partner number, the defaults are overridden from Customizing.
  1. For this, click the diamond-shaped button next to the Name.
    A dialog window opens.
  1. Enter the name elements for the new person in the dialog window.
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

4 Generate partners from a partner template


The system must already have partner templates.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Click on New from template in the standard toolbar under [New].
    The partner template search dialog window opens.
  1. Enter your search criteria in the search dialog and click on [Start].
    The search dialog displays the partner templates that correspond with the search criteria.
  1. Select the desired partner template and click on [Accept].
    The dialog window closes and the partner fields are populated with the corresponding fields of the partner template.
  1. Change the populated entries according to your needs, if necessary.
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.
There are no required fields in the partner-relevant data in the templates. Therefore, under certain conditions, it is still important to enter them.

5 Duplicate partners

5.1 Duplicate partners in a single-site environment

  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner you want to duplicate.
  3. Click on [Duplicate] in the standard toolbar.
    The Duplicate partner dialog window appears.
If a number range is saved for partners in Customizing, the system automatically generates a partner number for the new partner. You can change this partner number manually.
  1. Change or create a partner number.
  2. Using the checkboxes, select the data to be duplicated.
  3. Click on [OK].
  4. The system generates a new partner.
  5. Change the data, if required.
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.
If the Predefined relationships checkbox is activated, the source partner accepts the partner relationship category data for roles defined by the system. For instance, the entered invoice recipient is accepted as destination partner in the Customer view. This can be the source partner itself. The source partner would then be assigned to the destination partner as invoice recipient.

5.2 Duplicate partners in a multi-site environment

  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner you want to duplicate.
  3. Click on [Duplicate] in the standard toolbar.

The Duplicate partner dialog window appears.

If a number range is saved for partners in Customizing, the system automatically generates a partner number for the new partner. You can change this partner number manually.
  1. Activate the checkbox Data of all organizations if you want to accept the organizational structure of the source partner for the destination partner.
It is possible that a few checkboxes cannot be activated. This can happen when there is no data in the source partner at the selected organization level for the corresponding role.

If you activate the Data of all organizations checkbox, these checkboxes can be selected under certain conditions. One requirement is that there is relevant data for the source partner at the level of another organization and this role has not been marked for deletion at the (active OLTP) client level.

  1. Change or create an partner number.
  2. Click on [OK].
  3. The system generates a new partner.
  4. Change the data, if required.
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

In a multi-site environment, it is possible to accept the organizational structure of the source partner in the destination partner. The following table indicates the effects of individual settings.

Case 1: Destination partner does not exist yet.

Data of all organizations is activated





(Active OLTP) client

Case 2: Destination partner already exists.The selected organization becomes the responsible organization in the destination partner.

If the destination partner already exists, header cannot be selected for duplication. The following table lists the Organization for the selected organization:

Destination partner

Data of all organizations is activated

Role exists for

Organization is responsible


(Active OLTP) client




































(Active OLTP) client

Effect column entries mean

  • Hierarchy:

The required levels and business objects of the roles are created according to the hierarchical structure of the source business object.

  • Organization:

The selected role exists for the destination partner. However, there is no data for the selected organization yet. The selected organization accepts the processing of the data.

  • (Active OLTP) client:

The new role is maintained only at the (active OLTP) client level.

  • Error:

The combination is not valid and an error message is displayed on saving.

6 Generate a new version for a partner

You can generate one new version of a partner in every view, except Relationships view.


A new version can only be entered by users who are assigned to the organization responsible for the partner.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner for whom a new version is to be generated.
  3. Click on [New version] in the standard toolbar.
  4. Enter the future date from which the new version of partner will be valid in the Valid from
  5. Change the data in the input fields in the identification and work pane, if required.
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

7 Generate new partner roles


A new partner role can only be entered by users who are assigned to the organization responsible for the partner.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner to whom a new role is to be assigned.
  3. Select the desired view in the standard toolbar.

In a multi-site environment, new roles must first be created at the (active OLTP) client level. Therefore, the application automatically changes to the (active OLTP) client organization for the new role.

  1. Enter the desired data for the new role.
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.
The data of a new role is first created at the (active OLTP) client level in a multi-site environment, regardless of the actually selected organization. If possible, the role is automatically accepted for the actually selected organization.

8 Delete partners

Partner data is not deleted directly and must first be marked for deletion. Only those versions of the partner or one of its roles that have their entire validity period in the future can be deleted directly, since they cannot be used.

8.1 Delete future partner versions


A partner version, that will be valid only in the future, exists.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. If necessary, switch to the desired view.
  3. Switch to the future version that is to be deleted.

The [Delete] button will be activated.

  1. Click on [Delete] button in the standard toolbar.

The selected version of the partner or role will be deleted.

The validity period of the previous version is correspondingly extended.

8.2 Set a deletion flag for header


The partner has not been marked for deletion yet. The user must have authorization for the responsible organization of the partner, otherwise the [Mark for deletion] button will not be active.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner to be marked for deletion.
  3. Click on [Mark for deletion].

A confirmation dialog window opens with a warning that the partner will be completely marked for deletion.

  1. Confirm the warning if you really want to mark the partner for deletion.

The partner and all its partner roles will be marked for deletion in all organizations and all versions.

The action [Unmark for deletion] will not reverse this procedure. Some roles may already have a mark for deletion before the deletion of the header. This is, however, not consequential after the header has been deleted.

8.3 Set a deletion flag for a role


The role of the partner has not been marked for deletion yet.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner to be marked for deletion.
  3. Select the view in which you want to set a mark for deletion.
  4. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the utilization is to be marked for deletion.
  5. Click on [Mark for deletion].

If you select an (active OLTP) client as organization in a multi-site environment, a confirmation dialog appears with           a warning that the selected role will be marked for deletion in all organizations.

  1. Confirm the warning if you really want to mark the role for deletion.

The selected role contains a mark for deletion in all versions. If the (active OLTP) client is selected in a multi-site             environment, the partner gets marked for deletion in all organizations.

If the (active OLTP) client has been selected as organization, the [Unmark for deletion] action does not reverse this procedure since this role could already have been marked for deletion in individual organizations. This is, however, not consequential after it has been marked for deletion at the (active OLTP) client’s level.

8.4 Remove deletion flag for header


The partner has been marked for deletion. In a multi-site environment the user must be assigned to the responsible organization of the partner.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner to be unmarked for deletion.
  3. Click on [Unmark for deletion].

Deletion flag will be removed from the partner.

8.5 Remove deletion flag for role


The partner’s role has been marked for deletion.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner to be unmarked for deletion.
  3. Select the desired view of the partner.
  4. In a multi-site environment, switch to the desired organization.
  5. Click on [Unmark for deletion].

The selected role is unmarked for deletion in the selected organization.

In a multi-site environment: Even if the selected organization is an (active OLTP) client, the mark for deletion is removed only from this organization.

9 Add an image

An image makes it easier to identify a partner. If you are creating a new partner or opening an existing one, a partner icon is displayed in the identification pane as an example. Procedure to add an image to the base data of a partner has been explained below.


If you want to link an image to a partner, save the image file in the Knowledge Store of the corresponding OLTP database. It is not possible to link an image that is saved locally. In a multi-site environment the user must belong to the responsible organization of the partner.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner for which an image is to be saved in the identification pane.
  3. Right-click on standard icon in the identification pane.
  4. Choose the [Change] command.

The Select logo dialog box opens.

  1. Select the image to be displayed in the identification pane for the opened partner.
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.
The image should be 128 x 106 pixels for the best appearance.

10 Change the organization

  1. Switch to the Organizational structure tab in the navigation pane. All organizations under your authorization are displayed here.
  2. Double click on the organization you want to switch to. You can also change a role view at the same time. Click on one of the role icon.

The system opens the data of the selected organization.

The loaded instance displays the organization in brackets.

11 Accept data for the selected organization


The selected organization must be permitted to accept the data of a role. For instance, only a purchasing organization can accept supplier data.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner that will accept the data.
  3. Select the desired view in the standard toolbar to indicate to data to be accepted.
  4. Open the desired organization for which the data is to be accepted.
  5. Click on [Accept data for the selected organization] in the standard toolbar.
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

12 Accept data processing for the selected organization


The selected organization must be permitted to accept the data processing of a role. For instance, only a purchasing organization can enter supplier data.


  1. Open the Partners application in the Base
  2. Open the partner that will accept the data processing.
  3. Select the desired view in the standard toolbar to indicate to data to be accepted.
  4. Open the desired organization for which the data is to be accepted.
  5. Click on [Accept data processing for the selected organization] in the standard toolbar.
  6. Change the data as required.
  7. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.


13 Create new partner relationship


A new relationship category has been entered in Partner relationship categories application. Partner relationships can be created only for own partner relationship categories that have not been predefined.


  1. Open the Partners
  2. Open the partner for whom a new partner relationship is to be generated.
  3. Switch to Relationships
  4. Click on the table [New] in the standard toolbar.

A new table row is created.

  1. Fill the fields as required.
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.


14 Delete partner relationships


A new relationship category has been entered in Partner relationship categories application. Only those partner relationships can be deleted whose relationship category is not a predefined partner relationship category.


  1. Open the Partners
  2. Open the partner whose partner relationship is to be deleted.
  3. Switch to Relationships
  4. Select the row with the relationships you wish to delete.
  5. Click on the table [Delete] in the standard toolbar.

The selected table rows have been marked for deletion.

  1. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

The selected table rows will be deleted.

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