Procedures: Partners, Relationships view

The following article contains instructions for creating and deleting relationships in the Relationships view of the Partners application.

Create a relationship


A relationship category created in the Partner relationship categories application needs to be available.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Relationships view
  2. Select the [New] button in the Relationships section. A new line item will be added in the work pane.
  3. In the Partner column, enter a partner with whom the relationship is to be created
  4. In the Relationship category, specify the relationship category
Depending on the selected relationship category, required fields are activated: Sequence, Valid from, Valid to.
  1. Select the [Save] button in the application header to save changes

Delete a relationship


It is not possible to delete a predefined relationship.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Relationships view
  2. In the work pane, select a relationship to be deleted and click the [Delete] button in the Relationships section
  3. The selected line item will be marked for deletion; after clicking the [Save] button in the application header, they will be deleted from the work pane

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