Region encodings

In the Region encodings application, you can view and create unique region codes used across the system as well as assign them to code groups defined in the Encoding types application.

Region codes can be used, among other things, in the Intrastat declaration propositions application, where they are displayed as region after they are first exported into a file (this applies to IDEV or RTIC files). They are also used in the Partners application to enter an address.

For instance, regions can be:

– federal countries (such as Germany);

– federal states (as in the USA);

– provinces (as in China).

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Region encodings application

Query pane

Fields in the query pane can be used to search for region codes from a specific encoding type and to filter the search results with the available fields:

  • Encoding type (mandatory field) – select the type of encoding within which region codes are to be searched.  A value in this field can be selected from the list available under the [Value assistant] button. Encoding types are defined in the Encoding types application.
  • Country (mandatory field) – select a country by which codes are to be searched for. Values of this field are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Region encoding – enter a region identification defined in the Countries application to search for a specific region information.
  • Description – description for a region can be entered to narrow down the search results. Region descriptions are defined in the Countries application.

Work pane

The work pane has a table-like structure, where you can view the search results corresponding to the search criteria specified in the query pane and add new region encodings.

To add a new encoding, first, in the query pane, you need to specify the type of encoding and the country in which it will be available.

Codes can only be defined for existing regions. To add a code for a new region, you need to create it first in the Countries application.

The list in the work pane consists of the following columns:

  • Region – displays the region identification and description, which are defined in the Countries application. This column is not editable.
  • Region encoding – enter a unique region code in this column that will be used within the encoding type specified in the query pane. A region code may contain digits, letters or their combination and can be 3 characters long maximum. The entered code is editable also upon saving the data.
  • Description (mandatory field) – a description is retrieved into this column from the Countries application → Description field. This column is editable and if changed, it does not affect the region description introduced in the Countries application

Business entities

The business entity is relevant for the Region encodings application. It is part of the business entity group


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assignment of organizations.

The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Region encodings application.

Organizational assignments

An organizational assignment is not required for the Region encodings application.

Special features

There are no special features for the Region encodings application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Region encodings application is not released for business partners.

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