Sales fast entry vouchers

Topic overview

In this article, you can find information on sales fast entry vouchers, the way they are presented in the system, and the Sales fast entry vouchers application. What is more, this article describes relationships between sales fast entry vouchers and other applications and business entities, as well as their connections with ERP processes. Also, the article discusses relevant fields and actions. See the article Procedures: Sales fast entry vouchers to find instructions on how to work with the Sales fast entry vouchers application, e.g. how to create and edit sales fast entry vouchers. In addition, the Sales fast entry voucher types article discusses the role played by sales fast entry voucher types and how they are created.

Definition of terms

Sales fast entry vouchers

Sales fast entry vouchers allow you to quickly create sales vouchers such as sales quotations or orders. Using fast entry vouchers, you can create customers, items, appropriate quantities, etc. These can then be used to create potential sales vouchers. In this way, sales fast entry vouchers may be seen as a preliminary step for sales RFQs and other vouchers.

Sales fast entry voucher types

Sales fast entry voucher types identify sales fast entry vouchers. In addition, they contain default values and settings used by fast entry vouchers of a given type. For instance, such settings can control validations and system authorizations for sales fast entry vouchers and appropriate destination vouchers.

Application description

You can use the Sales fast entry vouchers application to create and edit sales fast entry vouchers. The application is composed of an identification pane and work pane, both discussed below.

Identification pane

The identification pane of the application contains fields that uniquely identify sales fast entry vouchers and their master data. All this data is distributed over several tabs. See the separate chapters for their descriptions:

Identification fields

General tab

Conditions tab

Destination voucher data

Sales organization tab

Invoicing terms tab

File attachments/texts

Default values

Master data of sales fast entry vouchers is valid and uniform for all line items. Examples of such data include voucher dates, conditions, and currencies.

Some fields in fast entry vouchers, containing both master data and individual line item details, display default values and settings referring to the master data of another system area. Much information of this kind can be retrieved from the type of a given sales fast entry voucher. If the sales fast entry voucher type does not contain necessary data, you can also transfer it into your voucher, for instance, from customer master data. Default values are editable.

Below, you can find the detailed description of individual fields. You can also learn about the possible sources of default values and settings.

Identification fields

Sales fast entry vouchers are identified by their types and numbers. The application also displays the status of a given voucher and an associated customer.



NumberThe Number field contains the unique identification of a sales fast entry voucher. It consists of two components: a voucher type and a voucher number. They are used to clearly identify a given sales fast entry voucher.

Sales fast entry voucher type:
Enter an existing type for a sales fast entry voucher that you want to create or edit. Once you create a new voucher, you can no longer change its type.

Sales fast entry voucher number:
A voucher number is created automatically by the system, based on a number range set for the sales fast entry voucher type. You cannot assign the number manually. However, you can enter the number of an existing sales fast entry voucher that you want to open and edit.
Once assigned, a sales fast entry voucher number cannot be used again, even if the original voucher has not been saved.
StatusThe status icon displays information on the status of a given sales fast entry voucher. A new fast entry voucher is assigned the status In process.
See the section Status and its modification for more details.
CustomerA customer is uniquely identified and assigned through their partner number. You can only select a partner with the Customer role and a reference to a sales organization.
For more details about the Customer role, see the Partners, Customers view article.
Once you enter a customer, their default data and settings are transferred to the master data of the fast entry voucher, while the text cursor is automatically set in the Item field of the line item editor.
To retrieve default values and customer-specific settings, you can alternatively select the buttons [Validate] and [Save] in the standard toolbar.
If another customer has been created, related partner master data (Name, Address, and Care of) will be copied to the sales fast entry voucher.
If prices have been transferred according to the type and immediately set, and the voucher contains line items, you can change the customer only in the dialog window of the [Change invoicing terms] action.

General tab

The General tab contains information about people, organizations, dates, etc. related to the voucher.



Delivery recipient sectionA delivery recipient receives the delivery of ordered items. They are a partner with the Customer role. You can uniquely identify and assign them through their partner number.
The system accepts all partners assigned as delivery recipients in customer master data. The delivery recipient and customer can be the same person/organization. If your customer has more than one assigned delivery recipient, the one marked as Preferred will be entered in the sales fast entry voucher. Nevertheless, you can select another delivery recipient assigned to the customer.
For more information, see the article Partners, Customers view.
If a delivery recipient is changed, related partner master data (Name, Address, and Care of) will be copied to the sales fast entry voucher.
Invoice recipient sectionAn invoice recipient is the addressee of a customer invoice issued for ordered items. You can uniquely identify and assign them through their partner number.
The system accepts all partners assigned as invoice recipients in customer master data. The invoice recipient and customer can be the same person/organization.
Invoice recipients are transferred as part of customer default values. If your customer has more than one assigned invoice recipient, the one marked as Preferred will be entered in the sales fast entry voucher. Nevertheless, you can select another invoice recipient assigned to the customer.
For more details about the Customer role, see the Partners, Customers view article.
If an invoice recipient is changed, related partner master data (Name, Address, and Care of) will be copied to the sales fast entry voucher.
If prices have been transferred according to the type and immediately set, and the voucher contains line items, while the partner is not the ordering party, you can change the invoice recipient only in the dialog window of the [Change invoicing terms] action.

External voucher number and dateThe two parts of this field allow you to enter any external information. Data entered here is for information purposes only and will be transferred to the destination document as external voucher details.
Creation date

It is the date of creation of the sales fast entry voucher. The system automatically enters the current date for new vouchers. However, you can overwrite it as needed, e.g., for analytical or statistical purposes.
Preferred date

A preferred date is the date of delivery expected by the customer.
It is calculated based on the current date and the Preferred date calculation setting of the sales fast entry voucher type. The company calendar is taken into account for date calculations. In a multi-site system, it is the company calendar of the sales organization.
This field uses a date type set in customer master data. It defines, for instance, the precision for entering the date as a defined period, e.g., calendar days or weeks.
You cannot change the date type. Create a preferred date as part of the default date type – you can define it as a calendar day, calendar week, month, etc.
Shipping date

A shipping date is the date by which the company must ship the products to reach the recipient on the preferred date. It is calculated either from the preferred date, taking into account work days, or based on the delivery recipient, or based on a transport time defined in Customizing.
This field is available if the parameter Use shipping date is selected for the Sales function in Customizing.
Sales representativeA sales representative is a partner entitled to receive a commission. You can assign up to three sales representatives to a single sales fast entry voucher.
They must have the Sales representative parameter selected in partner master data.
A partner selected as part of the sales fast entry voucher type in the Sales representative origin field is relevant for assigning the representative.
  • Ordering party (a customer in the sales fast entry voucher)
  • Delivery recipient
  • Invoice recipient

The system also displays a sales representative assigned in the master data of an appropriate partner as a default value. If more than one representative is assigned there, the system transfers the first three representatives at most. You can override the default value at will and select another allowed representative.
Employee representativeIn this field, you can select an employee of your company as a contact person. This employee must be created as an internal partner with the Employee role and must be assigned to their company.

How the default value is determined:
The system verifies if the user currently editing the fast entry voucher document is assigned to an internal employee.
It is done in the context of the currently used database. The system manages all master and transaction data for ERP applications separately for each company in the OLTP database. Company employees are also created in the OLTP database as master data.
If the system finds an employee to which the current user is assigned in the current OLTP database, the employee is entered by default in the field. Still, you can change this employee as needed.
WarehouseIn the sales fast entry voucher, a warehouse refers to an issues warehouse from which the ordered items are delivered.
It is retrieved as a default value from the sales fast entry voucher type. It the warehouse has not been created, it is transferred from the delivery recipient as the default value. An issues warehouse can also be retrieved from the Sales function of the Customizing application for the sales organization.
You can change the warehouse as needed. To do so, select another warehouse existing in the system that is available for the sales organization.
Warehouses can be created and managed in the Warehouses application belonging to the Inventory Management framework.
The warehouse from the sales fast entry voucher will be transferred to the destination voucher and used there, regardless of other settings, both in the destination voucher’s header and line items.
If the Purchasing link field has been set to External third-party order in the destination voucher type, the warehouse entered in the fast entry voucher will be skipped in the destination voucher.
You can manage warehouse usage through the sales fast entry document type. If the Use warehouse parameter is deactivated there, the Warehouse field is also deactivated. In this case, no warehouse is transferred to the destination voucher.

Conditions tab

If the parameters Use delivery conditions and Use payment terms are deactivated in the sales fast entry voucher types, the Conditions tab is also deactivated.



Delivery termDelivery terms determine conditions agreed on by the seller and buyer. For instance, they include the type and place of delivery, e.g., Free shipping or Personal collection. They also allow you to decide whether to calculate existing delivery costs.
If INCO-Terms are used as delivery terms, you must enter a location reference.
See the Delivery terms article for more details about INCO-Terms conditions and managing transport costs.
Delivery terms are transferred from the sales fast entry voucher type. If no delivery term is entered there, the default value is retrieved from the delivery recipient data.
You may override the default value as needed. A delivery term you select in this field will be retrieved as the default value for the destination voucher line items.
If you deactivate the Use delivery conditions parameter in the sales fast entry voucher type, you will not be able to edit the fields Delivery term and Shipping terms; also, they will not contain any default value.

Shipping termsShipping terms determine the type and method of shipping items, e.g., through a shipping company, courier, or postal service. They are also used as the main parameter for calculating freight costs.
For more information on freight costs and shipping terms, see the articles Introduction: Freight costs and Shipping terms.
Shipping terms are transferred from the sales fast entry voucher type. If no shipping terms are created there, the default value is transferred from the data of the delivery recipient.
You may override the default value as needed. A shipping term you select in this field will be retrieved as the default value for the destination voucher line items.
If you deactivate the Use delivery conditions parameter in the sales fast entry voucher type, you will not be able to edit the fields Delivery term and Shipping terms; also, they will not contain any default value.

Payment termsPayment terms determine conditions that need to be fulfilled when paying for a given invoice. Such terms may define dates and cash discount rates. For instance, if the invoice recipient or payment partner abides by specific due dates, they may be granted a cash discount. In such a case, the percentage value of the discount depends on how quickly the invoice has been paid for.
For more information, see the article Payment terms.
Payment terms are transferred as default values from the customer master data of the invoice recipient.
If you deactivate the Use payment terms parameter in the sales fast entry voucher type, you will not be able to edit the fields Payment method and Payment terms; also, they will not contain any default value.

Payment methodA payment method is the way in which a customer pays for an invoice, e.g., by bank transfer or cash on delivery.
Payment methods are transferred as default values from the customer master data of the invoice recipient. You can also select another payment method.
For more information, see the article Payment methods.
If you deactivate the Use payment terms parameter in the sales fast entry voucher type, you will not be able to edit the fields Payment method and Payment terms; also, they will not contain any default value.

Destination voucher data tab



Destination voucher typeIn this field, enter the type of a destination voucher you want to generate from the sales fast entry voucher.
You can select one of the following options:
  • Sales RFQs
  • Sales quotation
  • Sales order

You can set the default option in the sales fast entry voucher type.
Destination voucherA destination voucher is identified by its type and number; this is why this field is divided into two parts:
  • Type
    The first part contains the type of the destination voucher. It must match the type from the previous field. You can set the default option in the sales fast entry voucher type.
  • Number
    The second part contains the non-editable number of the destination voucher. You can use the [Create or delete destination voucher relationship] action to assign an existing destination voucher or remove the assignment.

If this field is empty, the system automatically assigns the number when the destination voucher is created.
If an existing destination voucher has been assigned, data derived directly from its header can no longer be changed in the sales fast entry voucher.
Automatically confirm warnings
You can use this function to automatically confirm warnings displayed when transferring data. You can set the default option in the sales fast entry voucher type.
This setting is used both for automatic and manual transfers.
You can change it in vouchers that have not only the In process status, but also Error in automatic transfer and In manual transfer.
After transferIn this field, you can determine what should happen to the sales fast entry voucher once it is used to generate the destination voucher.
You can select one of the following options:
  • Use voucher again
    After the successful transfer (either manual or automatic), the status of the sales fast entry voucher is changed to In process again. This refers to both the voucher’s header and line items. Such a voucher can then be used as a template for other transfers. If the voucher contains the numbers of destination vouchers, they will be removed.
  • Delete voucher now
    The sales fast entry voucher will be immediately deleted after the successful data transfer to the destination voucher.
  • Complete voucher
    After the successful data transfer, the status of the sales fast entry voucher will be changed to Completed. If the voucher contains the numbers of destination vouchers, they will be retained. You can mark such a document to be deleted during reorganization.
  • Mark for deletion
    After the successful data transfer, the status of the sales fast entry voucher will be changed to Completed. In addition, it is automatically marked for deletion. If the voucher contains the numbers of destination vouchers, they will be retained. Such a voucher is deleted during reorganization. If reorganization has not been started yet, you can manually remove the deletion marker.

You can change it in vouchers that have not only the In process status, but also Error in automatic transfer and In manual transfer.
You can set the default option in the sales fast entry voucher type.

Sales organization tab

The Sales organization tab contains the data of a sales organization responsible for sales fast entry vouchers.



Sales organizationA sales organization is the organization that takes care of preparing the sales fast entry voucher. An invoice for items ordered by the customer is issued on behalf of this organization. The sales organization can be uniquely identified by its partner number. Its name and address data are copied into the fast entry voucher when the voucher is created.
You should select the sales organization before issuing a new voucher, as it cannot be changed later on. In a single-site environment without content-based authorizations, the sales organization is always the active OLTP client.
The sales organization's data is used for payment settlements.
For more information, see the articles Introduction: Multi-site and Content-based authorizations.
The Name and Address fields are automatically filled in by the system. Data in these fields cannot be edited; it is automatically transferred from the sales organization partner's master data when a new fast entry voucher is created.
Care ofThe Care of field allows you to select, change, or create the sales organization's contact person as needed. The default contact person is entered in this field based on the sales organization partner’s master data.
For more information and instructions on this field, see the article Field: Care of.
FirmThis field is filled in with the financial organization (firm) of the sales organization when the sales fast entry voucher is created. This value cannot be changed.

Invoicing terms tab

If the parameter Use prices is deactivated in the sales fast entry voucher type, the Invoicing terms tab is also deactivated.

If the parameter is activated, the following fields are available, with their values transferred to the destination voucher:

  • Currency
  • Discount origin
  • Price listing
  • Discount 1-4
  • Reference date for price determination
  • Calculation time point
  • Partner usage

Similarly, it applies to the line item fields:

  • Gross price
  • Price origin
  • Price dimension
  • Discount 1-4
  • No cash discount parameter
  • No base discounts parameter
  • No multi-item discounts parameter
  • No order value discounts parameter



CurrencyA currency is a unit of money. This field determines the currency of the sales fast entry voucher. The currency used is independent of the customer and is applied for external documents, such as invoices, even if external currencies are given. All prices and values are determined or calculated in this currency.
Currencies are transferred as default values from the customer master data of the invoice recipient to the sales organization’s firm. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer edit the currency in this field.
The system verifies if the currency can be converted into all the internal currencies of the sales organization. An appropriate exchange rate usage and category are entered individually for the sales organization as part of the Sales function in Customizing.
For more information, see the article Exchange rates.
The system displays a warning if the currency of the sales fast entry voucher does not match the price listing’s currency. However, you can ignore this warning.
The currencies of the sales fast entry voucher and of the price listing can be different. In such a case, prices found during price determination are converted into the currency of the fast entry voucher. Converted prices are rounded according to the commercial rounding method.
Discount originIn this field, you can decide whether base discounts and surcharges should be transferred manually or from the price list. Apart from discounts/surcharges applied for individual line items of the fast entry voucher, you can enter four additional ones underneath the Discount origin field. However, if you set the discount origin as Price list or Price list, manual, the system displays existing discounts/surcharges, and they cannot be changed.
Selecting the Price list, manual option has the following effects during the determination of recommendations: if the system finds appropriate base discounts in effective price lists, they are entered in the fields. The Price list, manual field remains unchanged. If the system does not find any appropriate base discounts, it changes the discount origin to Manual to enable you to manually create header discounts and surcharges.
After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change the discount origin. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change the discount origin in line items.
You can change the discount origin at any time using the [Change invoicing terms] action. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, discounts are also not determined immediately. In this case, you can either determine them manually or with the action [Determine prices and discounts], or when sharing them for the manual or automatic transfer to the destination voucher.

For more information on sales prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
Price listingA single price listing can contain multiple price lists. To enable price determination based on a calculation date and reference date, the price listing must contain at least one valid price list. Price lists are effective in specified periods.
Sales price lists determine applicable price components: prices, discounts, discount items, and - in sales only - undisclosed price differences. In addition, each price list refers to single items, item price classifications, customers, or customer price classifications.
Along with price lists it contains, the price listing selected in this field is also used to define the basis for amount determination in the sales fast entry voucher.
An entry in this field is only effective if prices for individual line items of the sales fast entry vouchers are determined through a price list, not created manually. For this purpose, select Price list or Price list, manual in the Price origin field under Prices.
The price listing is transferred as the default value from the master data of an appropriate partner. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer edit the currency in this field.
For more information on sales prices and finding prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.

You can change the price listings of saved sales fast entry vouchers at any time using the [Change invoicing terms] action.
See the article Action: Change invoicing terms.
If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change the price listing.
Partner usage that is relevant for price determination in Sales is defined depending on the sales organization in Customizing ? Sales? Prices, in the Partner usage field. The partner usage set there is used in the sales fast entry voucher as the default, but editable, value.
Discount 1-4These fields allow you to create price components with the Discount or Surcharge category, depending on the price component selected separately for each field.
Discount is a price component that can be used to reduce a defined price or amount during a calculation. In the header of the sales fast entry voucher, discount is expressed as a percent and most often a positive percentage rate.
Surcharge is a price component that can be used to increase a defined price or amount during a calculation. In the header of the sales fast entry voucher, surcharge is expressed as a positive percentage rate.
You can also define discounts and surcharges as negative values. This will set them according to their sign, i.e., a discount with a negative sign will act as a surcharge and vice versa.
Apart from discounts/surcharges applied for individual line items of the fast entry voucher, you can enter four additional ones underneath the Discount origin field. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change discounts and surcharges if the discount origin is set as Manual. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change discounts in line items.
However, if you set the discount origin as Price list or Price list, manual, the system displays existing discounts/surcharges, and they cannot be changed. If the system does not find any appropriate base discounts when the Price list, manual option is selected, it changes the discount origin to Manual to enable you to manually create header discounts and surcharges.
You can change discounts and surcharges with the action [Change invoicing terms].
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Reference date for price determinationItem prices may differ in different periods, since price lists use various effective dates. This field allows you to select which price list should be used for price calculation according to a reference date.
The current date is always used as a default value.
A price determination date from customer data is not entered in this field. The field’s value is only used for price determination internally.
After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change this value. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change this value in line items.

You can change the reference date for price determination in the sales fast entry voucher at any time using the [Change invoicing terms] action.

An entry in this field is only effective if prices for individual line items of the sales fast entry vouchers are determined through a price list, not created manually. For this purpose, select Price list or Price list, manual in the Price origin field under Prices.

For more information on sales prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
Calculation time pointA date and time entered in this field determine when the system should search for an effective price in the price list. If the price has been changed several times during its effective period, an entry in this field determines the precise time point of price calculation.
The price list will be determined according to a date entered in the field Reference date for price determination.
The current date and time are used as the default calculation time point. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change the calculation time point. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change this value in line items.
You can change the calculation time point in a saved sales fast entry voucher using the [Change invoicing terms] action.

An entry in this field is only effective if prices for individual line items of the sales fast entry vouchers are determined through a price list, not created manually. For this purpose, select Price list or Price list, manual in the Price origin field under Prices.

For more information on sales prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
Partner usagePartner usage indicates which customer should be entered by the system as an appropriate partner during price determination. Defined price information will be used for this customer when determining prices.
For instance, the system uses the price classification of partners determined in this field.
For more information on sales prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
One of the following options should be selected:
  • Ordering party
  • Invoice recipient
  • Payment partner

Partner usage that is relevant for price determination in Sales is defined depending on the sales organization in Customizing ? Sales ? Prices, in the Partner usage field. The partner usage set there is used in the sales fast entry voucher as the default value; it is still editable as long as no line items have been created and entered in the line item table. If price determination is delayed according to the fast entry voucher type, you can directly change this value in line items.
If the partner is changed, their price classification will be accordingly determined and considered during price determination.
You can change the partner usage in a saved sales fast entry voucher using the [Change invoicing terms] action.

File attachments/texts tab

The File attachments/texts tab allows you to add texts and attachments. The note icon displayed by the tab label indicates that some texts and attachments have been saved.

For more information on texts and attachments and their usage, see the article Texts.

By default, the texts of the sales fast entry voucher are displayed in the customer’s content language. This also applies if the delivery or invoice recipients use different content languages. You can also add texts in other languages – to do so, select an appropriate option in the Language field in the tab’s toolbar before adding the texts.

Work pane

The voucher’s work pane allows you to create voucher line items. Depending on the destination voucher type, these can be the line items of an RFQ, quotation, or order. To create and preview them, use the line item editor and table. In general, the work pane corresponds to the work panes of destination voucher applications. For more information, see the appropriate articles: Sales RFQs, Sales quotations, Sales orders.

Below, you will find a short description of the line item table and editor.

Line item table for sales fast entry vouchers

The line item table consists of different views. They provide an overall preview of all line items.

If prices are used, you can select the General and Discounts views. If end consumer prices are used, you can also select the End consumer prices view.

See the description of columns available in the individual views:




Line itemGeneral
A line item number is used for more precise identification of individual line items of the sales fast entry voucher.
A line item number is created automatically by the system, based on a number range set for the sales fast entry voucher type. You can also manually assign a line item number in the line item editor. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change their numbers.
See also the description of the corresponding field in the Line item editor chapter.
Text noteGeneralIf the Text note column displays an icon, it means that a line item text exists.
It displays an appropriate item.
See also the description of the corresponding field in the General tab chapter.
For pseudo items, the column displays an item description that is different than the item master data.
Total quantityGeneralIt displays the total quantity of an appropriate item.
See also the description of the corresponding field in the General tab chapter.
You can change or increase the total quantity in this field at any moment.
Gross priceGeneral
It displays the gross price of an appropriate item.
See also the description of the corresponding field in the General tab chapter.
You can change the total price in this field if the price origin is set as Manual. In other cases, the gross price is only displayed and cannot be changed.
This column is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Price dimensionDiscountsA price dimension defines the number of units applicable for a given price. Price dimensions can be created, for example, per 1, 10, 100 etc.
If the price origin has been set as Price list or Price list, manual, the price dimension is determined according to the price list and accordingly displayed in this field. In such a case, you cannot change the dimension, unless you change the price origin to Manual.
If you do so, you can set the dimension manually. With prices created manually, the system displays the default dimension set for a price in item sales data.
You can also select another available price dimension.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Discount 1-2General
Apart from a base discount, you can additionally create a discount on each line item. For more information, see the descriptions of corresponding fields in the chapters General tab or Discounts tab.
This column is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Discount 3-4DiscountsApart from a base discount, you can additionally create a discount on each line item. For more information, see the descriptions of corresponding fields in the chapter Discounts tab.
f price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
It displays information on the status of a given line item of the sales fast entry voucher.
For more information, see the chapter Status and its modification.

Line item editor

You can use the line item editor to create voucher line items. Available fields and functions are grouped on the following tabs: General tabDiscounts tabFile attachments/texts tab.



Line itemA line item number is used for more precise identification of individual line items of the sales fast entry voucher. A line item number is created automatically by the system, based on a number range set for the sales fast entry voucher type. You can also manually assign a line item number in the line item editor. After you create line items and enter them in the line item table, you can no longer change their numbers.
General tab



ItemA single item is entered for each line item of the sales fast entry voucher. You can use all items with the Released status that either have sales data available in the Sales master data view referring to the sales organization or that are alias items. The system validates item usage and displays an appropriate notification.
For more information, see the article Items, Sales view.
To enter an item, use the [Find and add line items] or [Find and add item] actions. Additionally, you can either select the [Accept individually] or [Accept all selected] options. To accept items individually, activate the parameter Accept line items using editor (see Sales fast entry vouchers: Actions).
With the [Accept individually] option, line items are opened one-by-one in the line item editor, where you can enter them into the sales fast entry voucher unchanged and unedited. You can skip a line item or abort accepting line items altogether.
For pseudo items, the application displays an item description that is different than the item master data. If you need it, you can change it with the [Change pseudo item description] action.
Total quantityIn this case, a total quantity is the quantity to be delivered. Select a matching physical or commercial unit (e.g., kilogram or piece) and enter an appropriate quantity.
The system validates the quantity unit. As a unit, you can select:
  • Sales units defined for a given item in master data under Sales, Customer, or Customer classification
  • All units of the same physical category and convertible into the sales units

How the default value is determined:
  • If you use the [Find and add line items] action, it is determined based on other sales voucher line items; the quantity is then taken together with a unit from a source voucher
  • In other cases, the first sales unit is used as default

You cannot enter negative quantities.
Price originA price origin defines from where the system gets data to determine prices. Available options include:
  • Price list
  • Price list, manual
  • Manual

The Price list, Manual, and Price list, manual price origin categories are taken from the fast entry voucher type. You can choose one of the three price origin categories manually for each line item.
If you select the price origin Price list, prices and other price components are transferred from an appropriate price list.
If you select the Price list option in this field, the system may not be able to determine a price in the case where there is no price list in the appropriate price listing.
If the system cannot find a price in the price list and the selected option is Price list, manual, the system switches the price origin to Manual.
If you do so, you can set the dimension manually.

For more information on finding prices, see the article Introduction: Sales price.
If you select the Price list option, you cannot change determined prices and the price origin will be changed to Manual again.
This field is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
StatusIt displays information on the status of a given line item of the sales fast entry voucher.
For more information, see the chapter Status and its modification.
Gross priceThe price is equivalent to the amount expressed in money to be paid for a unit of the ordered item.
If the price origin is Price list or Price list, manual the price is determined according to the appropriate source. In such a case, you cannot change the dimension, unless you change the price origin to Manual.
The currencies of the sales fast entry voucher and of the price listing can be different. In such a case, prices found during price determination are converted into the currency of the fast entry voucher. Converted prices are rounded according to the commercial rounding method.

For more information on automatic price determination, see the article Introduction: Sales price.
The currency is transferred from the header of the sales fast entry voucher and cannot be changed.
This field is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Price dimensionA price dimension defines the number of units applicable for a given price. Price dimensions can be created, for example, per 1, 10, 100 etc.
If the price origin has been set as Price list or Price list, manual, the price dimension is determined according to the price list and accordingly displayed in this field. In such a case, you cannot change the dimension, unless you change the price origin to Manual.
If you do so, you can set the dimension manually. With prices created manually, the system displays the default dimension set for a price in item sales data.
You can also select another available price dimension. The price dimension can only be changed if items have already been delivered or picked.
This field is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Discount 1-2Apart from a base discount, you can additionally create a discount on each line item. Discount is a price component that can be used to reduce a defined price or amount during a calculation. An item discount is output as a percentage value, absolute amount, or absolute quantity, i.e., as a discount in kind in the form of a freebie item; most frequently, discounts are created as positive values.
Surcharge is a price component that can be used to increase a defined price or amount during a calculation. It is created as a positive percentage value or absolute amount.
You can also define discounts and surcharges as negative values. This will set them according to their sign, i.e., a discount with a negative sign will act as a surcharge and vice versa.
If the price origin is set as Manual, these fields allow you to create price components with the Discount or Surcharge category for each line item, depending on the price component selected separately for each field. However, if you set the discount origin as Price list or Price list, manual, the system displays existing discounts/surcharges, and they cannot be changed.
Price components of the Undisclosed price different category cannot be created manually. They are always transferred from the price list and are not displayed for the line items of the sales fast entry voucher.

Discounts and surcharges are considered when determining prices and amounts.
For more information on sales prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
This field is not displayed in sales fast entry vouchers that do not contain prices.
If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.
Discounts tab

If the parameter Use prices is deactivated in the sales fast entry voucher type, the Discounts tab is also deactivated.

If price determination is delayed and internal data is outdated, these fields are empty and deactivated.



Discount 1-4Apart from a base discount, you can additionally create a discount on each line item. Discount is a price component that can be used to reduce a defined price or amount during a calculation. An item discount is output as a percentage value, absolute amount, or absolute quantity, i.e., as a discount in kind in the form of a freebie item; most frequently, discounts are created as positive values.
Surcharge is a price component that can be used to increase a defined price or amount during a calculation. It is created as a positive percentage value or absolute amount.
You can also define discounts and surcharges as negative values. This will set them according to their sign, i.e. a discount with a negative sign will act as a surcharge and vice versa.
If the price origin is set as Manual, these fields allow you to create price components with the Discount or Surcharge category for each line item, depending on the price component selected separately for each field. However, if you set the discount origin as Price list or Price list, manual, the system displays existing discounts/surcharges, and they cannot be changed.
Price components of the Undisclosed price different category cannot be created manually. They are always transferred from the price list and are not displayed for the line items of the sales fast entry voucher.

Discounts and surcharges are considered when determining prices and amounts.
For more information on sales prices and finding prices, see the article Introduction: Sales prices.
No cash discountYou can use the No cash discount option to decide whether line items should be subject to cash discounts.
No base discountsYou can use the No base discounts option to decide whether base discounts and surcharges should be applied when determining a subtotal amount.
If you select this option, a given line item of the sales fast entry voucher will ignore all discounts and surcharges displayed on the header’s Invoicing terms tab.
No multi-item discount
No order value discount
These settings are only effective if the appropriate functions have not been deactivated in the header. They allow you to deactivate these functions separately for each line item.
File attachments/texts tab

The File attachments/texts tab allows you to add texts and attachments. The note icon displayed by the tab label indicates that some texts and attachments have been saved.

For more information on texts and attachments and their usage, see the article Texts.

By default, the texts of the sales fast entry voucher are displayed in the customer’s content language. This also applies if the delivery or invoice recipients use different content languages. You can also add texts in other languages – to do so, select an appropriate option in the Language field in the tab’s toolbar before adding the texts.

The Attachment/Text column displays an appropriate text from item master data whose category is Line item text. By changing a line item text category, you can adjust it accordingly.

Status and its modification

Information on the status of the sales fast entry voucher provides additional details about the voucher. Checking the status, you can quickly learn about the current processing status of the entire voucher and its separate line items. Status information is saved in the system.

Statuses refer both to the entire sales fast entry voucher and its individual line items. The header status covers the status of separate line items.

Available statuses include:

The header can have the following statuses:

  • In process
  • Invalid
  • Released for automatic transfer
  • In automatic transfer
  • Error in automatic transfer
  • In manual transfer
  • Completed (with/without a deletion marker)
  • Reorganization started

A line item can have the following statuses:

  • In process
  • Released for transfer (both for automatic and manual transfer)
  • Error in automatic transfer
  • Skipped
  • Completed


Editing actions

Actions described below are used to process the sales fast entry voucher.

Default actions

For information on the standard actions [New], [Duplicate header], [Refresh], [Validate], [Save], and [Delete], as well as on the line item table and editor, see the article General actions for voucher processing.

Create or delete destination voucher relationship

In the dialog window of the [Create or delete destination voucher relationship] action, you can create a relationship between the sales fast entry voucher and an existing destination voucher. The line items of the fast entry voucher will be added when transferring the assigned destination voucher.

In the dialog window, you can also delete existing destination voucher relationships; in this way, you will create a new destination voucher during the transfer.

Determine prices and discounts

Using the [Determine prices and discounts] action, you can redetermine base discounts and line item prices and discounts.

Change invoicing terms

Using the [Change invoicing terms], you can open a dialog window with the preview of the defined invoicing terms. If you need to, you can manually modify the displayed invoicing terms, even after line items have been added. For more information, see the article Action: Change invoicing terms.

Complete voucher manually

Using the [Complete voucher manually] action, you can change the status of the sales fast entry voucher from In process to Completed. An assigned destination voucher is then changed to a valid status. You can find the action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.

Use voucher again

Using the [Use voucher again] action, you can change the status of the sales fast entry voucher to In process (if it has not been marked for deletion). It removes all references to a destination voucher in the header and line items.  You can find the action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.

Find and add line items (line item table)

The Sales fast entry vouchers application contains an action [Find and add line items]. You can use it to fill in the line item table with new line items originating from the following vouchers of the Sales framework:

Sales fast entry vouchers

  • Sales RFQs
  • Sales quotations
  • Sales orders
  • Customer invoices

For more information about this action, see the article Action: Find and add line items.

File and add item (line item table)

The Sales fast entry vouchers application contains an action [Find and add item]. You can use it to enter one or more items in the sales fast entry voucher, according to appropriate search criteria. For more information about this action, see the article Action: Find and add item.

Alternative variant (line item editor)

Using the [Alternative variant] action in the standard toolbar of the line item editor, you can select a variant item for a specified reference item. In the case of variant items themselves, you can also select alternative variants. For more information about this action, see the article Action: Select variant item for reference item.

Price origin (line item editor)

Using the [Price origin] in the standard toolbar of the line item editor, you can display information on the origin and creation of searched or automatically determined prices and some associated values. For more information about this action, see the article Action: Price origin.

Create a destination voucher

You can use sales fast entry vouchers to generate sales RFQs, sales quotations, and sales orders. These destination vouchers are generated after the manual release. Alternatively, the manual transfer is possible with an appropriate destination voucher usage; the fast entry voucher’s data will be sent to the destination voucher in a special module. The manual transfer is used to process errors that may occur during the automatic transfer.

Release for automatic transfer

Using the [Release for automatic transfer] action, you can release the sales fast entry voucher for the automatic transfer. In this way, it will be processed by the batch application Automatically transfer sales fast entry voucher. If you need to determine a discount or price, the determination will take place before the proper release. It leads to errors or unconfirmed warnings, which prevents them from being released. You can find the action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.

Transfer manually

Using the [Transfer manually] action, you can manually generate a sales RFQ, sales quotation, or sales order from the sales fast entry voucher; also, you can add the fast entry voucher’s line items to the destination voucher. If you need to determine a discount or price, the determination will take place before application of the destination voucher. It leads to errors or unconfirmed warnings, which prevents them from the manual transfer. You can find the action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.

Cancel manual transfer

Using the [Cancel manual transfer] action, you can abort a manual transfer. Also, this action can be used to validate and apply the After transfer setting. You can find the action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.


If it is not stated otherwise, Customizing data referring to the sales order’s sales organization will be loaded.

Base function

The following settings of the Base function in Customizing are relevant for the Sales fast entry vouchers application.



1st internal currency
2nd internal currency
3rd internal currency
You can define up to three internal currencies and designate one of them as the main currency.
If the sales fast entry voucher uses prices according to the type, they are assigned a currency that is usually transferred from the customer master data. It must be convertible into each of the three currencies.
Appropriate exchange rate factors can be created in the Exchange rates application (see the article Exchange rates).
General subfunctionIf shipping dates are used, the company calendar you set in this function will be used to calculate such dates from delivery dates, transport times, and replenishment lead times. It is especially important when you change some of this data.

Sales function

The following settings of the Sales function in Customizing are relevant for the Sales fast entry vouchers application:



Exchange rate usage
Exchange rate category
Using these settings, you can configure the conversion of other currencies into the company’s main currency for the purposes of sales vouchers.
WarehousIf warehouses are used according to the type, and the data of the delivery recipient and the sales fast entry voucher type does not contain any warehouse that could be transferred to the fast entry voucher’s header as the default warehouse, the issues warehouse entered in this field is transferred.
Select one of the warehouses created in the system that is normally used to issue ordered items.
Use shipping dateIf you activate the Use shipping date parameter, the shipping date will be used in the sales fast entry voucher.
A defined transport time will be used to determine the shipping date if no specific transport time is entered in the delivery recipient data.
When calculating the shipping date, the system interprets the number of days entered in this field as working days.
Prices subfunctionThe Partner usage setting configured for the Prices subfunction affects the calculation of sales prices and amounts.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Sales fast entry vouchers application, as it is used, for instance, to:

  • Assign authorizations
  • Provide activity definitions
  • Importing or exporting data

Sales fast entry vouchers:

The business entity is part of the following business entity group:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assignment of organizations. The authorization concept has been described in the Authorizations article.

Special capabilities

The Sales fast entry vouchers application has no special capabilities.

Organization assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data can be viewed, used, or edited. For this purpose, the Content-based authorizations parameter must be activated in the Customizing application (Base function). To allow the user to see and open the Sales fast entry vouchers application in the user menu, the user must be assigned to an organization belonging to the following organizational structure: Sales. To allow opening sales fast entry vouchers or editing data in them, the organization assigned to the user must be entered in the Authorizations table in the Sales fast entry voucher types application. Detailed description of the Authorizations table and the authorization concept can be found in the article Content-based authorizations.

Special features

The Sales fast entry vouchers application has no special features.

Authorizations of Business Partners

The Sales fast entry vouchers application is not released for business partners.

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