Tree view

The production data tree view allows previewing the following data:

  • Operations
  • Routings
  • Materials
  • Bills of resources
  • Resources
  • Resource lists
  • Bills of material

The data tree view is available in the following applications:

  • Operations
  • Routings
  • Bills of resources
  • Bills of material
The tree view may be accessed from the view drop-down menu in the application header toolbar.

The tree view is composed of:

  • Header – it allows defining a production structure to be displayed in the work pane
  • Work pane – it displays the production structure defined in the header
Tree view in Bills of material application

By specifying production quantities, a production item, and production method, the user can simulate which production structure will be activated and displayed according to defined formulas and conditions. In this view, parameters are not displayed for characteristics.

The header contains the following fields:

  • Identification (required) – it allows selecting a production structure to be displayed in the table. Depending on the application, the field is named as follows:
    • Operation – in the Operations application
    • Routing – in the Routings application
    • Bill of material – in the Bills of material application
    • Bill of resources – in the Bills of resources application
If the versioning of production data has been enabled in the application CustomizingMaster data versioning, the Version field will be displayed by the identification field, allowing the user to select the version of production data. The selected version will be displayed in the work pane.
  • Valid on – it makes it possible to select a date for which the selected production structure is to be displayed
  • Level from/Level to – it makes it possible to select the lowest/highest presentation level for the production structure. A detailed description of structure levels is presented in the figures in one of the following chapters.
  • Display – it makes it possible to select the components of the production structure to be displayed in the work pane. Available options include:
    • (All)
    • Bill of material
    • Material without semi-finished goods
    • Operation
    • External manufacturing operation
    • Resource
    • Resource lists
    • Routing
    • Co-product
    • Semi-finished good

The option selected in this field affects only the components used in a given production structure.

The tree view also contains additional fields. To display them, it is necessary to click the [Show/hide] button. Available additional fields include:

  • Production item – it allows selecting a production item for which production data is to be displayed. This is especially important for defined conditions and formulas in production structure items because the structure is separated and displayed taking into account existing conditions and formulas.
  • Production method – it allows selecting a production method for which defined production data will be displayed. The structure is separated and displayed taking into account existing conditions and formulas.
  • Production quantity – it allows defining a produced quantity. Based on this quantity, data is accordingly recalculated in variable columns.
  • Usage – with more complex data structures, it is possible to narrow down the amount of data displayed by selecting its usage. Available options include:
    • Scheduling
    • Planning
    • Cost accounting
    • Service
It needs to be remembered that indicating a production item, production method, and produced quantity allows the simplest simulation of the production process, as other factors may also arise. Conditions and formulas are handled in the widest scope possible.

Work pane

Depending on the production structure used, the work pane may slightly vary, i.e. there may be additional columns that are only available for the specifically selected production structure.

The work pane contains the list of line items. The presentation of line items on the list may be modified by selecting the buttons in the header toolbar. Additional settings include:

  • [Hide artificial levels] – it allows hiding defined artificial levels (e.g. a routing within a routing)
  • [Quantity overview] – it changes the display mode and shows the number of occurrences of given production data at all structure levels. In this view, the number of columns is reduced to:
    • Level
    • Material/routing/operation/resource
    • Line item count
    • Variable quantity
    • Fixed quantity

This summary does not include resources.

  • [Output pages already displayed into file] – it exports table data into an XLS file

The work pane contains the following columns:

  • Level – it displays the level of a defined production structure. A detailed description of structure levels is presented in the figures in one of the following chapters. Additionally, it displays symbols defining the type of production data; available symbols include:
    • Semi-finished product
    • Material
    • Bill of material
    • Co-product
    • Operations
    • Routings
    • External external manufacturing
    • Internal external manufacturing
    • Resources
    • Resource groups
    • Resource lists
  • Material/routing/operation/resource – it displays the name of presented production data in the table
  • Line item – it displays a line item number assigned to given production data in the structure
  • Rejects – it displays the percentage amount of rejects for given production data
  • Performance rate – a performance factor expressed as a percentage value for given production data. Depending on the performance rate, a proportional reduction or increase in reservation time is achieved.
  • Variable quantity – it displays a variable quantity specified for an operation and a reference factor specified for a material. The quantity is calculated accordingly, depending on a value defined in the Production quantity field.
  • Fixed quantity – it displays a fixed quantity defined for an operation.
  • Processing time – an operation’s duration The time is calculated accordingly, depending on a value defined in the Production quantity field.
  • Setup time – time needed to prepare a resource for operation It does not depend on the production quantity.
  • Valid from/Valid to – it displays from when and to when a given table line item can be used
  • Portion of costs – a share in costs defined for a companion product
In the tree view, production items are always separated. It is so regardless of the settings of the fields:

  • Resolve item for line items in the Bill of material view
  • Item resolution in multi-level dispatching (set in the application Items (Production view))

The tree view of a production item will be resolved.

Production data structures

The figures below present the structure levels of production data.

Operation production structure
Routing production structure
Bill of resources production structure
Bills of material structure


The Customizing application does not contain settings for the presentation of structures in the particular applications.


No special authorizations are required to present structures. Authorizations to a given application are binding.

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