Where-used list

The Where-used list application allows displaying the place of utilization of selected production structure elements, such as:

  • Operation
  • Routing
  • Item
  • Resource
  • Resource list
  • Bill of material
  • Bill of resources
  • External manufacturing item

Additionally, the application allows the user to simultaneously replace multiple elements by other elements.

The company produces 30 items for which a single bill of material is defined. Due to rising prices, the company decides to change the product’s components, and thus a new bill of material is created. Instead of changing settings in each of the 30 items, it is possible to change the bill of materials in all products at the same time using the Where-used list application.

The application is composed of:

  • Header – it allows the user to adjust basic input settings for the application
  • Work pane – Table – it allows previewing selected data defined in the application header
Where-used list application

The application toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • [New] – it opens an empty where-used list
  • Production element selection menu – it allows selecting a production element whose usage is to be displayed. Available options include:
    • Operation
    • Routing
    • Item
    • Resource
    • Resource list
    • Bill of material
    • Bill of resources
    • External manufacturing item

The following fields can be filled in in the header:

  • Production element – depending on the option selected in the production element selection menu, the field’s name is displayed accordingly. The field requires the user to define the name of a production element usage that is searched for.
  • Valid on – it allows choosing a date as a search criterion
  • Maximum level – it allows defining the maximum display level for selected production elements
  • Multi-organization – it allows searching within all organizations belonging to the company

Work pane – Table

Work pane – Table in Where-used list application

The table displays data defined in the application header. Table columns include:

  • Symbols – it displays icons designating a relevant type of objects in the table:
    • Production item
    • Operations
    • Routings
    • Bill of material
  • Level – it defines the separation level of a displayed structure
  • Bill of resources/item – it displays the name of a bill of resources or item where a selected element is used
  • Version – it displays the used version of a material/resource
  • Organization – it displays the respective organization where a table line item is defined
  • Quantity – it displays the defined quantity of a table line item
  • Maintaining organization – it is an organization responsible for creating a given line item
  • Line item – it displays the number of a line item of a searched element as entered in data found
  • Rejects – the percentage value of a rejects quantity generated by an element
  • Performance rate – an element’s performance factor expressed as a percentage value
  • Variable quantity – a quantity depending on a quantity specified in a production order, required to manufacture a given product
  • Fixed quantity – in this case quantity will not be recalculated if a quantity is defined in a production order – the fixed quantity will always have the same value
  • Valid from/Valid to – a validity period of a given table line item

The toolbar of the work pane’s table contains the following buttons:

  • [Replace detail line items] – it allows replacing selected elements in an additional dialog window
  • [Output pages already displayed into file] – it allows exporting table data

[Replace detail line items] – Dialog window

The dialog window can be opened by selecting the [Replace detail line items] button.

Dialog window opened after selecting [Replace detail line items]
The dialog window is composed of:

  • Selection field – it allows selecting data to be replaced
    • Bill of resources – it makes it possible to replace elements related to production
    • Resource – it allows replacing resources
    • Item – it allows replacing items
    • External manufacturing item – it allows replacing external manufacturing items
  • Current element – the field is named appropriately, according to an element selected in the selection field. It makes it possible to define a current element used in production processes. The following data is defined for a selected element:
    • Bill of resources – after selecting the Bill of resources option in the selection field, the window displays a drop-down context menu with the following options:
      • Bill of material – the name of a bill of material currently used in the production process
      • Resource list – the name of a resource list currently used in the production process
      • Operation – the name of an operation currently used in the production process
      • Routing – the name of a routing currently used in the production process
      • Bill of resources – the name of a bill of resources currently used in the production process
      • Operation template – the name of an operation template currently used in the production process
    • Resource – the name of a resource currently used in the production process
    • Item – the name of an item currently used in the production process
    • External manufacturing item – the name of an external manufacturing item currently used in the production process
  • New production element – this field makes it possible to define an element that is to replace a defined element currently used in the production process. The field is structured in the same manner as the abovementioned field Current element.
  • Valid from – the beginning date of the validity period of a searched element to be replaced
  • Valid to – the end date of the validity period of a searched element to be replaced

The dialog window’s table is composed of the following columns:

  • Symbols – it displays icons designating a relevant type of objects in the table:
    • Production item
    • Operations
    • Routings
    • Bill of material
  • Level – it defines the separation level of a displayed structure
  • Line item – it displays the number of a line item of a searched element as entered in data found
  • Bill of resources/item – it displays the name of a bill of resources or item where a selected element is used
  • Maintaining organization – it is an organization responsible for creating a given line item
  • Quantity – it displays the defined quantity of a table line item
  • Rejects – the percentage value of a rejects quantity generated by an element
  • Performance rate – an element’s performance factor expressed as a percentage value
  • Variable quantity – a quantity depending on a quantity specified in a production order, required to manufacture a given product
  • Fixed quantity – in this case quantity will not be recalculated if a quantity is defined in a production order – the fixed quantity will always have the same value
  • Valid from/Valid to – a validity period of a given table line item
  • Checkbox – it allows selecting line items whose elements are to be replaced
The application makes it possible to replace elements only with regard to elements currently displayed in the main application table. It is not possible, for instance, to replace bills of materials if an item is displayed in the main application window.

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