Comarch Retail POS extension to Sales channels application

Application Sales channels is available in Sales channels module. It allows for creating and editing sales channels. Thanks to sales channels, there is a possibility of connection with external systems with the use of adapters.

Sales channels application, Comarch Retail POS view

After selecting in field Adapter option Comarch Retail POS for a given sales channel, the user can configure parameters in tab Comarch Retail POS

Section General

  • Subsidiary –  subsidiary of sales organization within which a given sales channel is working, specified by default Address and contact data are uploaded to Comarch POS. Settings defined for that subsidiary are used for calculating VAT tax.
  • Language – content language for selected sales channel. Names of objects on the POS workstation will be presented in this language. Item names and other basic data are uploaded to Comarch POS.
  • Classification status – status of POS sales channel, entered in this field as a classification value. This field is provided for information purposes only the values for this field are retrieved from application Classifications for type Pos sales channel state classification.
  • Calculate best price for customers – activates calculation of the most advantageous promotion for a customer
  • Allow extended export of prices – allows for exporting prices from a default list of price lists, as well as additional list of price lists. If the option is activated, application POS Export sales prices lists is used for export.
  • Generate customer code – allows for generating a code for a customer newly created on POS workstation with the use of CEE Add-on application. If the option Generate customer code is active, then, when adding new customer on a POS workstation, the application CEE Addon retrieves new customer code in accordance with the number range defined in the system.
  • Calculate best price for new B2C customers – activates calculation of the best prices for new B2C customers (retail customers)
  • Calculate best price for new B2B customers – activates calculation of the best prices for new B2B customers (business customers)
  • Number range for customer code – allows for defining the number range with the use of which the customer code will be generated. The customer code will be created within the number range here defined.
  • POS Agent – allows for completing code for POS Agent
  • Partner template for new users – allows for defining a default partner template for new users


For a new user, it is possible to set a default template in Partners application. The templates are defined in application Partner templates. The template indicated in the field Partner template for new users will be used as default for new users.


Section Financial accounting

  • Use transaction classifications   after selecting this option, the system configures the classifications of cash documents which are transferred to the POS workstation as a mandatory attribute of deposits and cash withdrawals
  • End of moth payment terms payment due date is set to the end of month.

Section Inventory transactions for receipts

  • Posting key (Issue) – used for registering transactions for issued items
  • Posting key (Receipt) – used for registering transactions for received items

Posting keys allow to assign automatically payment conditions defined for a given key. Warehouse transactions are generated when processing receipts.

Section Trade documents

  • Voucher note for advance payments textual module used for documenting corrections of advance payments. It is possible to select predefined text which will be used on CEE printouts. In this case, a document from the POS workstation, along with the advance payment, is stored in sales orders in the ERP system.

Section Reverse charge

  • Item tax hierarchy for reverse charge tax classification for items used for reverse charge
  • Partner tax hierarchy for reverse charge tax classification for partners used for reverse charge
  • Tax code reverse charge tax key used for reverse charge
  • Transaction types tax classification tax classification of transaction type used for reverse charge

Section Warehouse documents

  • Use warehouse documents classification allows for using classification for warehouse documents on the POS workstation
  • Distribution order type – order type which is supposed to be used for settling warehouse movements
  • Inventory receipt requisition type order type which will be used for settling warehouse receipts

Section Inventory transactions for warehouse documents

  • Distribution order type – order type which is supposed to be used for settling warehouse movements
  • Posting key (Issue) – used for posting transactions for issued items for warehouse documents (in case an item left the warehouse)
  • Posting key (Receipt) – used for posting transactions for received items for warehouse documents (in case an item was added the warehouse) Those posting keys allow for automatic assignment of payment conditions defined for a given key. Such warehouse postings are generating when processing warehouse documents, e.g., receipt or shipment.



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