Exporting data to a spreadsheet

The system allows the user to export data presented in a given application to a spreadsheet.

The [Export displayed objects] button opens a dialog window with the tabs Format and options and Margins and headers/footers.

On the Format and options tab, adjust primary parameters related to the spreadsheet to be created.

  • Output format – in this section, it is necessary to define printout format details
    • Format – it enables the selection of a file format (XLS (MS Excel) or PDF)
    • Page format – it enables the selection of the page format for the file to be exported (A4 or A3)
    • Orientation – it enables the selection between the portrait and landscape file orientation
  • Output range – in this section, it is necessary to define export range details. It is possible to export either all or selected entries available in the work pane.
  • Options – in this section, the user can define additional parameters for the file to be created
    • Output detail records – it includes detailed data about entries in the file
    • Output total lines – it includes a line item with amount totals in the file
    • Display pictures – it includes graphic symbols. The option is available after selecting the PDF format.
    • Display colors – it distinguishes colors other than black and white in the file. The option is available after selecting the PDF format.
    • Wrap to cell width – it presents the entire cell contents. The option is available after selecting the PDF format.
    • Scaling – file scaling options, including: None, Automatically, and User-defined. After selecting User-defined, it is necessary to enter scaling percentage. The option is available after selecting the PDF format.
    • Output as text – data in the spreadsheet will be formatted as text. The option is available after selecting the XLS (MS Excel) format.
    • MS Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) – it exports the file in the xlsx. The option is available after selecting the XLS (MS Excel) format.
Format and options tab in Output objects window displayed for PDF format
Format and options tab in Output objects window displayed for XLS (MS Excel) format

On the Margins and headers/footers tab, adjust formatting options for margins, headers, and footers.

Margins and headers/footers tab in Output objects window

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