Items, Financials view

Topic overview

This document describes the Financials view in Items application.
Detailed information regarding the application Items can be found in document <<Items>>.

Identification pane

You can create base data for an item in the identification pane. The identification pane does not change and is represented identically in every view.  A description about the type of data you can create in the identification pane and also about Base view can be found in <<Items>> document.

Work pane

To ensure the correct functioning of the system, before starting the work, the Polish client should click on [Select and organize views] button and select Comarch ERP Enterprise for Poland.

The work pane of the Financials view is composed of the following tabs:

  • General
  • Warehouse data
  • Controlling
  • Other fields

Tab General

It allows for specifying the basic data. Fields available in the tab: Felds Ean, Identinfier type, Alternative item, Alias item and Use in orders (parameter) are not subject to edition and present data configured in the Base view.

The Identifier type field is applicable in Inventory management view.

Classifications section

  • Input tax classification – The input tax classification of an item is addressed while determining purchase tax records. Detailed description regarding the application Classifications can be found in <<Classifications>> document, while information regarding input tax code assignments can be found in article <<Tax assignments>>.
  • VAT classification – The VAT classification of an item is addressed while determining the sales tax records. Detailed description regarding the application Classifications can be found in <<Classifications>> document, while information regarding input tax code assignments can be found in article <<Tax assignments>>.
  • Expense account classification – the combination of expense account classification of the item and account classification of the accounts payable determines the account to be posted. Detailed description regarding the application Classifications can be found in <<Classifications>> document, while information regarding account assignments can be found in article <<Account assignments>>. If no expense account classification has been entered for the item, Purchasing utilization is blocked. In a multi-site environment, this lock is applicable for all those organizations to which the currently selected organization has been assigned as firm.
  • Revenue account classification –the combination of revenue account classification of the item and account classification of the accounts receivable determines the account to be posted. Detailed description regarding the application Classifications can be found in <<Classifications>> document, while information regarding account assignments can be found in article <<Account assignments>>. If no revenue account classification has been entered for the item, “Purchase utilization is blocked. In a multi-site environment, this lock is applicable for all those organizations to which the currently selected organization has been assigned as firm.
  • Inventory account classification – the inventory account is determined for inventory evaluation with the help of inventory account classification. Detailed information regarding the application Classifications can be found in document <<Classifications>>. If no inventory account classification has been entered for the item, Inventory management utilization is blocked. In a multi-site environment, this lock is applicable for all those organizations to which the currently selected organization has been assigned as firm.
  • Cost type classification – the data entered in the Classifications application help in setting-up a sales controlling. They form the basis for generating posting blocks from invoice line items Cost type assignments determine processes such as the information to be prepared, for instance, revenue, quantity, discounts, freight costs, cost of goods in the invoice or for invoice line item.  Cost type classification is divided into the following fields:
    • Cost type classification – Sales – this classification is used for specifying the types of costs incurred when selling an item. Detailed information regarding the sales cost type classifications can be found in article <<Sales cost type assignments>>.
    • Cost type classification – Purchasing – this classification is used for specifying the types of costs incurred when purchasing an item. Detailed information regarding the purchasing cost type classifications can be found in article <<Purchasing cost type assignments>>.
    • Cost type classification – Production – this classification is used for specifying the types of costs incurred when producing an item. Detailed information regarding the production cost type classifications can be found in article <<Production cost type assignments>>.
    • Cost type classification – Inventory – this classification is used for specifying the types of costs incurred in reference to the item inventory management. Detailed information regarding the inventory management cost type classifications can be found in article <<Inventory management cost type assignments>>.
  • Goods and services group in this field, enter GTU code for items for which it is necessary. When the field is filled-in, a message suggesting that it you should check whether Split payment parameter should be marked as well, appears.
  • Split payment parameter indicating whether the item is subject to the split payment mechanism. If the parameter is checked, a message suggesting that you should check whether the field Goods and service group should be marked as well.
  • Price dimension – select a value for the price dimension in the selection menu. Price dimension defines the number of units to which a price is applies. Definitions are expressed in powers of ten, so that a price may be for 1, 10, or 100 units, for example. The item can be assigned to the appropriate price list in Sales price lists or Purchasing price lists application. However, the price dimension with the price unit is often manually entered in the purchase order. Item unit field cannot be edited, its value is retrieved from Base unit field, which is filled in the identification pane of the Items application.
  • Price 1-5 – enter the billing prices in the following fields.
If you want to change the currency default, open Customizing in Header grouping and activate the preferred internal currency.
  • Inventory count price – enter an inventory count price here. This price will be used for value-based inventory count valuation.

Inventory Data Tab

The system displays a table in the work pane of selection of the Inventory data tab. Here, you can define estimated item prices in reference to a warehouse. These prices will be used for calculation.

  • Warehouse – the column displays the warehouses of the loaded item. You can assign another warehouse to the item in this column.
  • Price 1-5 – make any changes you need to the valuation prices from the item’s default. You can directly change the amounts for the prices in the field.
These prices can be updated for the production item from a product calculation. More information regarding cost calculations can be found <<Cost calculations>> article.  
  • Inventory count price – enter an inventory count price here. This price will be used for value-based inventory count valuation.

Controlling tab

The Controlling tab allows for specifying parameters related to cost centers.

  • Cost center – cost center is created in Cost centers application and selected on documents, e.g., sales orders. By default, this field is filled-in with the cost center assigned to the item which later will be used in particular processes.
  • Cost unit – cost center is created in Cost units’ application and selected on documents, e.g., sales orders. By default, this field is filled-in with the cost unit assigned to the item which later will be used in particular processes.

Other fields tab

To enter additional information, you can add your own fields in tab Other fields. The user defined fields are basically related to the business entity and are therefore visible for all items.  The values entered in the user-defined fields are applicable for the currently loaded partner.




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