Cockpit: VAT register entries

In Cockpit: VAT register entries application you can view and analyze registered VAT register entries, sum up the amounts of filtered entries and export the filtered entries to a file. The application is handled with the standard buttons available in the system.

Cockpit: VAT register entries application view

Query pane parameters

In the query pane you can filter VAT register entries that meet the specified criteria.

Parameters used to filer VAT register entries

Sections: Goods and services group, Procedures and VAT register entry detail information

In the Goods and services group, Procedures and VAT register entry detail information sections you can filter VAT register entries according to the parameters corresponding respectively to:

  • Goods and services groups
  • Procedures
  • VAT register entry detail information

Buttons available in these sections:

[Show] – presents the section content

[Minimize] – hides the section content

[Remove all filter fields and hide pane] – hides the section during filtering

The filtering mechanism includes the parameters specified in individual sections upon selecting the Link with main query parameter.

Selected Link with main query parameter
Selected [Show] button
Section filtering entries by goods and services group, selected Link with main query parameter
Section filtering entries by procedure
Section filtering entries by VAT register entry information

Work pane

The work pane consists of a table containing filtered VAT register entries. The table layout can be customized using the context menu in the table header. Options available in the context menu allow to:

  • sort columns
  • remove columnsa
  • adjust columns size
  • manage columns properties
Column selection window for the table in the work pane

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