Calculate production inventory values

Calculate production inventory values application

Calculate production inventory values application is used to calculate material costs for pending production orders. All calculations are presented in Production inventory value query application. The application consists of:

  • Query pane – in the query pane you can define the basic identification data for calculation models.
  • Work pane – in the work pane you can define the data relevant for calculations.
Calculate production inventory values application

Query pane

The application query pane is handled with the following buttons:

[New] – adds a new form of production inventory calculation and duplicates an existing calculation form.

[Delete] – deletes a defined form of inventory values. A defined form can also be marked or unmarked for deletion. The deletion options for production inventory valuations are not limited.

[Calculation of values for inventories that are in the production process] – calculates production inventory values. It checks the processing status of production orders related to data provided in the Selection pane. For uncompleted but started production orders, the system calculates differences in material and resource quantities. The received quantity differences are valued according to the selected prices or material and service cost rates and are reported as production inventory.

Fields available in the query pane:

Valuation – unique identification for production inventory values valuation.

Description – additional description for valuation of selected production inventory value.

By date – date for which the value of production inventory is to be calculated.

Valuation price – price for material calculations, selectable options:

  • Billing price 1
  • Billing price 2
  • Billing price 3
  • Billing price 4
  • Billing price 5
  • Inventory count price
  • Last cost price
  • Average price

More information about these prices can be found in the article Inventory valuations.

Cost unit rate usage – cost unit rate defined by default for value calculations. It receives the fixed Plan value. Cost unit rates are defined in the Cost unit rates application.

Selection pane

Production item – item for which the related production orders must be taken into account when calculating production inventory values.

Classification 1 – classification for which inventory values are to be calculated. It is defined in the Classifications application for Production item classification 1.

Cost unit – the cost unit for which inventory values are to be calculated. It is defined in the Cost units application.

Production warehouse – the warehouse for which inventory values are to be calculated.

Order type – the production order type for which production inventory values are to be calculated.

Order number – number of the production order for which production inventory values are to be calculated.

Value calculation for external manufacturing

Production inventory values for external manufacturing operation are specified in different ways, depending on the existence of supplier invoices:

  • if supplier invoices exist – the system takes them into account to calculate the actual and target values of the operation and material provided to vendor in a production order.
  • if supplier invoices do not exist – the system calculates the actual and target values of the operation and material provided to vendor on the basis of purchase orders.

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