Output routings

Using the Output routings application, it is possible to export master data processed in the Routings application. Export may be carried out with the use of a printer, e-mail, or fax.

The standard toolbar of the application contains the following buttons:

  • [New] – it creates a new report or duplicates an existing one
  • [Delete] – it deletes a report
  • [Output report document in batch] – it exports a report in batch
  • [Output report document immediately and display output to file] – it exports data immediately to a selected format
  • [Reset output settings] – it resets fields filled in in the Output settings section
Output routings application

Parameters section

  • Report title – it makes it possible to enter a report name; by default, it is set as Routings
  • Routing – it allows the user to enter the name of one or more routings included in the report
  • Validity period – a validity period for the generated report
  • Classifications 1-5 – classifications are used to narrow down results generated in the report. The user may select up to five classifications of reported objects. Classifications can be configured in the Classifications application.
  • Parameters:
    • Header text – it includes a header text in the report
    • Line item texts – it includes line item texts in the report
    • Formulas and conditions – it includes formulas and conditions defined for routing line items in the report
    • Constraints – it includes constraints defined for routing line items in the report
    • Line item parameters – it includes parameters assigned to line items in the report

Output settings section:

  • Language – it enables the selection of a report language
  • Color background (for tables) – it determines if report line items should have alternating background colors. The background color to be used is defined on the basis of the current theme selected in user settings.
  • Output medium – it makes it possible to select a report export tool:
    • Printer – it generates the report and prints it out
    • Fax – it generates the report and sends it via fax
    • E-mail – it generates the report and sends it via e-mail

The remaining fields depend on the selected output medium. They contain medium-specific address data.


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