Resource utilization

The application makes it possible to display resource utilization in a defined period, i.e. to compare production capacity to resource utilization. It allows the earlier identification of bottlenecks or the overload/underload of resources.

Resource utilization application

The application is composed of:

  • Header – it allows the user to define a search filter
  • Work pane – it displays searched data

The header contains the following data filtering fields:

  • Resource – select resources for which utilization should be displayed
  • Resource group – select a resource group for which utilization should be displayed
  • Time period – enter a utilization period; if no period is entered by the user, it is defined by default, starting from the current date and ending 45 days later
  • Cost center – enter a utilization cost center
  • Material requirements planning – select one or more requirements plans
  • Utilization (%) – enter a percentage utilization value to be displayed. It makes it possible, for instance, to filter out resources with utilization equal to 100%.
  • Deletion marker – specify whether resources to be displayed should be marked for deletion
  • Site – it displays resource utilization according to a selected site
Selecting a site does not automatically restrict the search for resources and resource groups. If resources have been selected that do not belong to a registered site, it is not possible to validate results.

Work pane

The work pane is composed of the following tabs:

Overview tab

Work pane of Resource utilization application – Overview tab

The tab allows the user to preview the rate of resource utilization in a table. The tab’s header contains the following fields and buttons:

  • Starting time point – it makes it possible to change the initial date of displayed data. It depends on the subsequent fields.
  • Number – it enables the definition of a number by which the initial date is to be changed
  • Resolution – it allows the user to define the data display mode and the shift period of the starting point. Available options include:
    • Shift – it displays resource utilization per production shift
    • Day – it displays resource utilization per day
    • Week – it displays resource utilization per week
    • Month – it displays resource utilization per month
  • [Capacity] – it displays detailed timing data for a resource, such as:
    • Capacity – the period of time available for production
    • Reserved – the period of time reserved by production orders
    • Planned – the period of time planned for production
    • Total – the combined planned and reserved period of time
  • [Reservations] – it displays the number of a production order that is responsible for reserving resource working time
  • [Output pages already displayed into file] – it exports table data into an XLS file

Diagram tab

Work pane of Resource utilization application – Diagram tab

The tab provides a graphical view of the rate of resource utilization. The tab’s header contains the following fields and buttons:

  • Starting time point – it makes it possible to change the initial date of displayed data. It depends on the subsequent fields.
  • Number – it enables the definition of a number by which the initial date is to be changed
  • Resolution – it allows the user to define the data displayed mode and the shift period of the starting point. Available options include:
    • Shift – it displays resource utilization per production shift
    • Day – it displays resource utilization per day
    • Week – it displays resource utilization per week
    • Month – it displays resource utilization per month

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