Production order types

The Production order types application is used to define production order types necessary to create production orders. It includes further settings that can be customized as predefined for a specific production order type. Furthermore, data in production order types is used in the logistics and financials frameworks or to limit other organizations’ authorizations to a specific type of production order.

The application consists of:

  • Query pane – in the query pane you can define the basic data for production order type.
  • Work pane – in the work pane’s tabs you can enter specific information regarding inventory logistics, vouchers and external manufacturing.
  • Authorization table – in the authorization table you can define the organization’s permissions to a specific production order type.

Query pane

In the query pane you can specify the basic data for a production order. Following buttons are available in the toolbar, next to the standard buttons:

[New] – adds and duplicates a production order type.

[Delete] – removes a production order and adds and removes a deletion marker. It is not possible to delete a production order type that is used by other voucher types, sales order type for instance.

Fields and parameters available in the application query pane are the following:

  • Type – name of production order type.
  • Description – identification of production order type.
  • Number range – a number range assigned to a production order type. A number range numbers respectively production orders and is defined in Number ranges
  • Production warehouse – warehouse in which a production order operation will be performed.
  • Receipts/issues warehouse – the default warehouse for material reservation line items and co-product line items, provided that a warehouse is not specified in the bill of material line item and in the co-product line item.
  • Issues posting key – it is assigned for transaction records purposes and is defined in Posting keys
  • Order priority – defines the priority of production order. It serves as a sorting criterion in applications of Cockpit
  • Scheduling category – specifies the default scheduling category for production order type. Selectable options are:
    • Forward one level – order completion date is calculated on the basis of order start date. It does not include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods.
    • Backward single-level – order start date is calculated on the basis of order completion date. It does not include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods.
    • Forward multiple levels – order completion date is calculated on the basis of order start date. It does include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods. For this purpose, it creates additional production orders that include the production of semi-finished goods.
    • Backward multi-level – order start date is calculated on the basis of order completion date. It does include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods. For this purpose, it creates additional production orders that include the production of semi-finished goods.
    • Forward multiple levels in order – order completion date is calculated on the basis of order start date. It does include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods by adding them to the newly created production order.
    • Backward multi-level in order – order start date is calculated on the basis of order completion date. It does include necessary production of internally manufactured semi-finished goods by adding them to the newly created production order.
  • Use finite capacity – determines whether to take into consideration available resource capacities. It is deselected, by default.
  • Note resource reservation settings – if selected, it is possible to use work models with data defined in the Resources application under Valuation of gaps as interruption It is deselected, by default.
  • Manual order reference necessary – forces the creation of a reference to a production order line item. The reference indicates the sales voucher on the basis of which a production order was generated. It is deselected, by default.
  • Multi-level dispatching according to planning data – it runs production for all semi-finished goods necessary to produce a production item. This parameter can only be used if the Demand coverage field is set to Production in Items application → Planning data section under the Planning view for a given bill of material line item. It is selected, by default.
  • Automatic production reports – time point at which a process step is to be reported in the system:
    • On receipt of goods from production – a production report is created when the finished product is received in the warehouse.
    • On report of operation – a production report is created after the last operation is posted.
  • Purchase order type – in this field you can select a purchase order type defined in Purchase order types
  • Use cost unit in production – in this field you can set whether a cost unit is to be used in the production order. Selectable options are:
    • As per Customizing setting – settings are retrieved from Customizing application → Controlling.
    • Yes – a cost unit will be used for a given production order type.
    • No – a cost unit will not be used for a given production order type.
  • Reporting – time point at which a finished product is to be received in the warehouse. Selectable options:
    • As per Customizing setting – settings are retrieved from Customizing application→ ProductionReportings.
    • Reporting via last operation – a finished product is received in the warehouse after the last operation is posted.
    • None – product is not received in the warehouse automatically.
  • Time of determination of identifier – time point or production order at which identification is to be assigned to the currently produced material. Selectable options are:
    • While generation the production order without abort function – an identifier is defined or generated during creation of a production order.
    • While generation the production order with abort function – an identifier is defined or generated during creation of a production order with an option of aborting the production order generation.
    • While reporting in receipt of goods – an identifier for a production item is defined at the time the goods are received in a warehouse in Receipts of goods application.
    • When dispatching the production order – an identifier is defined or generated during dispatching of a production order.
    • When releasing the production order – an identifier is defined or generated after releasing the production order.

Work pane

The settings of warehouse logistics, documentation and in-house external production are specified in the work pane.

Material procurement tab

Material procurement tab in Production order types application

Following fields are available in this tab:

  • Availability rule – type of availability rule for material reservation defined in Availability rules
  • Availability check for material reservations – if selected, the system verifies the availability of materials through the action [Calculate availability] in Production orders It is deselected, by default.
  • Picking order type – type of picking order, that is the movement of materials necessary for production from the components warehouse. It is defined in the Picking order types
  • Delivery order type – type of delivery order defined in Delivery order types
  • Delivery priority – delivery priority from 0 (the highest priority) to 8 (the lowest priority).
  • Use allocated quantities – assigns material quantities to a specific production order. It activates the action [Set allocated quantities] available in Production orders It is deselected, by default.
  • Batch splitting for materials provided to vendor – splits material quantities to be processed in the external manufacturing operation. It is deselected, by default.
  • Allow overpicking – reserves materials above the required quantities. It is deselected, by default.
  • Reservation time point – defines the time point of resource and material reservation. Selectable options are:
    • With dispatch – reserves the line items when the production order is dispatched.
    • During release – reserves the line items when the production order is released.

Documents tab

Documents tab in Production order types application

The Documents tab contains fields and a line item table in which it is possible to define a template document for a given production order type. Selectable fields are:

  • Output call-up:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • No print – generates production documents to a production order.
    • All voucher together (default) – generates all production order-related documents as one voucher.
    • Work documents individually – generates activity-related documents based on the data defined in Operations and Resources
    • Material documents individually – generates material coverage-related documents based on the data defined in Warehouses
    • All individually – generates all document types separately.
  • Production order documents – defines which documents are to be printed from a production order action. Selectable options are:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • No production order documents – does not generate production order-related documents.
    • Production order slip – generates a production order slip only.
    • Job ticket – generates a job ticket only.
    • All production order documents – generates all production order-related documents.
  • Material documents:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • No material documents – does not generate documents related to coverage of materials for the production process.
    • Material ticket – generates a material ticket only.
    • Material list – generates a material list only.
  • Output material line items:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • Yes – displays in material documents all material line items defined in the production process.
    • No – displays in material documents only the material line items without the automatic reporting option selected.
  • Work documents
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • No work documents – does not generate documents related to production process activities.
    • Work ticket – generates a work ticket only.
    • Work list – generates a work list only.
  • Output work line items:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • Yes – displays in work documents all operations defined in the production process.
    • No – displays in work documents only the operations without the automatic reporting option selected.
  • Reset print status after changes:
    • As per Customizing setting – the system retrieves the document settings from the ProductionDocuments function under Customizing
    • Yes – in case data is changed in a production order of a given type, the output of documentation is undone.
    • No – in case data is changed in a production order of a given type, the source documentation is preserved.

The Voucher document templates table in the Documents tab is handled with the following buttons and is composed of the columns below:

  • [Add] – adds a new voucher in the line item table.
  • [Set/remove deletion marker] – adds or removes a deletion marker for line item in the line item table. The line item is removed after the production order type is saved.
  • Voucher document – in this column you can select a defined type of production voucher. Selectable options are:
    • Production order slip
    • Job ticket
    • Material list
    • Material ticket
    • Work list
    • Work ticket
    • External manufacturing delivery
  • Medium – an output medium of the defined voucher. Selectable options are:
    • Printer
    • Fax
    • E-mail
  • Voucher document template – in this column you can assign a template defined in the Voucher document templates application to a voucher.
  • Recipient addressing – if Fax or E-mail is selected as medium, then it is possible to define the address details of the voucher recipient. Selectable options are:
    • Business fax
    • Private fax
    • Private e-mail
    • Business e-mail
    • (No selection)
  • Preferred – this parameter is used to select a preferred voucher type that will ultimately be added to a production order in case there are several templates defined for one voucher type.

Multi-site production tab

Multi-site production tab in Production order types application

The Multi-site production tab activates upon selecting the Internal external manufacturing parameter and is composed of the following fields:

  • Employee responsible – employee coordinating the production process.
  • Return transport distribution order type – type of distribution order for return transport selected from among the types defined in the Distribution order types
  • Destination warehouse for return transport – the warehouse in which the products returned from a supplier are to be stored.
  • Settlement distribution order type – distribution order used for settlements and defined in Distribution order types
  • Calculation type – calculation type used for cost calculation and defined in Calculation types
  • Source warehouse for service – source warehouse for in-house external operation process.
  • Destination warehouse for service – target warehouse for in-house external operation process.

Authorizations table

In the Authorizations table, you can grant the rights to an organization to use a given type of production order. Organization data and the authorization level are added to the table that is handled with the buttons below and is composed of the following columns:

  • [Add] – adds an authorization to the table as a new record.
  • [Find and add organizations] – opens a dialog window to search for and add one or more organizations to the table.
  • [Set/remove deletion marker] – adds or removes a deletion marker for the line item table. The line item is removed after the production order is saved.
  • Organization – an organization for which authorizations are granted.
  • Own authorization – authorizations for the specified organization. Selectable options are:
    • Read – the specified organization can only read a given type of production order.
    • Maintain – the specified organization can use a given type of production order.
  • Authorization for other organizations – authorizations granted for other organizations. Selectable options are:
    • Read – other organizations can only read a given type of production order.
    • Maintain – other organizations can use a given type of production order.

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