JPK_V7M file handling

Functions Country specifics and Financials – Poland

In the Customizing application, it is necessary to:

  • Activate Country specifics function. In tab Settings, for Country specifics field, it is necessary to select value Poland.
  • Activate function Financials – Poland

It is also required to check whether in System cockpit application, the correct Certification authority of Root Certificate type is selected. Thanks to that, it will be possible to establish connection with Web service by HTTPS protocol. Required certificates are provided along with the installation pack.

System cockpit Application

Number ranges

In Number ranges application, the user must create:

  • Number range of JPK_V7M declaration type
  • Number range of VAT register entry type, which is used by particular VAT register entry types
  • Number range of Official confirmation type

Number ranges application, number range of JPK_V7M declaration type

VAT register entry types

In VAT register entry types application, types for categories listed in VAT register function, in Customizing application, must be created. It is done with the use of number sequences from the previous point. To do so, it is necessary to:

  • Select [New] button
  • Complete the following fields in the work pane: Type, Description, Number range, Category
  • Select [Save] button

Detailed information is available in article <<VAT register entry types>>

VAT register entry types application

JPK_V7M function

In the Customizing application, it is necessary to activate JPK_V7M function. Activating the function allows for enabling the functionality generating JPK files. Additionally, if the user wants to use the automatic sent of JPK files, it is mandatory to verify the correctness of the value of Web service address field and of the data regarding documents, activated with the use of Document management function. The data in the JPK_V7M function is completed withe use of additional application UPDAPV005992 Data update for customizing JPK_V7M function.

Detailed information is available in article <<JPK_V7M function>>

View of the functionality JPK_V7M in Customizing

VAT register function

In the Customizing application, it is necessary to activate VAT register function, within which default associations between VAT register entry types and appropriate categories representing the type of object generating the entry, must be created. Detailed information is available in article <<VAT register function>>

View of active function VAT register in the Customizing application

Additional configuration

In VAT register entry types assignment application, it is possible to create associations between document/transaction category and VAT register entry type. To create such assignment:

  • It is necessary to select [New] button
  • It is necessary to select a category in Category column
  • It is possible to select customer invoice or supplier invoice type
  • It is necessary to specify transaction code for postings done directly in the financials module. The same transaction code cannot be assigned to the following categories:
    • FIN – Customer invoice and FIN – Customer invoice correction
    • FIN – Supplier invoice and FIN – Supplier invoice correction
  • It is necessary to select VAT register entry type
  • It is necessary to click on [Save] button

The assignments created from this level have priority over the assignments created in the VAT register function, in the Customizing application. Detailed information is available in article <<VAT register entry type assignment>>.

VAT register entry type assignment application view

VAT registers

Within VAT registers, data used to generate, e.g., JPK_V7M declarations, is collected. In accordance with this, it is mandatory to create the VAT register for which the JPK_V7M declaration will be generated. To create such VAT register, in VAT registries application, it is necessary to:

  • Select [New] button
  • In the dialog window, select tax period for the register
  • Select the [Accept] button

Before generating the JPK_V7M declaration, it is recommended to close the VAT register, in order to disable:

  • Assigning new entries to it
  • Editing entries previously assigned to it

In the case of a register with Open status, the declaration generated to it will be a simulation and it will not be possible to confirm it as long as the register is opened.

To close a VAT register, in the VAT registries application, it is necessary to:

  • Select an appropriate register
  • Click on [Select action] → [Close VAT register]

After double-clicking on selected VAT register, in JPK_V7M section, information regarding declarations JPK_V7M generated for the selected VAT register, is presented. Detailed information regarding creating and managing VAT registers can be found in <<VAT register>> article.

VAT register entries

The JPK_V7M declaration data is affected by <<VAT register entries>> which, at the same time:

  • Are assigned to a specific VAT registry
  • Are confirmed
  • Are not canceled
  • Are not marked for deletion

VAT register entries can be generated:

  • Manually, in the VAT register entries application
  • Automatically, after:
    • A correct posting in Posting financial accounting application, on general ledger accounts, of documents with transaction of Invoice or Payment type (for supplier invoices on which discount was applied)
    • Correct generation of a customer invoice in the CEE section
    • Correct introduction of an invoice to the system (Completed status) in the CEE section of a supplier invoice

Detailed information VAT register entries can be found in <<VAT register entries>> article.

Entries generated automatically are assigned to an appropriate register on the basis of the tax point date. If the register is closed or blocked, entries will be created without assigned VAT register. Such entries will be not included in the JPK_V7M declaration.

Generating JPK_V7M declaration

The JPK_V7M file is composed of the declaration and record part. In order to generate a JPK_V7M file, it is necessary to:

  • Select appropriate VAT register in VAT registries application
  • Click on [Select action] → [Generate JPK_V7M declaration]
    After selecting the button, a dialog window is opened, where it is necessary to specify the following parameters:
    • Schema version – in this field, schema version valid for a given period, defined in the customizing function <<JPK_V7M>>, is automatically assigned (from 01.01.2022 version 2 is valid). For periods before the 01.01.2022, version 1 is automatically suggested and it is not possible to generate the declaration with the use of the version 2, because the system displays a warning informing about incorrectly selected schema.
    • Firm – displays the firm in the context of which the application VAT registries is opened and for which the declaration is being generated. Field provided for information purposes, cannot be edited.
    • Purpose of submission – purpose of JPK_V7M declaration submission Declaration / Correction For one registry, it is possible to generate one declaration and many corrections.
    • Previous declaration – number of the last generated declaration with Sent or Confirmed status. Also, declarations from previous tax periods are taken into consideration. Previous declaration – number of the last generated declaration with Sent or Confirmed status.
    • Corrected declaration – number of the corrected declaration in case of generating correction. This field can be modified, if in the field Purpose of submission, the value Correction is selected. It is only possible to select a JPK_V7M declaration with Sent or Confirmed status.
    • Period – tax period related to the VAT register is displayed in this field. The field is provided for information purposes and cannot be edited.
    • Share in taxable sales of goods and services – in this field, it is necessary to specify the percentage value of VAT tax related to purchases made for purposes of mixed bundling, that can be calculated. Default value is 100%. The field is not subject to edition.

Tab Parameters of the Generate JPK_V7M declaration window

After specifying the parameters, the declaration can be generated as a batch process of the system ([In batch] button). Clicking on [Cancel] button cancels the process of generating the JPK_V7M declaration.

After generating, the declaration is available in the application VAT registries, in JPK_V7M section, upon double-clicking on the row with the VAT registry to which it was generated.

For periods before 01.01.2020, it is not possible to generate JPK_V7M file replacing JPK_VAT file and VAT declaration.

Modification of the declaration part of JPK_V7M

The user can modify the declaration part of the JPK_V7M document from the level of <<JPK_V7M declaration data>> application. Most fields in the tab General are automatically retrieved in accordance with the data in the application Customizing, in the Polish Uniform Control File (JPK), in the tab Settings (only Telephone number must be filled-in manually). The declaration part can be verified in the Details tab.

Declaration can be edited if it has Created status. For declarations with Confirmed status, fields are inactive. To edit a confirmed declaration, it is necessary to click on the button [Select action] → [Edit declaration]. In such case, the status of the declaration will be changed to Created.

Calculating JPK_V7M declaration

If the VAT registry to which the JPK_V7M file is being generated was previously opened, it is necessary to close it and recalculate the declaration. It will allow for updating data contained in the declaration in accordance with the current data, contained in the VAT registry entries. Recalculation of the declaration is possible from two levels:

  • In the JPK_V7M declaration data application, with the use of the button [Select action] → [Calculate]
  • In the application <<VAT registry>>. To do so, it is necessary to:
    • Indicate a registry containing the declaration to calculate
    • Click on [Select action] → [Generate JPK_V7M declaration]
    • Complete parameters, in the same way as for a declaration which is to be recalculated.
    • Click on [In batch] button

Deleting JPK_V7M declaration

In order to delete a JPK_V7M declaration, it is necessary to:

  • Open the JPK_V7M declaration data application
  • In Declaration number field, indicate declaration
  • Click on [Mark for deletion] on the selected declaration.
  • Start batch application Reorganize JPK declaration data. The reorganization allows for permanent deletion from the system of the objects marked for deletion. After adding the deletion mark the system verifies whether the declaration can be deleted. The declaration will be deleted automatically provided that it is not associated with any other document marked for deletion

Confirming JPK_V7M declaration

If the JPK_V7M declaration data is correct, it is necessary to confirm the declaration with the use of the button [Select action] → [Confirm declaration] in the JPK_V7M application. Declarations with Created status can be confirmed. After confirming a declaration, it is possible to generate a JPK_V7M file.

Generating JPK_V7M file

To generate a JPK_V7M file with the declaration and record part, it is necessary to click on the button [Select action] → [Generate JPK_V7M file] in the JPK_V7M declaration data application.
After selecting the button, a dialog window is opened. The values of most parameters from this window are automatically retrieved from the declaration to which the file is to be generated.

Field Original file location is filled-in automatically, if for the JPK_V7M function, in the Customizing application, original file field is completed.
If the field Original field is not completed or if the location is supposed to be different than the default one, it is necessary select the folder in which generated files will be saved. It is only possible to select a folder placed in the server’s location.

If the parameter Validate against XSD schema is checked, generated files will be verified against XSD schema publishes by the Polish Ministry of Finance. If any non-compliances with the scheme occur, additionally a file with listed errors is generated.

After e correct generation of the JPK_V7M file, the declaration assumes Generated status. If the system was correctly configured for automatic JPK_V7M file sending purposes and if the JPK_V7M file is correctly generated, the field Original file is automatically filled in in the tab JPK_V7M file. If the declaration takes status Generated with error, in the tab JPK_V7M file, fields Original file and Error file will be filled-in.

Sending JPK_V7M file

From the level of the application Customizing → button [Functions] → JPK_V7M function,

settings related to the functionality of sending JPK_V7M file (Web Service address, JPK_V7M files location path in kstore and all parameters regarding the documents), are available. These fields are completed with default values which can be changed.

To send the JPK_V7M file, it is necessary to:

  • Start external application Comarch ERP Enterprise Addons (the most recent version of the application must be used), used for signing JPK files.
  • Open the JPK_V7M declaration data application
  • In the Declaration number field, select a declaration with Generated status.
  • Click on the button [Select action] → [Send JPK_V7M file]. After selecting the action, it is necessary to select two certificates installed on the computer, with the use of which the file will be signed (qualified signature and CEE certificate that allows for accessing kstore, where signed and encrypted files are to be saved). After correct selection of certificates, a message informing about successful saving of the file to send. The status of the declaration will be changed to:
    • Sent – the JPK_V7M file was sent successfully
    • Sent with error – JPK_V7M file sending failed

In a correctly sent JPK_V7M file, the following fields are automatically complete: Reference number and Sending date.

It is also possible to send a JPK_V7M date with the use of an external application. After the file is sent, from the level of the application JPK_V7M declaration data, with the use of the button [Select action] → [Confirm sending JPK_V7M] file, the user can change the status of the file to Sent. If an external application is used, it will not be possible to retrieve UPO file from the level of the CEE system. Also, the information regarding UPO will be not be stored.

If the declaration was sent in an external application and previously the action [Confirm sending JPK_V7M file] was performed, the status of the declaration can be changed back from Sent to Generated, with the use of the button [Select action] → [Undo JPK_V7M file sending] available in the JPK_V7M declaration data. The action [Select action] → [Undo JPK_V7M file sending] is also available, when sending status is set to Sent with error or Rejected.

Retrieving UPO

To retrieve UPO, it is necessary to:

  • Open the JPK_V7M declaration data application.
  • In the Declaration number field, select a declaration with Generated status and with reference number.
  • Click on the button [Select action] → [Request UPO] that starts the batch application. If the UPO is retrieved, the status of the declaration will be changed to Confirmed. Otherwise, the status of the declaration will be changed to Rejected.

Data related to sending JPK_V7M declaration and retrieving UPO is available in the JPK_V7M declaration data application, in the JPK_V7M file tab (e.g., JPK_V7M file reference number, file sending date and UPO receiving date, UPO status).

UPO can be retrieved only if the JPK file was sent from the CFE system.


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