Procedures: Assortment listings

This document describes the procedures for handling the Assortment listings application. The procedures contain instruction steps, such as how to enter or edit an assortment listing. Creating assortment listings requires the assignment of assortment lists.

For the description of individual fields in the Assortment listings application, refer to the Assortment listings article.

Assigning an assortment list

  1. Open the Assortment listings application
  2. Select an assortment listing to which an assortment list is to be assigned
  3. Click the [New] button in the standard toolbar of the work pane
  4. In the new table line item, enter the identification of the assortment list in the Assortment list column; optionally, enter its validity period
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to save the list added to the assortment listing

Deleting an assortment list

  1. Open the Assortment listings application
  2. Select an assortment listing from which an assortment list assignment is to be deleted
  3. Select the row with the assortment list assignment to be deleted
  4. Click the [Set/remove deletion marker] button in the standard toolbar of the work pane. The selected line item will be marked for deletion.
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to confirm the deletion of the assortment list assignment. The assignment will be deleted together with the table line item.

Changes to assortment lists and listings

In order for the system to load changes to assortment lists and listings, they need to be processed by a batch job in the Batch jobs application. The process may be initiated and completed individually. It allows the user e.g. to complete changes to an assortment list, and then to run batch jobs, thus reducing the processing utilization.

Instructions for running and closing this process may be found in the article Procedures: Assortment lists (Changes to assortment lists and listings chapter).


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