Magento shipping term assignments

The Magento shipping term assignments application makes it possible to create assignments between shipping terms (e.g. Carrier, Parcel locker) defined in the system and shipping methods from a Magento store within a selected sales channel. Such assignments can only be made within sales channels using the Magento adapter.

An assignment can be made if shipping terms used are activated in the administrator panel of a relevant Magento store.

If shipping term assignments are not created in the application, settings defined in the Sales channels application will be applied.

Magento shipping term assignments application

The application is composed of a header, containing the standard toolbar, and a work pane.

The application header contains fields that allow the user to specify search criteria for assignments to be displayed in the work pane:

  • Sales channel (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select a sales channel for which a given shipping term will be used. Available sales channels can be selected after clicking the [Value assistant] button.
  • Magento shipping method – the field contains a drop-down list of shipping methods available in a Magento store that can be used as search criteria
  • Shipping term – using the [Value assistant] button in this field, it is possible to select a shipping term defined in the Shipping terms application

Work pane

By default, the work pane’s table displays all shipping term assignments available in the system. After applying filters available in the header, the work pane displays results corresponding to the search criteria. It is also possible to add new assignments and delete or sort existing ones. Available columns include:

  • Sales channel (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select a sales channel for which settings entered are to be used. Available sales channels can be selected after clicking the [Value assistant] button.
Only sales channels using the Magento adapter can be selected in this field.
  • Magento shipping method (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select a shipping method available in a Magento online store. The method will be assigned to a shipping term and sales channel entered in the other two columns.
  • Shipping term (required) – in this field, it is necessary to enter a shipping term (defined in the Shipping terms application) to be assigned to the shipping method of a Magento store within a given sales channel.
A Magento shipping method Free shipping is assigned in the application to a shipping term Free delivery defined in the system. While placing an order, the user selects the Free shipping method. Once the order is imported into Comarch ERP Enterprise, its form in the Sales orders application contains the Free delivery shipping term.

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