Shopware extension to Items application

The Items application contains the Shopware tab, that makes it possible to define additional settings for item forms displayed in the Shopware online store. For instance, the tab allows the user to add item labels.

For the tab to be displayed on the tab bar, it is necessary to click the [Select and organize views] button and select the Shopware extension in the Sales view.

The tab is composed of sections that make it possible to define settings related to price calculations and general settings (labels, item quantity available for sales etc.).

Units section

The section allows the user to define settings related to item price calculations, which makes it possible to display prices on the online store item forms after recalculating the prices into an item’s basic unit in the case where a given item is composed of multiple units (e.g. several kilograms) or pieces. Available fields include:

  • Content – it allows defining of how many elements a single item unit is composed
An item Cat food comes in 5kg packs, so the value 5 should be entered in this field. If a single item consists of two pieces, e.g. two cans of fruit, the value 2 should be entered in this field.
  • Basic unit – it makes it possible to select a basic unit according to which an item is to be recalculated
In the case of the Cat food item, it is necessary to enter the basic unit of 1 (kg). For fruit cans, it is also necessary to enter 1 (can), as a single item consists of two elements.

Price calculation for units is active if the values in the abovementioned fields are greater than 0 (default value). Units of measure are retrieved from the Base unit field on the item form.

For an item Dog food with the price of 50 EUR, the value 5kg will be entered in the Content field – as it is the weight of a single pack. In the Basic unit field, the value 1 will be entered, which will make it possible to recalculate the product’s cost into the basic unit, that is 1kg, in the external system.

Settings section

The section contains settings related to orders and allowing the user to add item labels. Available fields include:

  • Minimum order – it allows defining a minimum item quantity that can be purchased by a customer
If a minimum order quantity is defined in this field, it is also necessary to enter a maximum order quantity (in the Maximum order field).
  • Free shipping – selecting this parameter displays the Free shipping label on the item form
  • Graduation – it makes it possible to define of how many units a single pack consists if an item is to be sold in multi-piece/multi-kilogram packs. A value entered in this field corresponds to the number of pieces/kilograms that will make up a single pack.
If the value 2 is entered for an item Milk in a carton, it will be possible to buy two, four, six, eight cartons, etc.
  • Highlighting item – selecting the parameter highlights a given item in the store
  • Maximum order – it allows defining a maximum item quantity available for sales
If the value 2 is entered for an item Dishwasher X, customers will not be able to buy more than two such items as part of a single sales order.
The difference between the maximum and minimum order quantity must be divisible by the number defined in the Graduation field, if any.

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