IBUS extension to Sales channels application

The Sales channels application, belonging to the Multi-channel sales framework, makes it possible to create sales channels with the use of adapters, including the IBUS adapter.

Using the IBUS adapter, it is only possible to create one sales channel.

In order to create a sales channel with the IBUS adapter, select the IBUS option in the Adapter field of the Sales channels application. Once the option is selected, the Comarch Integration BUS tab is displayed in the work pane.

The IBUS adapter is available if it has been installed and activated in the Customizing application (Comarch ERP Integration BUS function).

Comarch Integration BUS tab

Sales channels application: Comarch Integration BUS tab

The tab contains additional settings of the IBUS adapter. Available fields include:

  • Document type
  • Sales tax classification – in this field, it is necessary to select a tax classification to be used for calculating item prices in Comarch Mobile application. Additionally, a classification entered in this field is the default classification for partners added in the application.

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