Content codes

The Content codes application is used to define codes that identify the packaging content for a specific country in the packaging disposal process.

According to the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) in force as of 1.01.2019, certain obligations were imposed on companies that put packagings filled with products on the German market for the first time, which remain with a retail customer or organization as waste after use.

Business entities who are putting packed products into circulation for the first time should comply with the new law. In the case of selling DDP/DAP to German retailers, the responsible party is a foreign company, such as a Polish company.

Content codes are required by Duales System Deutschland (DSD) company responsible for collecting packaging waste in Germany.

Content codes are not used for reporting to Altstoff Recycling Austria (ARA) company disposing packaging in Austria.

In order to use the application, you need to activate the Packaging disposal function in the Customizing application.

The company can be changed in the Customizing application under the Packaging disposal function.

Content codes are assigned to packaging groups in the Packaging groups application.

The application consists of a query pane, containing a toolbar with standard buttons, and a work pane.

Content codes application

Query pane

In the query pane, you can enter the search criteria to get existing content codes:

  • Country – select a country as search criterion in this field
  • Content code – this field is used to search for code assignments by content codes
  • Description – you can limit the search criteria to the codes with a description specified in this field
  • Deletion marker – this field is used to search for codes with or without a deletion marker:
    • (All)
    • Marked as deleted
    • Not marked for deletion

Work pane

The table-like work pane presents the search results according to the criteria specified in the query pane. Rows in the table can be sorted or exported using the buttons available in the table.

In the work pane, you can create new content codes or delete them. Available columns:

  • Country (mandatory) – enter a country to which content code applies in this column. Values in this column are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Content code (mandatory) – enter manually a content code in this field. A code can be composed of five characters maximum. Acceptable characters are: numbers, letter and some special characters, such as dot or slash.
  • Description (mandatory) – enter an additional description for the content code in this column.

To start the search, select the [Validate] button in the standard toolbar.


The application Content codes is visible to a user only if the Packaging disposal subfunction is activated in the Customizing application → Base function.

Business entities

The business entity is relevant for the Content codes application. It is part of the business entity group It is used, for example, to perform one of the following:

  • import and export data
  • assign authorizations


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assignment of organizations. The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Content codes application.

Organizational assignments

An organizational assignment is not required for the Content codes application.

Special features

There are no special capabilities for the Content codes application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Content codes application is not released for business partners.

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