Procedures: Compare product cost calculations

This article describes the procedures for handling the Compare product cost calculations application, the expected preconditions and effects.

For a detailed description of the Compare product cost calculations application, refer to article Comparison of product cost calculations.

How to create a new product cost calculation comparison

  1. Open the Compare product cost calculations application
  2. Select a calculation type in the first segment of the Number field. The required type is Product cost calculation comparison.
  3. Select the [New] button to add a new comparison.
    A cost calculation comparison number is automatically assigned in the second segment of the Number field according to the number range defined in the Customizing application → Calculation function → Calculation type number range field. Fields in the defined product cost calculation comparison will be filled in automatically based on the number range selected for the calculation type.
  4. In the Description field, enter a name for the new cost calculation comparison
  5. Select the first cost calculation to compare in the field Calculation 1
  6. Select the second cost calculation to compare in the field Calculation 2
  7. You need to select at least two cost calculations to compare. The application can compare up to four cost calculations; third and fourth calculations can be selected in fields Calculation 3 and Calculation 4, if necessary.

    Compared calculations must be created with the use of the same number range, must have the status Calculated and must be of the same category.
  8. Save the calculation comparison with the [Save] button
  9. Compare the calculations with the button [Select action] → [Compare calculations].
    A dialog window Compare product cost calculations will open.
  10. Specify the source of the comparison date in the Setting reference date field
  11. If you set the Setting reference date field to Use specified date, enter a comparison date in the Reference date field
  12. In the Background settings tab, enter the date for the background task
  13. Select the button [In background] to start the calculation comparison process

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