Price lists, Customer/Supplier view

The Customer/Supplier view allows you to define general discounts and surcharges for your customers or suppliers, without restriction to selected items or classifications.

To calculate discounts for ordering parties, select the Ordering party option in Customizing Sales Prices Partner usage. Otherwise, discounts will be calculated for invoice recipients or payment partners.
Sales price lists application: Customer view
A 5% discount on all items has been given to customer JANPOL. Once you enter this customer as the ordering party in a sales order, the discount will be automatically applied to all order items.

Header of the Customer/Supplier view

Available fields/parameters include:

  • Price list (required) – it allows you to enter a price list’s identification. It can consists of up to 15 characters, including letters, digits, and some special characters (dot, hyphen). The field is editable until you save changes.
  • Validity period (required) – the field is divided into two parts: in the first one, enter the beginning of the validity period, and in the second – the end. You may either enter them manually or use the calendar icon.

If the validity period is no longer effective, you can change it only with the [Accept validity period] action.

  • Description (required) – it is an additional description of the price list
  • Currency (required) – it is the currency to be used when presenting prices defined for classifications included in the price list.

The field is editable until the price list is assigned to a price listing.

  • Price list category – use the drop-down list in this field to determine the price list’s category. Available options include:
    • Standard
    • Sales promotion
  • Standard price list (activated after selecting Sales promotion in the Price list category field) – it allows you to select a standard price list to which the promotional price list should refer
  • Classification – it makes it possible to classify the price list according to a sales/purchasing price list classification defined in the Classifications application. The classification can be selected from the list under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Accept validity period – activate this parameter to assign the validity period from the header to all discounts/surcharges assigned to the price list. Leave this parameter deactivated to allow defining a separate validity period for each customer.
  • End consumer prices (only available for sales price lists) – activate this parameter to define a price list for retail customers (B2C). If you leave this parameter deactivated, the price list will be used for organizations (B2B clients). This setting does not affect the customer category that can be included as part of te price list.
Make sure that the sales price listing to which the price list will be assigned also has the End consumer prices parameter selected; otherwise, the system will display an error message.

Once you save the sales price list, it will no longer be possible to change its setting as long as it is assigned to a price listing.

The parameter is made available after activating the End consumer prices function for the parent organization in Customizing Functions Sales.

Line items in the Customer/Supplier view

The list of line items displays price information grouped for item price classifications. Available columns include:

  • Price category (non-editable) – it displays a price category as a symbol with a text prompt depending on the selected price component type
  • Customer/Supplier (non-editable) – it displays a partner (either a customer of supplier) for whom a discount/surcharge applies
  • Scale – it displays a scale from which the discount applies
  • Price component type – it displays a selected price component type applicable to a line item
  • Quantity, price, percent – in this field, specify a discount percent
  • Valid from – it displays the date from which a given price component is effective
  • Valid from – it displays the date to which a given price component is effective
The columns Valid from and Valid to are visible if the Accept validity period parameter in the application header is deactivated. Otherwise, the columns are not displayed and the validity period of classification item prices is inherited from the application header.

You can also select the [Change information] button to see additional columns:

  • Last changed by (non-editable) – it displays the identification and name of a user who last entered some changes
  • Last change time (non-editable) – it displays the date and time of the last modification of a line item

Line item editor in the Customer/Supplier view

You can apply only discounts/surcharges in the Customer/Supplier view.


The [Surcharge/discount] button allows you to apply a surcharge or percentage discount from a value scale for your customer/supplier.

Once you select the button, the following fields become available:

  • Customer/Supplier (required) – it allows you to select a partner for whom the surcharge or discount applies. The list of partners with the role of Customer/Supplier is available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Scale – it is used to define the value from which the surcharge/discount should be applicable. The field is divided into two parts; in the first part, you can enter a value, while the second part is automatically filled in with the currency of the price list and cannot be edited.
  • Price component type (required) – in this field, you can enter a price component type (of the Discount or Surcharge category) with an appropriate usage
In the Customer/Supplier view, you cannot use sales price component types whose usage is Line item or Multi-item.
  • Percent – in this field, you can enter the percentage value of the discount or surcharge
  • Validity period (required if the Accept validity period parameter in the header is deactivated) – in the first part of the field, specify the start of the price validity period for the classification, and in the second part – the period’s end. You can either enter the dates manually or select them from the calendar in the field.

Customer view in Sales price lists application

A 20% discount has been given to customer 10040 in the Sales price lists application. If the customer’s order exceeds 100 EUR, the discount will be granted automatically, provided that the feature of header and value surcharges is active.


Supplier view in Purchase price lists application

The purchase price list specifies that supplier 25010 will be granted a 10% discount on purchases exceeding 1000 EUR.

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