IBUS fix of 02.2022

The fix is available for the following system versions:

  • 6.2.0 with fix CIS620PB-Fix03 and the application Multi-channel sales in version 35.6:6.2.0 and the application Comarch ERP Integration BUS in version 35.3:6.2.0 installed
  • 6.1.0 with fix CIS610PB-Fix13 and the application Multi-channel sales in version 26.29:6.1.0 and the application Comarch ERP Integration BUS in version 26.7:6.1.0 installed

The current version of the IBUS adapter is compatible with Comarch Mobile Sales and Comarch Mobile Management 2022.1.

Export of the information regarding users to Comarch Mobile

It is now possible to export the dictionary of user functions or jobs (such as: employee, manager or secretary) to the Comarch Mobile application, in order to make it possible to define the function of a contact person.

The functions are defined in the application Functions and exported with the use of the application BUS Export masterdata.

In the application Comarch Mobile, the contact person functions are presented for informational purposes.

If a function is deleted or is marked for deletion, it will not be exported.

For the changes to be visible in Comarch Mobile, it is necessary to synchronize data in the application after finishing the export,

Export of the information regarding contact persons to Comarch Mobile

In the system, it is now possible to export the information regarding contact persons with the use of the application Export customers.

Only contact persons added in the application Partners, Customer view, are exported.

In the Comarch Mobile application it is possible to verify the contact person on the main customer form.

Import of the information regarding contact persons to Comarch ERP Enterprise

It is now possible to import contact persons from the Comarch Mobile application to Comarch ERP Enterprise system with the use of the Import partners application.

Contact persons are defined in the application on the customer form. They are imported along with their assigned functions and the Sales role in relation with the main customer. After the import, a new customer form with the contact person’s data is created.

Partner’s contact person can be previewed on the form of the main customer in the Customer view.


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